[Color=#67a4e0]Level:[/color] 3
[Color=#e607f8]Experience:[/color] 4/30
[Color=#e607f8]Currently In:[/color] Frozen Highlands, Dragonspine
[Color=#67a4e0]Word Count:[/color] 638 (+1 Exp)
[i][color=skyblue]Albedo[/color] [@Lugubrious], [color=f7976a]Prisoner[/color] [@XoXKieroBombXoX][/i][/center]

  Thank goodness, it worked.

 Frisk covered her eyes with an arm at the restorative light, and quietly let out a relieved sigh once she saw her ally had regained his body. Prisoner should be fine enough to finish this search and rescue now, atleast as far as she could tell. They should still grab something for him to ride in when he loses his next body though. She nodded to Albedo in response to his noting the effects, then looked back to the headless warrior, who as expected was confused but nonetheless more aware of the differing area. [color=67a4e0]"I'll explain what I can on the way up."[/color] She told him.

 The heals didn't stop there too. Turns out, Prisoner had what the woman wanted to look out for, and was willing to let her and the alchemist use it. Right, they took a heavy beating didn't they. [color=67a4e0]"Thanks."[/color] Giving him a warm smile she took two swigs of the healing flask, then passed it to Albedo. Frisk lightly tapped her foot against the ground. Good, she won't have to tolerate a broken bone any futher.

 Soon enough their treik up continued. Frisk took the moment to catch Prisoner up to speed on things, Galeem, the World they were in, everything she learned from Linkle and then some. [color=67a4e0]"When anyone or thing dies here, their bodies eventually turn to ash. But they leave spirits behind. They're kind of like the souls back in my world, but I'm not sure if anything like that is in where you're from. You can crush them to get new stuff like this,"[/color] She held up the bow she obtained from the second ambush. Though it's kind of useless without arrows. Maybe once she regains access to the Justice trait, she can work the ranged magic into being a substitute. Frisk put it aside for now, then motioned to herself. [color=67a4e0]"Or fuse with them to get new abilites, asides from a slight cosmetics change. I ended up fusing with Melony's soul- Er, spirit, for example. That's why I ended up older. Even shocked myself, believe it or not."[/color] She chuckled. [color=67a4e0]"But her Pokemon, [i]my[/i] Pokemon, can't be without their trainer. I can handle how Teba reacts, but for now we have bigger things to worry about."[/color]

 Looking back, Frisk couldn't help worry about how the others were doing back at the camp. Especially Joel, the poor kid. Hopefully Linkle hadn't lost to her curse yet. After a short moment, she held a hand over her throat. [color=67a4e0]"Man, it's weird talking so much like this..."[/color]

 Of course, they didn't have to walk far to find more enemies. She found the li'l brrs cute, but made sure to avoid contact with them. The bats and elementals though were a different story. Oddly enough Frisk's demeanor in battle seemed different. More stern, unsparing to the creatures that dared harm her allies. She bore no hesitance in ridding the bats with a hearty [b][i]Bonk![/i][/b] of Vorpan, while she acted as more as support against the ice elementals; Blocking their cold magic with her own defensive means. She collected a couple of the spirits left in their wake and crushed them in hopes to get some arrows. Or at least something useful. The rest can go to the other two.

 And yet...

 The twin wolf-demons didn't go unnoticed on Frisk's end. In fact, she kept an active eye on them in case they tried something funny, bearing only a glare at their direction. The trio ended up finding a cave. One Albedo hypothesized her Pokemon could be hiding in. That was enough to get her to act. [color=67a4e0]"We can try and lose our dear stalkers inside. Or at the very least buy us more time to brainstorm a counterattack."[/color] She told the alchemist, more than willing to head in.