[hider=Jav][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220605/c1b4fe7a2bab86662af080922499436c.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/sFnLj4W/Jav.jpg[/img][/center] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Full Name} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]J-αV — Justicar Alpha Five[/indent] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Age} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]31[/indent] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Species} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Human[/indent] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Gender} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [hr] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Appearance} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Jav, at least in appearance, is a case study in enforced conformity. With her appearance magically forced to match, she looks almost exactly like every other female Justicar. She has the same height (a tall woman, about 5'11"), the same moderate figure (quite slender, and certainly not buxom), the same wavy pale golden-blonde hair down to her upper back, the same searing blue eyes that look almost unfocused. As a member of he first generation of Justicars, her skin is scarred from years of duty as a guard, but that's all that really sets her apart from her 'sisters' in appearance. As befits the tremendous amount of magic and Astral energy that was pumped into her as a child, her eyes and nails glow with a bright blue light. Her lips as well, and the entire inside of her mouth. The veins and arteries beneath her neck, elbows, wrists and thighs also glow, though less brightly, more muted. Finally, when she bleeds—though her blood is the same red as any other human's—the exposed flesh carries that ubiquitous blue glow. But as identical as she is to the other Justicars, there's a marked difference between them. Not in how she looks, exactly, but in how she carries herself. While most Justicars walk almost robotically, with perfectly even stride and backs held ramrod straight, Jav is much more natural. Rather, she's held at a constant curiosity, eyes always roving to make sure she knows what's around her at all times. Her face is displayed proudly, haunting eyes and luminescent mouth no longer always hidden behind a blank, faceless mask. It all comes together to paint a picture of who and what she is: a shattered, divergent fragment of a once perfect unity, trying to make her own way in a world that she doesn't yet understand, but is very excited to learn about.[/indent] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Equipment and Personal Belongings} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Jav doesn't have much, given that she only became her own person a couple days ago. Most of her equipment is Justicar issue. Principal among it is her armor, plates of golden metal worn over a skintight blue bodysuit. And alongside it is her weapon, one that she's had for long enough that it's really more like a partner now. A long handle of the same metal as her armor and wrapped in fine azure cloth projects into a massive seven-foot-long blade of blazing blue energy a foot across. As long as she's using it, at least; it's magically locked to her. For anybody else, it's a lump of useless inert metal. To complete the picture, she carries her Justicar's mask on her waist. A featureless cover of golden metal, the blue flow of magic around the edges powers an enchantment that lets her see through the metal as though it were air. She does her best not to wear it. It's more of a...reminder than anything else now.[/indent] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Physical Abilities} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Jav has been trained as a combatant for over two decades now. She is very skilled in martial combat, using her magical sword to great effect. She also has a decent chunk of knowledge on maneuvering through the Astral, as long as she has to equipment to do it. And finally, she's [i]patient[/i]. She can stay in one place, unmoving, for hours at a time.[/indent] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Magical/Psionic Abilities} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Despite having magic infused into her to the point of [i]glowing[/i] since childhood, Jav doesn't actually have any major magical abilities. They make her slightly stronger and faster, but nothing superhuman. Most of the magic that she runs with is an inoculation against the Astral sea. That's her main magical 'ability:' most people can't can't withstand the chaotic energies of the Astral for even a moment, but the cocktail of Astral and mundane magics within Jav gives her that ability. Not only that, but limited exposure to Astral energy is actually beneficial; the more she's exposed to, the less she needs to eat and sleep.[/indent] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Limitations} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]For a warrior of two decades, Jav is surprisingly naive. She doesn't really know how the world works, since she's never really been a proper part of it. Also because of her unusual upbringing, she has very few applicable skills other than combat. She is a very skilled fighter, but that's about it. She also has a very unique weakness, given her bizarre semi-Astral biology, in anti-Astral weapons and technology.[/indent] [hr] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Personality} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Jav is a bit of a weird woman. Because of the years she spent as a brainwashed Justicar, she hasn't seen much of the world. She's seen the inside of Astral ships, she's seen ports very briefly. But that's just about it. So the greatest cardinal point of her personality is that she wants to [i]see things[/i]. She wants to explore all of the fragments there are, to make up for the decades that she lost under the thumb of Doctor Teagan. And she wants to do it on her own terms; despite her usual manner, she is [i]fiercely[/i] protective of her newfound freedom. The fastest way for sure to get on her bad side is to even allude to threatening that precious new thing that she's discovered. Equally weird is how she interacts with people. A great majority of the people who see her do end up a bit intimidated. After all, she is a tall and somewhat imposing individual, and she glows in a number of places where most people do not typically glow. But she's actually a very soft-spoken individual who doesn't tend to talk too much. When she does speak, she is polite and mild-mannered, and perhaps even [i]too[/i] conciliatory. If a problem can at all be solved without violence, then isn't it better that it is? So goes her logic much of the time. However, if she's pushed—if someone threatens to take away her freedom, for instance—then she is still a very skilled individual capable of great feats of martial prowess. Her fights are short and brutal; if she's been pushed to the point of violence, she has no patience for theatrical frippery. She does her best not to kill, preferring instead to knock people out or subdue them through other means. But if the situation truly calls for it, then she'll do what she must.[/indent] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Background} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]The first thing that she can remember seeing is Doctor Teagan's face. "[color=92278f]Another success. Wonderful.[/color]" Her head was swimming. She was confused. She felt like she was wading through a sea of molasses. And for some reason, it seemed like she was strapped down. Then Doctor Teagan leaned down and spoke. And when she did, it was a statement that tore through through that distortion, that confusion, that strange alien feeling like a hot knife, asserting itself as a perfect and inviolable truth at the center of her world: "[color=92278f][b]You are Justicar Alpha Five. You live and die to serve.[/b] Repeat.[/color]" And, almost dreamily, she heard in a voice she did not recognize, but somehow knew was hers: "[color=2EF8FF]I am Justicar Alpha Five. I live and die to serve.[/color]" "[color=92278f]Repeat.[/color]" "[color=2EF8FF]I am Justicar Alpha Five. I live and die to serve.[/color]" "[color=92278f]Repeat.[/color]" "[color=2EF8FF]I am Justicar Alpha Five. I live and die to serve.[/color]" "[color=92278f]Repeat.[/color]" "[color=2EF8FF]I am Justicar Alpha Five. I live and die to serve.[/color]" "[color=92278f]Good. Fantastic.[/color]" After that, everything was a bit of a blur for Justicar Alpha Five. She served well, and instinctually, she fell into the perfect mold of the Justicar. Never deny commands. Never question orders. Never shy from duty. You live and die to serve. She wasn't sure how many years passed like that, really; time seemed to have little meaning for her, and that strange dreamy complacence was omnipresent and all-consuming. She was not a person. She was a [i]tool[/i]. She was a [i]Justicar[/i]. Justicar Alpha Five. Why worry about time? Why worry about anything but accomplishing her duty? That all changed on one trip across the Astral, where she discovered a stowaway in the hold. A girl that couldn't have been more than eight years old. And, as was her duty—[i][color=2EF8FF]I live and die to serve[/color][/i]—she fully intended to execute her on sight. But...something about this girl made her, for the first time, pause and question an order. She looked...almost familiar, somehow. [i]Real[/i], in a way that it suddenly felt like nothing else was. And she blinked away a fog from in front of her eyes. This was wrong. This was [i]all wrong[/i]. Why did she deserve to die? She wasn't hurting anyone. She looked down at herself. What year was it? How long had she been here? Where did she come from? What was she? [i]Who[/i] was she? That same dreamy voice within her spoke: [i][color=2EF8FF]I am Justicar Alpha Five. I live and die to serve.[/color][/i] And it was so calming, so alluring to listen to. But it was [i]wrong[/i]. What was her— She stopped in horror as the first truly clearheaded thought she could ever remember having bolted through her, just like Doctor Teagan's words had all those years ago: [i][color=2EF8FF]I don't have a name.[/color][/i] All she knew was her designation: Justicar Alpha Five. How had she seen it written out before...? Justicar Alpha Five: J-αV. J-αV. JαV. Jαv. Jav. She would be Jav. The stowaway went undiscovered. She even occasionally got some extra food from a Justicar of all people, and was very scared and confused. On their next stop—the fragment Micarea—Jav left behind her wings. Too bulky, too noticeable. When the time came, she slipped out. And as soon as she was out of sight, she tore the mask off her face in public for the first time, and looked on the world with unobstructed eyes. Nameless no longer. Faceless no longer. She looked up at the great leaves of Yggdrasil hanging above her, and she smiled. She had a name. She had a face. And there was so much out there to see.[/indent] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Place of Origin} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Unknown.[/indent] [color=2EF8FF][b]|[u] {Other} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Anything you feel doesn't fit in the other categories goes here, kthanks.[/indent] [/hider]