[h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa Troop[/color][/h2]
[b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,001 (2+)
[b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (225/100)
[b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 9 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (198/90)
[b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kamek: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=DeepSkyBlue]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](125/100)
[b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] Limsa Lominscuttle Town - Kanzuki Beach
Feat: Rika

As the light show of fusion ended, and while Bowser was still trying to show off his (mostly) old bod to anyone who would take a look a crew rolled in some of whom, unlike his intended target, did take an interest in his new-old form.

One was Rubick of many titles, a mage/scholarly looking type who took an immediate interest in the mechanism of fusion itself.

[color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ah…”[/color] Kamek said before quietly admitting that [color=DeepSkyBlue]”In hindsight maybe we should not have been doing this in such a public setting without expecting… consequences”[/color] there was a pause and then she shrugged [color=DeepSkyBlue]”oh well, too late now”[/color] 

[color=DeepSkyBlue]”I’m Kamek, royal advisor and top magikoopa of Lord Bowser. Please, allow me to explain”[/color] she introduced herself, before she picked up the remaining dire penguin spirit and began to do just that [color=DeepSkyBlue]”This is a spirit, the remains of a felled foe. It can be applied to the heart to one of said foe’s powers or the head for some of its skills or knowledge, which results in the fusion you have just witnessed. We also just got a way to localize the effects of the fusion process as well, as can be seen by his flexfulness’ changes now mainly being to the shell where before they warped and contorted his entire body”[/color] 

[color=DeepSkyBlue]”You can also make a pact to instead summon them as temporary support”[/color] she flicked a hand to the side and summoned both Quiet and the End to one side. The pair glanced to and fro once or twice just in case there was a threat, before both took the opportunity to sit or lay down and enjoy the beach, with the old man commenting: “Finally some real sunshine. Took you long enough” as he basked in the light for the few moments he’d get.

[color=DeepSkyBlue]”I, ah, yes. Entirely intentional”[/color] Kamek lied which got laugh and an eye roll from the snipers, before she coughed and got back to the last part of her explanation, saying [color=DeepSkyBlue]”and finally you can crush the spirits to produce useful items,”[/color] before demonstrating that by crushing the spirit and producing:

[hider=for Kamek]
[b][url=https://i.imgur.com/9BxUMlS.png]Toy Penguin[/url][/b]
A bouncy, rubbery penguin that's one foot tall. It's totally resistant to blunt force, making it a handy stress reliever, and it's cute too!

[color=DeepSkyBlue]”Uhhh. Ok so it’s a bit arbitrary in what it produces sometimes, one moment”[/color] Kamek said after it sunk in what he had produced. She tossed it aside (where it was instantly tackled by Dazzle the Poppilo, demonstrating its toughness as it went bouncing away entirely unharmed no matter how many practice dire leaps it took to the face) and picked up one of the ocean crawler spirits. 

There was a brief flash of light, and then the mage was holding a finely crafted silver and blue shield. 

[color=DeepSkyBlue]”There we go,”[/color] Kamek said, a touch relieved that she had not been given a detestably useful nick nack twice in a row, before holding out the shield and offering it to Rubick while saying [color=DeepSkyBlue]”here, see for yourself. Real as can be and quite finely crafted too I must say”[/color] 

[hider=for Rubick]
[b][url=https://i.imgur.com/UTHATjr.png]Loch Shield[/url][/b]
An artisanal shield crafted with blue glass. Originally used to safeguard the leader presiding over a sacred Healing Church ceremony, and later supplied to tomb prospectors, in particular those exploring the labyrinth of Isz. The blue is fashioned after a lake, and the shield is effective against magic damage

While Kamek engaged with her fellow mage, Bowser got the attention of the small pink robot who had been introduced as Susie. 

[color=FD0000]”Yeah you know we are!”[/color] Bowser replied to her comment about them being as tough as they said, entirely missing the intent of the wink he had received and just taking things at face value as he gave another flex, arms pumped up on either side of his head, before gloating that [color=FD0000]”Honestly, the stories probably don't even do us justice”[/color] while doing a downward flex over his chest, causing his shell to ripple as segments rose to reveal cannons, before those fell and allowed other segments to rise and unleashed stabby crackling crab limbs and tentacruel tendrils for a moment before they to where put away.

The king dusted off his hands after that, somewhat done with showing off now and instead directed his attention fully onto the newcomers, specifically challenging Susie with:  [color=FD0000]”So what makes you think you're tough enough to roll with us, huh little lady?”[/color] the question intended to be more of a prompt for her to talk about herself than any kind of derision or preemptive put down. After all, the ever useful Blazermate was right next to her as an example of why you shouldn't underestimate little bots.

While those two old turtles nattered on with the newcomers the kids were left to enjoy the sunshine and say hi to the more familiar late arrivals. Jr invited the hat kid to come build sandcastles with him, Lana and Rika, while the ship girl herself Bazermate and Nadia a wave before getting distracted by the big ship pulling into port. The talk about it being a trade ship  reminded her she had a bunch of personal spending money burning a hole in her pocket, and suggested they check that out at some point as a result. 

But maybe only after dinner.

While all this was going on there was the somewhat hard to miss street, or rather beach, fight also going on between their fancy host and the rough and tumble Sakura. While the troop were, of course, cheering Sakura on when they went otherwise occupied by chatting, they had to admit that Karin was quite the impressive brawler, something none had really suspected given her high class aesthetics. 

It was an impressive bout, of that there was no doubt, and quite the nice piece of entertainment that ended with the hero winning (naturally) and then showing off some cunning by swiftly freeing her opponent from Galeem’s grasp.

[color=FD0000]”A big ball of light with wings blew every world to bits and then stitched them back together and made everyone forget that it did that”[/color] Bowser called over to the confused and embarrassed Karin, giving the most abridged explanation of this whole situation he’d given so far [color=FD0000]”So we’re gonna punch its bosses, and then with them outta the way we’re gonna punch its lights out”[/color]