[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 6: 58/60 Word Count: short Location: Queen Station Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 6: 59/60[/center] Jesse squinted, nodding at Raz’s strong opinions about the color purple. “Yeah. Good old purple.” She said, not really sure where to go with that conversation. [i]Okay. This is awesome.[/i] Jesse thought to herself as she stepped off the train. It was some kind of cathedral, but a cathedral that was built by what you’d find under a rock in your backyard. She got the impression that this was a place where one was supposed to be quiet. No parties went down in this place. Rowdy intruders were probably rounded up and eaten by giant spiders. This place was bioluminescent to high heaven. She peered out into the large canyon, smiling. “Wow. Cool, huh?” She said, looking back at Therion and Raz. The latter of which had something on his mind. “Actually, I’m a Parautilitarian.” Jesse clarified. “I only bring it up because I imagine there’s some distinction between how our powers actually function. But yeah. Neither of us have, uh, a wizard hat on and we don’t say magic words and use magic staffs. If only, right? Maybe someday.” She joked dryly. She glanced over at Therion. “Mhm. No mana here.” That word was unusual. Wasn’t that from a religion or two on Earth? But yeah, in video games it’s the blue stuff that wizards drink. So it’s how this guy conceptualizes magic. Or maybe it’s vice versa? Weird. Regardless, this Therion guy seemed pretty straight edge, so she wasn’t going to be teasing him about his alleged fright levels. As they looked the place over, Raz mumbled to himself and his notebook. “Oh, good. Glad someone’s taking notes.” Jesse said. Raz asked if the whole Moogle business really was that easy. It seemed like he was referencing a comic book or something, which amused Jesse. “Well. Maybe Moogle magic is more reliable than a Telepathilizer. Let’s find out.” Therion tried summoning a Moogle, and yeah, it really was that easy. She watched, impressed, as the Moogle gave them some advice. “Just go up, huh?” She nodded at Raz. “Guess you were half-right. The Moogle can get here, but our objective is somewhere with a little clearer reception.” After it disappeared, Jesse considered Raz’s question. “Hmm…wibbly.” She answered confidently, as if she took the question very seriously. Then she began to jog further up the spiral staircase, looking to explore more of this fantastical place. And also find a good spot for the Moogles to set up their device for the rest of Team Good Guy.