[color=a9a9a9] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220529/9a2a88eeb2f54b7826a48f39d90511e4.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/947186976677843007/980347531655532564/images_3.jpeg[/img] [hider=Look when in school/ on Earth] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/947186976677843007/980747887279484978/Mae-turnaround.gif[/img] [/hider] [hider=Look when back on Shadowfell] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/947186976677843007/980702606760480838/Hero-turnaround_1.gif[/img] [/hider] [/center] [sub][center]Gender: Female (She/Her) | Age: 14 | Height: 5'0 | Weight 130lbs[/center][/sub] [center][b]d20 - [u]Flight[/u] | d12 - [u]Brain[/u] | d10 - [u]Fight[/u] | d8 - [u]Charm[/u] | d6 - [u]Brawn[/u] | d4 - [u]Grit[/u][/b][/center] [center][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [i]Maeshel "Mae" Kirtholnodel[/i][/center] [center][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [i]Mae is short and lean, even for female Shadar-Kai standards. Between artistic fascination, and cultural practice, most of Mae's body is artistically covered with ritual scarecations. Most of the scarring has been inked in, making tghem even more visable. Though during most of the times, Mae wears simple peirings, when feeling extra exotic, she'll place her rings in, wearing chains between ear rings and even nose[/i][/center] [center][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [i]Though Mae longs for friendship and companionhood, she is often soft spoken and seen as a loner. Mae tends to wear a hard shell and it takes a lot to break through but when someone does, she becomes extremely alive and friendly. When Mae is home in Shadowfell or is visited by her family, it's like night and day. Where she seeks friendship and acceptance, Mae becomes reserved and cold. Though her family are heavily devout to the Ravenqueen and even runs one of the main cults both on the material plane and Shadowfell, Mae's faith has been less strong, a disapointment held especally strong by her father who is a High Prist.[/i] [/center] [u][b]Background:[/b][/u] [i]Maeshel "Mae" Kirtholnodel is a Shadar-Kai elf, born and residing in the gloomy plane of Shafowfell. Her family, devout cultists of the revered Raven Queen. Its now Mae's turn to attend the magic school yet she has the hard desition of following her passion of the arts, or tradition. Upon her mother's untimely death upon Mae's birth, her wand was passed down to Mae for when she reached the age to become a training to become a mage. To get her comfortable in the "madain world", Mae has spent the last couple years with her Aunt and Uncle, both who tends to a family owned Morgue. As a "Coming of age" gift, Mae's aunt gifted her her broom, a Bolting 4000.[/i] [u][b]Strengths:[/b][/u] [u][b]Shadow Affinity:[/b][/u] [i]All Shadar-Kai go through some level of shadow magic, one of the most basic shadow magic abilities is to be able to blend into the shadows.[/i] [hider=mechanic]When spending Adversity tokens to conceal your presence while in the dark, each Adversity token is worth +2." This would apply to hide checks, illusions magic, moving stealthy, etc.[/hider] [u][b]Gifted:[/b][/u] [i]Mae comes from a family of renoun in the Shadowfell. Most are masters of Shadow Magic, others Clerics of the Grave. The Kirtholnodel takes their magic ability extremely serious, all members are trained rigorously, and at times, aggressively, from childhood till they reach the age to attend Strixhaven.[/i] [hider=mechanic]If you fail a roll that involves the magic die, you may spend one Adversity token to reroll the magic die.[/hider] [u][b]Flaws:[/b][/u] [b]Compulsive:[/b] [i]Shadowfell is a bleak and frankly, rather depressing plane of existence. Because of her freedom from the Fell, Mae becomes compulsive in doing whatever she can, before she must return to her morose homeland.[/i] [b]Conspicuous:[/b] [i]The over-the-top goth kid~ The Fell is a bleak and desilate place and it tends to show in its inhabitants. Like most Shadar-Kai, Mae tends to adorn herself in black clothing and is decorated with skulls, bones and symbols of The Ravenqueen. Furthermore, most would find Mae's macabre hobby of bone sculpting to be a bit... disturbing. [/i] [u][b]Fear:[/b][/u] [b]Atelophobia:[/b] [i]Mae comes from a heavily religious family of death priests. Her family carries their faith with extreme furver and expect the same to all members. A lot of expectation is placed on Mae's shoulders as she's expected to not only follow tradition into the Withergloom school, but to carry on the family cult and morgue upon graduation. Mae's father, the current head of the cult, has applied the most pressure on her shoulders, which has made her fearful of disappointing not only her father and family, but her friends.[/i] [u][b]Likes:[/b][/u] [u]Sports:[/u] [i]Shadow Dancing and fencing[/i] [u]Hobbies:[/u] [i]Bone Sculpting[/i] [u]Class topic:[/u] [i]Dance, Shadow Magic, Art[/i] [u]Others:[/u] [i]Attending plays and musicals. Secretly loves reading sappy romances[/i] [u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u] [i]Bright and vibrant colors. Those with an "energetic personality" or aggressively friendly get on her nerves. Mae cant stand the "over-confident jock or prep".[/i] [u][b]Habits:[/b][/u] [i]Mae has an odd quirk of conversing with her sculptures and even treat them as living things. Mae keeps a large collection of random bones and skulls, mostly of animals, and often will take naturally fallen animals and magically decompose them, cleaning the bones and using them.[/i] [u][b]Wand:[/b][/u] [i]Mae inherited her wand from her mother. The wand was rumored to be a gift from the Ravenqueen herself for her family's loyalty. There's scheptism on this claim, but that's said, it had been passed through the woman of the family for generations. The bone is from an unknown origin. The bone is naturally black and has runes etched into it. Affixed above the handle is a fetish of a raven skull and feathers fetish.[/i] [list] [*]Unique Bone: +1 Flight [*]Raven Fetish: +1 Brain[/list] [hider=Magic Ability] [u]Flight[/u]= d20+1 [u]Brain[/u]= d12 [u]Fight[/u]= d10 [u]Charm[/u]= d8+1 [u]Brawn[/u]= d6 [u]Grit[/u]= d4 [/hider] [u][b]Broom:[/b][/u] Bolting 4000: You get +1 to Flight checks [hider=Broom Flight Ability] [u]Flight[/u]= d20+1 [u]Brain[/u]= d12 [u]Fight[/u]= d10 [u]Charm[/u]= d8 [u]Brawn[/u]= d6 [u]Grit[/u]= d4 [/hider] [u][b]Familiar:[/b][/u] Name: Rask Spicies: Magic Bone Construct Description: (wip) [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/947186976677843007/980749710644105256/Raskling_Skeletal-turnaround_1.gif[/img] [u][b]Classes (If 1st or 2nd year, pick a total of 3 from the General Studies list above. If Third year, confer with the GM):[/b][/u] [u][b]Schoolbag (Inventory):[/b][/u] Basic School supplies Art pad and drawing supplies Handful of random small animal bones in a small box [/color]