Y'all know who it is :cool [hider=Nordrin Yasmar][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zNrp3bJ.png[/img] [i][b][h3][color=B0C4DE]If you came here looking for an easy recipe for victory, you can piss off right now![/color][/h3][/b][/i][/center] [hr][h3][b]MAIN PROFILE[/b][/H3] [b][color=B0C4DE]Name:[/color][/b] Nordrin Yasmar [b][color=B0C4DE]Age:[/color][/b] 28 [b][color=B0C4DE]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=B0C4DE]Birthplace:[/color][/b] Hulbury [b][color=B0C4DE]Appearance:[/color][/b] Nordrin is purple eyed, and while he might joke (read: state with no hint of humor whatsoever) that the stress of dealing with idiots turned his hair white early, it's actually his natural color. He's been growing it out since he was young. It's tied back into a ponyta-tail while he's working (whether cooking or battling), but outside of that he usually wears his hair down. Nordrin stands at 6 foot 2 inches (188cm) and though he was never able to pack on muscle as much as he would have liked, he keeps in good shape. Other than the flat resting bitch face he's known for, another trait that stands out about him is the coarse, scarred nature of his hands. They're evidence of a life of hard work. He's rarely seen without his chef's coat, though when he does dress down he still keeps with fitting, clean and professional outfits. [b][color=B0C4DE]Personality:[/color][/b] First impressions paint Nordrin as a man of little patience. That is completely correct. He is passionate, driven, and ambitious - he is also a workhorse, and considers his time as extremely valuable. He works hard and doesn't have much extra time for playing hard, so if you're wasting his time he won't hesitate to tell you. Very often Nordrin comes off as a rude for a lot of people because he isn't afraid to speak his mind, no matter what's on it or who he's talking to. It's landed him in hot water before, and probably will again in the future, but he is a man who won't change himself for anyone. In his younger years he would often get into fist fights, but as an adult he prefers to take the high road. Plus he is a professional and is well aware of how his words and actions reflect on himself, his business, and the Pokémon League. He [i]can[/i] be cordial, friendly, and considerate - though this this side of him is rarely seen outside of official business. The "princely" side of Nordrin has earned him a bit of a reputation as a heart breaker since returning to Galar, leaving both men and women behind him to focus on his career. Although it's not a very well known fact, some are aware that Nordrin grew up less fortunate. He understands the hardships people face in life very well. However that being said, he doesn't do much charity work. He won't help anyone that doesn't first try to help themselves. He does take apprentices and gives out sponsorships, and gives everyone a chance to show they're hungry for more in life, and then gives them second and third chances so long as they don't give up. He will never turn a blind eye to those in need, but he has no sympathy for people who have given up on themselves and their ambitions. He never stops chasing new heights. He is adaptable, creative, and tenacious - and values those traits in others as well. Beyond all of the blunt words and personal pride, it's clear that Nordrin [i]does[/i] have a gentle side, if only for his craft. He has a master's touch, and watching him cook or battle shows off just how much care he puts into both aspects of his life. He can be kind and nurturing for those under his care, but he isn't one to go easy on them - from his employees to the gym trainers that study under him, they'll tell you that he puts them through the paces and some days are like a living hell. He wants to bring out the best in those around him, so that he can see them evolve. In doing so, he can continue to evolve as well. After all, Nordrin is well aware that talent is not something you're born with, it's something you can grow - so it's up to everyone to give themselves the conditions in order to see that talent grow. [b][color=B0C4DE]Short Biography:[/color][/b] The sea side town of Hulbury featured many walks of life, from the wealthy, to the merchant families, to the laborers. Luxury imports fuel the city's bustling tourism industry, where those with the means browse high end shops and restaurants. On the flip side, street hawkers and dock workers fill the city's underbelly and keep the whole of Hulbury moving with little recognition. Nordrin came from a family of the latter. Everyday was scrapped by with back breaking work, or odd jobs with little pay. Nordrin himself, once he was old enough, did everything from working as a delivery boy, stall worker, deckhand, and Pokémon sitter. All temporary, for one reason or another. His parents were never the ambitious sort, and as far as they were concerned as long as they had enough to get through the day that was fine with them. It was not fine for Nordrin, whose hunger - both literal and figurative - always drove him for more. Once he was a bit older, he landed his most impressionable job: a dish washer in the back of one of Hulbury's prestigious restaurants. Seeing the chefs there light of a fuse of interest and inspiration inside of him. He wanted to do that, too. He had talent, he was a quick study and adaptable, and during the precious few moments of free time he could get he tried his hand at replicating the dishes the chefs made. Some of the restaurant staff liked him and helped him out, others loathed him for his attitude and would put down his efforts. However he didn't plan on giving up. Though when Nordrin would return home at night, and the only thing his parents encouraged him to do was keep his head down and not make trouble. That stung, as it was as good as saying they didn't believe in him. Then again it wouldn't be the first time he'd landed in trouble for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. After one night of explosive anger in which a fight broke out among the staff with Nordrin in the middle of it, he was thrown out of the restaurant and fresh out of a job. Now a teenager, Nordrin channeled his frustration into drive and left home with only a backpack and a quickly scrawled note. In his heart was a promise to return to Hulbury and prove everyone wrong. He was determined to make something of himself. The world was dangerous to travel alone. It was more necessity than anything that Nordrin became a Pokémontrainer. He never gave anything less than a 100% though, so he took raising Pokémon seriously. He traveled briefly around Galar before stowing away on a ship bound for Kalos, where he spent a majority of his adult life studying both Pokémon battling and culinary arts. After years of hard work he exceeded in both fields, becoming an accomplished chef in a triple star restaurant and obtaining the rank of [b]Marquis[/b] in the region's [i]Battle Chateau[/i]. It was only relatively recently the Nordrin returned to Galar, taking Hulbury by storm. He opened his own restaurant, [i]High Steaks[/i], and aggressively advertised it - stealing business from other establishments which he viewed as elitist and classist nuisances. His restaurant expanded to include a Pokémon gym once Nordrin's infamy spread throughout town and beyond. After taking on opponents as part of the minor league with an unorthodox "gourmet" themed team, he was pressured into conforming to a single type team before he could be officially established as a major league gym leader. This he begrudgingly did in order to grow his career further, choosing the Fairy-type. It worked out well for the league's advertising and PR sectors, who marketed his gym challenge as "Leader Nordrin and his Kitchen Fairies." He doesn't appreciate that much. Now, Nordrin runs a notoriously brutal brigade in the city of his birth. The goal of the High Steaks Gym, a combination gym and restaurant is to nurture talent, challenge expectations, and provide high quality entertainment and food for patrons from all walks of life. [b][color=B0C4DE]Likes:[/color][/b][list][*]Cooking and food (obviously) [*]Battling and Pokémon (obviously) [*]Learning and experimenting [*]Music and dancing [*]Sports in general[/list] [b][color=B0C4DE]Dislikes:[/color][/b][list][*]Laziness[*]Dealing with idiots[*]Cutesy pet names[*]Being stuck in small spaces[*]Galar's battle cafés [/list] [b][color=B0C4DE]Quirks:[/color][/b][list][*]Specializes in fine dining and dessert dishes[*]He breeds Milcery in his spare time, as he is working on a project to discover, document, and raise every single kind of Alcremie.[*]Is much scarier to fight than his Pokémon.[*]He is a fan of the Pokémon Tropius for multiple reasons. Wants to catch one.[*]Personally knows Siebold of the Kalos Elite Four and has never once won against him in a Pokémon battle. Will get pissed off if this is brought up.[/list] [b][color=B0C4DE]OOC Extras:[/color][/b][list][*]Hexcode is [color=B0C4DE]B0C4DE[/color][*][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUiE2AtTe7E]Battle Theme[/url][*][url=https://i.ibb.co/rmP25Zk/Screenshot-2020-11-23-at-10-13-21-PM.png]Galar League Card[/url][/list] [hr][h3][b]LEAGUE PROFILE[/b][/H3] [b][color=B0C4DE]Type Specialty:[/color][/b] Fairy [b][color=B0C4DE]League Ranking:[/color][/b] Major [b][color=B0C4DE]League Placement:[/color][/b] TBD [b][color=B0C4DE]Gym Location:[/color][/b] TBD [b][color=B0C4DE]Gym Description:[/color][/b] TBD [hr][h3][b]POKéMON[/b][/H3] [hider=League Team] [i][The team your character uses to face off against Gym Challenge contestants. If they are placed lower, their team will be weaker, and vice versa. Again, don't worry about this for the moment as it will be decided when people are accepted. Make sure to describe your Pokemon's name, appearance, and personality as you create your teams.][/i] [b][u][Pokemon #1]:[/u][/b] [b][u][Pokemon #2]:[/u][/b] [b][u][Pokemon #3]:[/u][/b] [i]...[/i][/hider] [hider=Main Team] [b][u][Alcremie ♀ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Airelle[/color], with a Calm nature and the Sweet Veil ability. She is a [url=https://i.ibb.co/C2FSGdh/HOME869-Ru-SB.png]ruby swirl and berry[/url] Alcremie raised since birth by Nordrin. Airelle is capable of calming her trainer down when he is upset or angry. She loves helping with the baking and decorating in the restaurant, and is surprisingly powerful on the battlefield. She is capable of Gigantamaxing.[/color] [b][u][ Ninetales (Alolan) ♂ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Malin[/color], with a Hasty nature and the Snow Cloak ability. Gifted to Nordrin as a Vulpix upon attaining the rank of Marquis in the Battle Chateau in Kalos. It's resemblance to him as a Ninetales is not lost on him, and he suspects one of the Chateau staff picked this Pokémon for that reason. A clever Pokémon, Malin is as headstrong as his trainer. Though the two trust each other they butt heads, especially during training. Goes doubly so for the other Pokémon on the team.[/color] [b][u][✦ Slurpuff ♂ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Chien[/color], with a Hardy nature and the Sweet Veil ability. If there is one Pokémon that Nordrin spoils, it's this one. As a Swirlix Chien was extremely weak, but since meeting his trainer he's grown into a capable battler - and kitchen assistant. Chien is the perfect helper and acts as the median for Nordrin's team. He is a proud and responsible Pokémon and loves to soak up praise.[/color] [b][u][ Mawile ♀ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Molaire[/color], with a Brave nature and the Hyper Cutter ability. Brutally honest just like her trainer, she is Nordrin's number one critic. "Tough love" as they say. She is eager to jump into new things, whether it's trying new recipes or new battle strategies. A very active Pokémon that loves to fight and never backs down from a challenge.[/color] [b][u][ Ribombee ♂ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Puck[/color], with a Quirky nature and the Shield Dust ability. Captured by Nordrin for the species' ability to easily determine the ripeness of plants and their nutritious and edible pollen, it surprised Nordrin just how good Puck was in battle. Puck gives it's all in a battle because it doesn't get much exercise otherwise - it was caught in Kalos, and now in Galar it hates the cloudy, rainy weather, preferring to stay inside. Puck [i]will[/i] try and get what he wants by giving people a pleading look with his big, cute eyes.[/color] [b][u][ Azumarill ♂ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Marquant[/color], with a Relaxed nature and the Huge Power ability. One of the more recent additions to Nordrin's team, they are still trying to work on his teamwork with the rest of the Pokémon. Very capable in battle, though a bit awkward in the kitchen - in fact it's rarely seen there during operational hours unless it's eating (there was one single occasion of a fire that he put out though). Very friendly, tries his best.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Benched Pokémon][b][u][ Appletun ♀ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Pomme[/color], with a Modest nature and the Ripen ability. She was actually Nordrin's first Pokémon, picked up as an Applin and mistaken for food. Very affectionate in private, including with people besides her trainer that she knows well, but more reserved around strangers. Since Nordrin switched to a Fairy-type theme, she mostly spends her time helping elsewhere: training new Pokémon on his team, assisting in the restaurant, feeding weary staff, etc. However, she is still powerful in battle and eagerly takes part when she can.[/color] [b][u][ Vanilluxe ♂ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Vanil[/color], with a Mild nature and the Ice Body ability. Vanil was a trusted ally before he evolved. Now with two heads and two brains, it takes him a bit longer to do things unless he mindlessly follows orders, which is not what Nordrin wants to make the poor thing do. On good days Vanil is a powerhouse in battle, on other days it helps out around High Steaks. No matter what job it's doing, it's happy just to be around people.[/color][/hider] [hider=Other Pokémon][h3][i][sub][b]T[/b]he High Steaks gym employs quite a number of Pokémon that live and work at the establishment. Even those that were not specifically captured by Nordrin report to him and follow his orders, as he's the boss.[/sub][/i][/h3] [b][u][ Indeedee ♂ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Lar[/color], with a Serious nature and the Inner Focus ability. Lar is the maître d'hôtel of High Steaks, and he oversees all the other Pokémon that live and work in the restaurant. His authority over the Pokémon is second only to Nordrin himself. It's said that Lar just showed up outside of the restaurant one day during it's first few weeks, sensing that he was needed. He has been unfailingly loyal and caring to Nordrin since then.[/color] [b][u][ Scyther ♂ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Mante[/color], with a Bashful nature and the Technician ability. Mante was formerly a part of Nordrin's battling team, and though decently strong battling didn't suit him well. Mante was much happier helping to prep food, and so he was retired from the team once High Steaks officially opened. Whenever Mante is on the line, the speed of service increases five-fold. Surprisingly shy for such a deadly Pokémon.[/color] [b][u][ Polteageist ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Grayling[/color], with a Quiet nature and the Weak Armor ability. A Pokémon that Nordrin met early on in his career. It traveled through Kalos with him, but was never much of a battler (though if provoked it puts up a hell of a fight). Grayling is one of Nordrin's closest friends out of all of his Pokémon, and they are often seen together after work hours are over. Although Grayling is a "phony form" Polteageist, Nordrin likes that about it.[/color] [b][u][ Heat Rotom & Frost Rotom ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Fou [/color]and [color=white]Reft[/color], with a Naughty and Impish nature respectively and the Levitate ability. They were ghosts that supposedly haunted the building that Nordrin bought and fixed up in order to start his restaurant. They've stopped playing tricks on Nordrin ever since he thoroughly beat them in battle, but seeing as they were just lonely and wanted attention he let them stay. They help keep appliances running smoothly, and during off season "play" with the dining guests.[/color] [b][u][ Shuckle ♂ ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Named [color=white]Torti[/color], with a Lax nature and the Gluttony ability. He lives at the gym and provides luxury syrups for one of a kind desserts. He also loves to slowly move around the kitchen and eat up any scraps that fall on the floor. He is the only "staff member" for whom laziness is tolerated, since his job is passive. Cooks and wait staff knock on his shell for good luck on their shifts.[/color] [b][u][ OTHER POKéMON ]:[/u][/b] [color=lightgray]Several Pokémon were specifically acquired by Nordrin or his staff for use in the restaurant. These Pokémon include: a few [color=white]Cherubi, Bounsweet, Combee[/color], and [color=white]Paras[/color], as well as multiple [color=white]Milcery [/color]and [color=white]Alcremie [/color]that Nordrin has bred. The former group of Pokémon all help to make or gather ingredients for the restaurant. The Milcery and Alcremie act like literal "kitchen fairies," flitting about to clean up or led a helping hand. The Milcery can be adopted by others, but only those that Nordrin approves of.[/color][/hider] [hr][h3][b]RELATIONS[/b][/H3] [i][This should remain empty for now. When characters are accepted, players are expected to write down what their character thinks of the other gym leaders, along with other PCs and NPCs that might cross their path.][/i][/hider] Some minor tweaks and he is done. Will gradually fill in the Pokemon section. And sorry Crimson, I know you are [i]the[/i] fairy guy but it's what I thought would fit best in trying to fit in a single type theme! Also I see there are quite a lot of food and sweets lovers among the sheets so far. And Nor is here to provide them to you all.