
[center][h1][color=598527][u]Spider's Den[/u][/color][/h1][/center]
[color=crimson]Location:[/color] The Witch Woods
[color=crimson]Mentions/Interaction:[/color] Vali, Twice Born [@Wolfieh], the warriors under Kol's command, and Talit'yrash'osmax [@Force and Fury]

As Kol and his forces entered the Witch Woods, the Spider began to make it's move. The forest came to life, it's branches opened up like knives and struck with speed few can see and with precision that could kill men in moments. The water that pooled were like hiding vipers, as the rain came down it added to the pit of snakes that would lash out and take all that were near. Even the rain that fell was that of small hornets that flooded the entire area, puncturing everything it touched, as the water reddened, Kol felt his blood boil. As his armor broke the blades against it, even with the precise aim, it seemed to not his, like something was stopping it from even touching his skin. A silhouette seemed to form around him as his arms and head seemed to twitch. Frustration was a fuel, rage was the engine, and there was one answer…

A roar erupted from the giant as the clattering of armor from him seemed to become drowned out. The thunder itself seemed to almost hush itself in the face of this one man's fury. Kol drew in energy from everything around him, draining the energy from the leaves, the heat from the very heat from the area. Men knew what this meant as they split away, Kol was going to begin his march forward through this marsh of death. As a chill ran through the area, Kol's mind filled with raging wyverns, as heat radiated from him his mind willed against the rage of these beasts. Kol witnessed the raw power of these beasts as the infernos erupted, in front of a wyvern Kol stood as it brought it's head up before roaring flames onto Kol. As his eyes flashed back to the now burning woods, as in his current roar fire is flowing from his mouth, and like a might wyvern he reels his head up and ignites the upper trees before finally the fire disappeared from his mouth.

Kol's eyes landed back down and forward as he sensed the 'spider', as from the fire he created a Yasoi woman stepped out. She was one who stood tall even among the swamp and death, she must be the one who has been controlling this forest. This woman fought like a true mage, the forest was her weapon, so even a missing limb would not even affect her. Kol locked eyes with her for but a moment before she disappeared. It was time to fight, Kol raised both of his hands and pointed to either side of him and roared, [color=crimson]"Charge!!"[/color]. He commanded those following him to charge forward as when they did he looked to those infront of him and envisioned raging beasts charging forward. He filled each man in front of him with strength of beasts hundreds times their weight, endurance only seen of the berserkers to no longer feel pain, and fury that only those who rage against a Brother killer can find within them. He filled them with visions of transforming into monsters who have no sense of fear, no concept of death, and no understanding of defeat.

Kol thought of what was before him and wished his Brother and his group would come to his aid for this hunt, yet this was not the time to hope, this was the time to act. Kol looked to his people and began to bark orders, calling to those in his command to begin giving orders to those they are under and they come across. Burn trees, as you move, and create small infernos. The spider can't see everywhere, so as they created chaos in the forest, it would cut down on the deaths as they made their way through as she needed to look through the large sources of energy. Kol knew that they could only do so much as of now, so to at least have multiple groups cause chaos while the main group slowly pushed their way through would be important. But for Kol, he needed to find the spider and apply some pressure, so he followed his Dogs of War, the berserkers whom Kol filled with power and had now rushed headlong into death. He followed the trail, as he filled himself with Visions of the Hawk, as he felt himself leave his body. As his eyes opened he began to see like the Hawk, with such precision that he could even see the presence of people, fire, the lightning, and now he begins to hunt his target, the one-legged spider. 

-Kol began to burn some of the forest.
-He empowered multiple berserkers to charge forward where the 'Spider' was.
-He began to tell those who were following him to break up and begin setting fires as they moved to create hot spots of energy so the Spider would be confused if they did it enough.
-He extended out his sensing range to try and find the 'Spider' and begin to hunt her and distract her so she is unable to kill more of his people.