[color=#B93B8F]Location: Radlandia
Level 1 Exp 2/10
Word Count: 229 (+ 1)[/color] [/center]

Bede was very interested in hearing Vandham’s description of a Moogle they sounded so cute. Especially the comparison to fairies. Bede’s eyes went wide. [color=#B93B8F]“Oh my goodness, that’s so cute! I love fairies!”[/color] Bede cooed excitedly. Then he calmed down and regained his composure. [color=#B93B8F]“I mean… yes that’s very nice. I know a thing or two about fairies. I was taught all about them by my mentor before all this happened…”[/color]

After chatting with Vandham, Poppi came back with her Moogle contact. After getting the information they were looking for, it was noticed that Torra had gone missing. Poppi asked Bede if he could help search for him, and Bede sighed. [color=#B93B8F]“Well… alright, but in a strange place like this, he could literally be anywhere.”[/color]

And so the search was on. Bede walked around and saw no sign of the nopon anywhere. How could something of his size be this difficult to track down? However, they did see plenty of other weird things. [url=https://kirby.fandom.com/wiki/File:Angry_Scarfy_Spirit.png]Bede encountered a small, orange creature with a cute face.[/url] It was unlike any Pokémon Bede had ever seen. Bede went up to pet it. But as soon as he reached out his hand, the creature transformed into something scary. The angry creature chased after Bede, but it eventually exploded. Bede just stood there in disbelief for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and carrying on.