[h3]Location: Grand Armée Encampment
Combatants: Gèrard, Camille [@Pirouette], Caelum [@RezonanceV], Thorunn Silverhair [@Force and Fury][/h3]
[color=19adc3]”You’re going to feel some soreness, but it will go away shortly. Stay here a while and rest.”[/color] After doing a final checkup on her bruised up patients, the Parrench physician exited the tent and left Gerard and Tristan to their own devices. The two men stretched and massaged their muscles, trying to work out the cramps as best they could before they returned to the front line. Thankfully no permanent damage had been done thanks to the efforts of their allies.  

The Rezaindian men retrieved their tools and equipment and got their effects in order. As they finished doing so, Misha poked into the tent with a worried look on her face.

[color=902EBD]“Hey, how are you two feeling?”[/color]

[color=1A7811]”I’m okay. Somehow none of my bones were broken back there. I’m pretty much good to go.”[/color] Tristan replied. His fellow apprentice slapped him on the shoulder, causing him to yowl in pain. 

[color=902EBD]“Idiot! You made it out in one piece because I was there! Don’t ever do something so reckless again!”[/color] Misha berated her partner harshly. She turned her head to Gerard and started to speak out, but then realized who she was speaking to and looked away sheepishly. 

[color=F92D00]”Quiet. Get yourselves ready for battle. They’re still fighting out there. We have to-”[/color] Before the master mage could finish his sentence, the distant sound of a ram horn could be heard coming from outside. Pushing past his two acolytes, Gerard pulled open the tent flaps and looked around. Parrench soldiers were running past, all moving in the same direction. There was chaotic shouting all around, but one thing was clear. They were being attacked. 

[color=F92D00]”The troops are rallying! We must go and meet the enemy!”[/color] 

At some point, Gerard had been cut off from his apprentices. He could still feel their life signs from afar, but with so many Eskandr running amok it would take too long to try and reach them. Whatever officer was leading this backline assault had brought some elite troops. Like before, it was his plan to ignore the rank and file and head straight for the leader. It was not difficult at all to detect them, whoever they were. Their wheel level handily outstripped his own, and Gerard was no middling mage. If there was nobody besides him capable of facing the enemy, the Rezaindian could very well be heading to his death. 

He charged through burning tents and over charred corpses, slaying the occasional Eskandr raider on the way with a combination of blade and magic. The heat that filled the air caused sweat to pour down Gerard’s face. Eventually the enemy came into sight, and she was not alone. A silver haired Eskandr witch clashed with a greatsword wielding Parrench maiden. From his brief view of the situation, Gerard could tell that the southerner had the upper hand. 

[i][color=F92D00]Good. There are more of us here.[/color][/i] Gerard was nearly upon them when another man emerged from amongst the chaos and ran beside him. The two exchanged a silent look and nodded, though the knight’s eyes were difficult to see through his helmet visor. Words were not needed. They would slay the enemy together. 

Caelum was the first to act, throwing a wave of force at the silver haired one with his sword. Using the witch’s own violent actions against her, Gerard drew upon the surrounding hellfire and brought the flames to life. Glowing serpents converged upon Thorunn from behind, lashing at her all at once. The combined assault was deadly, but their opponent effortlessly dodged or absorbed the attacks with ease.

[color=630460]"That was pathetic!"[/color] the Eskandr jeered in much better Parrench than Hrothgar. [color=630460]"Your magic teachers should be ashamed of you."[/color] Then, she returned a spell of her own: A great, coiling tornado of fire aimed at the new arrivals. It was a ferocious attack, but a clumsy one. Focusing all her strength on a single spell meant Caelum and Gerard were able to draw the energy out of the tornado together and render it harmless. Gerard was especially greedy in his drawing, and the second the vortex dissipated he already had his counterattack ready.

[color=F92D00]”Save the boasting for when the battle is over you witch!”[/color] Gerard shouted at the Eskandr in her own language. He produced a massive fireball using the flames he stole from the tornado and sent it screaming towards her. Again, she blew it away. At this rate none of their attacks would reach Thorunn. 

[color=630460]"So you play with fire too, priest. Not as well, but passable."[/color] She tilted her head. [color=630460]"No matter. I have other tricks."[/color] The pyromancer was interrupted when the Parrench woman attempted to cleave her head off, but the silver haired witch easily knocked her opponent away with a force blast. Everyone scrambled to gain a more advantageous position, and after a few moments of ineffectual probing the four of them had converged into a triangle with Thorunn in the center.

Caelum threw another wave of force at the femme fatale while simultaneously sending a bolt of lightning. Were she to be pushed by the first attack, she would be hit by the second. It was a good trick, but Thorunn was not budged by the initial blow.  

[color=630460]"You sneaky little prick,"[/color] she hissed, shaking her head at the clever combo attack. [color=630460]"My turn!"[/color] Drawing from the residual heat in the air, she reached for the priest's and knight's heads with twin fists of Force, to squish them like overripe fruits.

Gerard absorbed as much of the spell as he could, but the difference in their levels was staggering. Even has he drew himself to capacity, Thorunn’s attack was still strong enough to nearly crack his skull. His vision blurred and for a moment he was brought to his knees in pain. His fellow soldier survived one way or another. It looked like the sword maiden had protected him remotely. 

From behind the protection of his ally’s golden aura, Caelum sprung forth and struck at Thorunn with his weapon. She easily stepped out of the way, looking almost bored. Her overconfidence blinded her to the followup; the thunder wielding champion flourished his blade, causing the air to ripple with wild lightning. Overgrown sparks exploded around the witch, numbing the arm she used to defend herself. [color=630460]”Bastard!”[/color] She shouted while shoving back at him with force, hitting nothing but air as the knight danced away. 

Despite the blood pouring out of his nose and mouth, Gerard’s spirit was not yet broken. For the briefest moment he considered cutting himself off and running for safety. He was badly injured and the three of them faced an insurmountable enemy. Retreat was just another tactic people used on the battlefield. But no, it wasn’t over for him. The red priest drew his brand from its scabbard. The weapon was clearly of Eskandish make based on its shape, as well as the runes inscribed on the hammered metal. Gerard scraped his finger along the length of the sword, and upon doing so the blade was consumed by fire which extended much further than the weapon itself. He leaped forward and swung with all his might with a defiant war cry. 

[color=630460]"Oooh, flaming swords,"[/color] Thorunn mocked. Before Gerard could strike true, he was pushed back by her annoyingly powerful force magic. Around them, the Parrench were beginning to retreat to the fortified city. If nothing else, the plan was working. Realizing that time for battle was growing short, she pulled from the debris around where they were fighting: medical tools, splintered wooden beams, flaming sheets, discarded weapons. She pulled them into the air and flung them at all three of her opponents in a flurry.

In response to the coming danger, Gerard pulled the flames around the camp towards him and encircled himself. A great wall of fire scorched away the flying debris or deflected it through sheer pressure before anything could do him harm. [color=630460]"You realize that your side is retreating,"[/color] Thorunn sneered. [color=630460]"Why don't you go run?"[/color] The words made the priest’s skin crawl. This fight was going nowhere and they were running out of time. They had to strike a decisive blow soon. 

Camille had taken a wooden beam to the chest... well not quite to her chest but to the aura guarding her chest. There was enough force to stagger her, making her chest feel tight as the aura pushed away the debris. Yet she stood her ground, planting her greatsword in the ground to catch herself, she spun nimbly and turned her lost momentum into forward momentum. Her greatsword was being dragged behind in one hand while Camille turned rammed her shoulder into Thorunn.

The girl charged her, like a wild animal, like The Nashorn! Thorunn stood her ground, raised her arms, and drew everything that she could from the charge, filling herself with Force. It wasn't quite enough. The smaller woman hit her nonetheless, though barely moving. Thorunn stumbled back, cursing and bruised in he midsection. She'd hit right where the burn from that... Laughing Knight had been earlier. [color=630460]"You bitch!"[/color] she screamed, rearing back to unleash everything that she had. The Parrench, however, had other ideas. Several fireballs came at Thorunn from all sides as Gerard attempted to exploit the opening created by Camille. His eyes widened in surprise as they all disappeared at once, and the witch fired several arcane lances in return. It was almost death for Gerard, but in a split second the swordswoman leapt between the two and deflected the assault. If they weren’t so pressured right now, the Rezaindian may have given her a word of genuine gratitude.

They kept pushing at her, bothering her, shoving, shocking, and burning her, but Thorunn Silverhair just kept coming. She gained a momentary breather from these three and then drew everything: all of her fires, all of the force from the rain and wind, all of the broken tents, weapons, tools, and bodies. It filled her until a pressure built in her head, until her eyes sparked and glowed. A battlecry split the night air. Then, she hurtled forward so quickly that she was barely even a blur, grabbing Gerard by the ankles. He felt the world spin as she swung him into the air. He lost consciousness yet again as he was slammed with enough strength to crack the earth. He was out of the fight.