[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PLyfcLV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wPyT7ht.png[/img][/center] [color=E77298]Time:[/color]Evening [color=E77298]Location:[/color] Marek's Afterparty [color=E77298]Interactions:[/color] [@Potter] Ezra [@samreaper] Kazumin [color=E77298]Attire:[/color][url=i.imgur.com/S3gFWL7.png]An Outfit that would make her mother faint[/url] [hr] Anastasia gasped in surprise as Ezra approached, [color=E77298]"Baker boy at the party! Whaaat!"[/color] Her hands moved to cup her face. He was one of the last people she expected to end up here. Yet there he was, long green hair and all. Her gaze went to the box in his hands. He had brought her a gift? Taking the box in hand, she opened it up and took in the sight of her name spelled out on the cupcakes. She was distracted with her thoughts for a moment as a drink was slid into her hand. A frown tugged at the corners of her lips as her hand lazily grasped the drink. Her head rose up and she met his eyes. For a split second, the scenery changed behind him and a bad feeling formed in her gut, screaming at her to run. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Then, admiration and gratitude overwhelmed her. Her pupils might as well have turned into hearts. That bad gut feeling was one she ignored on purpose on a daily basis anyway. She smiled wide, [color=E77298]"...Ezra right? I think you might just be sweeter than the wonderful cakes you bake."[/color] She set the box delicately on a nearby table along with her drink, then turned back to Ezra with tears in her eyes. Though, she was not certain if they had formed for the reason she displayed. [color=E77298] "No one's ever done something so nice. ...Ezra... You came all the way here just to give me these? You're so amazing! I can't believe this!"[/color] Anastasia moved up to him and threw her arms around him in a hug, [color=E77298]"Thank you so much! You are the best person in all of Caesonia! I could kiss you!"[/color] A voice that filled her with just as much excitement filled the air. She gently let go of Ezra, rubbing his arms affectionately before he turned to face Kazumin. [color=E77298]"Kazoo! My best friend!"[/color] She exclaimed in pure glee. His words brought upon giggling. [color=E77298]"Oh my! Senor Chavez! You've found me... Senorita.. Cupcakita!"[/color] Anastasia seemed to be bursting with a powerful energy she was trying to repress as she awaited him to finish his words. Once he had, she suddenly threw her arms around him in a hug, [color=E77298]"Oh my gosh! I love you Kazoo... OH! I mean Senor Chavez! I'm so happy we're friends! And-"[/color] She broke away as her eyes teared up once again. [color=E77298]"I am so so so sooo sorry! I should have told you that I'm the princess! I was going to, I swear, then I got distracted by the fun spinning and then Wolfy came over and it was too late!"[/color] She rambled apologetically as if her life was on the line. [color=E77298]"Please forgive me! Ezra, please let him have a cupcake!"[/color] Anastasia whirled on Ezra with puppy dog eyes.