[Center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmZmZmZmZi5UMjF2Y21rLjA/alphabetized-cassette-tapes.regular.png[/img] [color=black]Level:[/color] 2 [color=white]Experience:[/color] 10/10 [i][b](Level Up!!)[/b][/i] [color=black]Currently In:[/color] Smash City Alcamoth [color=white]Word Count:[/color] 398 (+1 Exp)[/center] [hider=Omori relearned...] [b]Stab[/b] - Always deals a critical hit. Ignores defense when Omori is [color=dodgerblue]sad[/color]. [/hider] Up, and up, and [i]up[/i] they went. While Nadia made sure Omori could keep up, he didn't feel too worried. He could be pretty fast on his own time, but all the same this was unchartted territory to him, unlike the more experience Hatty. Just how far did this place go? How high? A longer glance over the railing would make the weaker-willed nauseous. Thank goodness heights don't bother the boy anymore. And it just. Kept. [i]Going![/i] Omori watched as Hatty regained Nadia's attention, pointing towards the way to her desired destination. A race huh? The feral knelt down to let Omori ride on her shoulders, to which he hopped on in one swift motion. He's done enough running for a bit. His arms were gently crossed above Nadia's head. Hehe. It feels nice being tall- The monochrome youth snapped out of his thoughts with widened eyes soon as Nadia broke off into a sprint. Not even a second passed, and Hatty speed by on... Okay how the [i]crap[/i] did she get a scooter that fast?? More sudden was the appearance of two new racers, who Omori recognized as part of Kamek's fleet. The small turtle-like kid zipped after Hatty, and when Nadia slowed down, the black haired girl walked next to them. She, Rika, then introduced herself to the boy. He nodded when she asked if he was Kamek's new acquaintance. [b][color=dcdcdc]"Omori."[/color][/b] He simply introduce himself in return. [b][color=dcdcdc]"Nice to meet you too."[/color][/b] The trio arrived at the central shaft, where Hatty and Jr. were resting with a couple of juice boxes. After regrouping, Omori hopped down off of Nadia, looking up at the shaft like she was. They all approached the huge-looking elevator, the boy stepping on after the feral, then they were joined by another. A woman named Bella, and a friend of the others from what Omori could tell. He remained ever the silent one as they talked, catching up on current happenings and getting an explanation on how the elevator works. This apparently-haunted thing could take them to the top floor? Maybe he could see Otherworld from up there! Rika and Jr. were ready to head up, and no doubt Hatty was wanting to see too. So when they waited for an answer from him... Omori casually pointed a finger up, glancing around the current party. [b][color=dcdcdc]"Going up?"[/color][/b] Take that as a yes.