[color=D1D0CE]It really looked like this was going to be an easier mission. That was to be expected, she thought. Cash would be crazy to put them on a tough case when they had just met each other. Lumi listened to what the others had to say before Cash trod towards the entrance to the meeting room and left. They were finally alone. She tossed a glance at Sora, wondering if he would be the one to approach her. She prayed he wouldn’t; she hadn’t even figured out what to even say to him. [b]”Breakfast sounds great! Any suggestions?”[/b] Rieka leapt off the chair and padded to the Quilava. [b]”Actually, we should introduce ourselves first! I’m Rieka, that’s Enya, and Marlow… and Lumi, the leader of our team back at Fisher Town!”[/b] Marlow raised a paw to his chest and dipped his snout as Enya fluttered back over to his shoulder. [b]”Pleasure.”[/b] [b]”So, yeah, any suggestions? I’m starving here,”[/b] Enya squawked. Lumi looked between all of them. Despite not having eaten for hours, she didn’t feel hungry at all. She pushed away from the table and made her way back to the door. [color=CD7F32][b]”You guys go ahead without me. I’ll catch up,”[/b][/color] she told them before she slipped out of the room. Marlow, Rieka, and Enya watched her departure, but only Marlow frowned. Meanwhile, Rieka turned back towards the rest. Her eyes glowed with excitement. [b]”Sorry about Lumi, she can be a bit weird sometimes. Anyways… about that breakfast…”[/b][/color]