[b]Genetor Dahti, Chief Medicae and Xenobiologist[/b]


The retort from the Enginseer was expected; Hishiryn's words were so...trite. Dahti had heard many times over the critiques of his Order before and it came as no surprise that even one below his rank would have the gumption to comment on the Genetor's vat-grown muscles. It was of no consequence. In truth, the commander did good by cutting both of the tech-priests off from their ancient argument. There would be time enough to convince the Enginseer of the value of flesh, especially if they were going as far as the Dark Imperium - and it was this mission which was most peculiar, even moreso than the Squat.

Dahti listened intently, reading over the High Gothic that sprawled across the screen in front of them. So little was evident from what he could decipher, besides the direct information being given by the commander. Undoubtedly, it was in fact a missive from the Primarch himself, which was [i]remarkable[/i] to say the least. That he would be so privileged to be a part of a mission from the Righteous Lord Guilliman himself, Dahti was visibly excited (as much as a Magos could seem). 

The logistics began formulating in his mind as they spoke: the dangers of the journey were far more complex than just Xenos, Daemons, and Void-beasts...supplies, such as food, water, medicine, bandages, tools, ammunition and firearms (God-Emperor knows how much is needed), fuel, sacred oils, promethium, and, most importantly, manpower. The data-arrays of the campaign on Driantum and the Indomitus Crusade flooded back into the cerebral cogitators of the Magos. The Daemon-infested Forge World had been so close to the Maledictum, it now came as no surprise to Dahti that he had been given this opportunity aboard [i]His Divine Purpose[/i].

His Calculus Logi produced inquiries that numbered in the thousands, but much of that data could be retrieved with the aid of the Enginseer in accessing the ship's data-stacks (as long as they were undamaged). If anything, the Magos had several questions of great importance about the people arrayed in front of him. However, as he formulated his ideas, he listened to the others before his sonorous tone broke into the conversation.

"Blessed be our venture, to have come from Holy Terra itself! I second Sister Agathe's request! To righteously sanctify our honorable vessel, our noble bodies, our blessed machines and weapons, would both mentally steeling and tactically wise. The spirits aboard this glorious vessel, both organic and inorganic, are protected by His Divine Blessings, from the torment and terrors of the Enemy, most particularly those Whispers of Chaos which can infect the mind as insidiously as the body."

The Magos continued, a holy fervor and zeal invigorating his speech. 

"More than once I have been witness to capabilities of the Ministorum's wards...most especially when combined in a [b]Grand Liturgy[/b] with the litany of the Machine. Should we have the capacity to perform the rite of a Grand Liturgy, it would be the same ritual as is performed for those about to embark on Holy Crusade, which seems most fitting for our Ordained journey."

His rising speech pulled back, however, as he looked towards the others and the Enginseer particularly. The Magos then spoke with the gravitas of many years spent in the Void. 

"Under Lord Andamar's auspices, I do not doubt we [b]will[/b] make it to our destination. [i]However.[/i] I would do a great disservice to all of you if I did not share the truth of the Maledictum. It is unlike any Warp-Storm which has touched the face of our galaxy. The machinations of the Enemy are nearly infinite and the foul Spawn of Chaos will, without a doubt, make an attempt on our vessel."

The Magos paused for a moment before continuing, the mechanical tone of his voice clicking and shifting to a new thought.

"In light of this I have several queries; 1. With the permission of the Chief Enginseer, I wish to access the data-stacks of this vessel, so as to know the minutiae of its staff, its faculties, and its vulnerabilities - if I know where to expect danger, I can have my staff prepared to assist; 2. I would wish to physically examine each of you, so that, should I need to save your life, I will know the specimen with which I work - especially you," the Genetor pointed to the Squat, Haldengard, "as I have only ancient data on your kind. And, 3. A question for the Commander - are we to make contact with any support or are we to complete the assignment alone? The strategic analysis will fluctuate depending on our resources."