[color=E5E4E2]The SandWing’s gaze penetrated her scales like swords. Slowly, she raised a curled claw in her direction. [b]”You.”[/b] Her words dripped with venom as her forked tongue slipped out from between her fangs. She grinned and the flash of her teeth made ice course through her veins. [b]”I’ll take you.”[/b]

Vivid’s eyes widened to the size of all three moons combined. Her scales became as pale as the inside of a ripe lime, and the SandWing snickered as she trembled in her shackles. [b]”I’m sure her Majesty would [i]love[/i] to see something like [i]you[/i] prove your mettle. Even a trophy should have some worth, am I right?”[/b]

Before she knew it, Vivid was dragged from the wall by several SandWing guards. The darker SandWing’s head turned back and forth, scanning the rest of the hybrids, as Vivid’s mind raced. Was this where she was going to die? In the middle of some pit in the SandWing kingdom? There was nowhere to run or hide. If she was going to fight someone, she could always try to blend into the environment, but her “tainted” blood prevented her from fully vanishing into the background. If she was lucky, the SandWing in charge would choose someone–

[b]”I want that tainted NightWing-IceWing abomination as well.”[/b] the SandWing female growled. 

Oh no. Not that one. That one always won his fights. She saw what he did to that poor SkyWing. How did it feel to die by an IceWing’s frost breath? Did it burn, did it sting? She shuddered as she watched the guards pull him from the wall and towards where they walked. By now, he could definitely tell that she was shivering. Anyone could, really. Her chains clinked together more than usual, and her steps were light and shaky. Her eyes avoided his own, and instead she kept them locked onto the sandy cobblestone floors as her mind ran rampant. They were guided down a small corridor and into a tunnel, and the cobblestone slowly became sand beneath their claws.

They were almost at the Pit. Vivid’s fate would be waiting for her there.[/color]