[Right]Interacting with/Mentioning: [@PrankFox](Kenzan)[/Right][hr]

An international section? Well, that made sense, if he couldn't find anything in the history section that was probably a good place to look. Kenzan even offered to lead him there. He probably knew this place a lot better, all things considered. Chen had only been there a couple times at most.

The walk was relatively short, Kenzan leading him to the so called international section. [color=ed1c24]"Alright, well, thanks. Ill let you get back to... whatever you were doing."[/color] Chen looked over at the varying spines of the books. There were a few in languages he didn't recognize. He pulled out his phone trying to use a translation tool to try and decipher some of the titles. Most of them came out pretty incomprehensible, just due to the way languages work, but at least the insides were translated.

A couple piqued his interest, namely a book on World War II equipment and their uses, it was even written by an American, though it's been translated into Japanese. He also found a book on ancient Chinese warfare, although Chen already knew about a lot of that, but it might contain some new insights. In the end however, he picked up the book of World War II. It was a pretty thick book all things considered, and the book itself was pretty large in size. It almost looked like has history textbook.

Unlike the aforementioned Kenshiro figure, this book was surprisingly affordable, only ¥2,500. It also probably helped that it was in paperback. But one quick transaction later, and Chen was the proud new owner of the book. It was time to head home and crack this bad boy open.