[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220120/39ad52ee6dbb97d2aa971d3a64bbe0ef.png[/img][/center] When the other team agreed to go to breakfast Asher sent a grin Sora’s way, pleased he was already getting some connection between them. [b]“Nice to meet you all,”[/b] he gave them a toothy grin, [b]“I’m Asher, the big one is Ozzy, his partner Sellie, and the quiet one is my partner Sora.”[/b] With introductions out of the way Ozzy bounded forward to stand next to Asher. [b]“There’s a great little café that’s run by a Serperior,”[/b] he licked his lips, [b]“They make these awesome bite sized cream puffs and omelets.”[/b] There were a number of other things that were specially made by the serpent Pokémon, but those were definitely the best ones. Sora was only slightly hungry and he knew that he would probably just get a drink and sit quietly while the rest of their new team talked. His eyes flickered to Lumi as she told them to go ahead without her and frowned slightly. Lumi had never turned down food in all the time he could remember, but it had also been a decade since he’d seen his sister. So much has changed since they had been running around playing games in the yard and getting underneath everyone’s feet in town. He pushed the pang of hurt away as well as the memories. No time to dwell on the past. [color=a0410d][b]“I’m gonna run back to the house real quick, I forgot something. I’ll meet you at the café,”[/b][/color] Sora told Asher who just gave him a nod. He would have to find something at the house that he could've reasonably forgotten before he went over there. Just as to not raise questions since it was clear that Lumi didn't want anyone to know they knew each other. He appreciated the fact that his partner didn’t pry much anymore though as he pushed out the door and followed after his sister. It didn’t take long for him to catch sight of the pale coat and quicken his step to catch up. [color=a0410d][b]“Lumi!”[/b][/color] He kept a few steps behind her, not sure exactly what her reaction would be. He honestly didn’t really know what he was wanting from this conversation. Confirmation that she didn’t hate him maybe, he didn’t know. [color=a0410d][b]“Um, have you heard anything from the rest of the family?”[/b][/color]