Cain was glad the others gave at least some hint of what they could do. Even if it wasn't much, having at least some idea of what everyone was capable of would help if they got in to a tight situation. Given the caliber of these Outcasts the likelihood of trouble seemed high, and Cain definitely wouldn't want to get in to a direct conflict with them.

[color=green]"Perhaps for the time being we should take Albert up on his offer and spend some time in his B&B."[/color] It was a somewhat cowardly move, but Cain also thought it was the smart one. [color=green]"If these Outcasts are powerful enough to hide themselves from the good Detective here then it's easy to imagine they could also be keeping tabs on them and by extension all of us since we all came to this meeting. Unless of course anyone has any leads we could investigate right now."[/color] Cain was mostly looking at Juniper with that last comment. She was doing something on her phone, he hoped it was research.