
[color=Plum][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Nagi [@Psyker Landshark], Goji [@Ambra][/center]

Munehisa had quickly reverted back to his late night schedule after an early light's out from the previous day, though his habit of booting up the first-person shooter game lacked its usual flair. In a fit of inspiration, the boy had instead taken to his drawing tablet to illustrate some of his faithful recollections from the alternate dimension; the honeycomb-like structure, decorated in the adhesive substance that was nectar to its deity, to another full body illustration of the witch playing god within its walls. Just as so many questions would still remain unanswered until they decided to dig deeper, the talking crow was [i]another[/i] conundrum on its own. [color=Plum][i]Nothin' just makes any sense anymore, I swear.[/i][/color] Drowsiness had come as quick as the hours had gone before then, and in the midst of drawing the lineart for the bust of Peter Pan, sleep overtook the boy at his desk.

During Okamoto's block in their class, Munehisa spent a lesser part of the hour comparing the ordinary world's harpy to the other world's hag, having transferred his drawing from computer to phone. Despite certain obviously exaggerated features, there was little to no doubt that they were indeed one and the same; he confirmed this much to Nagi outside of school before he discovered the crow in her schoolbag. [color=Plum][b][i]"Who you callin' a dumbass the other day?!?"[/i][/b][/color] he'd exclaimed while vigorously shaking the bird within its bag of holding in revenge before realizing the potential of onlookers. With obligatory introductions aside, Munehisa was quick on the uptake as the crow explained to him what had been told to Nagi; Personas, the Metaverse, Palaces, Shadows, and how it all connected to a "Treasure".

[color=Plum][b]"We sound more like thieves or robbers than Persona users if the endgame's called a [i]Treasure[/i] of all things,"[/b][/color] Munehisa scratched the back of his head as they made the trek opposite of all the other students towards the school grounds. It was a lot of information to take in at once, but at least they weren't going in against the unknown anymore. He had his own skeptics in mind, wondering if Nagi felt the same way. [color=Plum][b]"Let's say we [i]do[/i] nab her Treasure-- is she just gonna do a complete 180 overnight? It sounds ridiculous, but then again, [i]all[/i] of this shit is ridiculous. How about you, Nagi?"[/b][/color]