[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 6: 59/60 Word Count: short Location: Queen Station Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 7: 01/70 (pending)[/center] Jesse liked Raz already. He thought about the world in a strange way, which was something she could relate too. Maybe psychics really did have a lot in common no matter what universe or… video game they came from. As for his question, she took in the views of both ways and came up pretty stumped. There was no easy way to the surface. And it’s not like the infrastructure in the World of Light had any obligation to make any kind of sense. “Shit, I dunno.” She admitted bluntly. “We’re a cartoonishly far distance underground. It’ll take us so long to get there, we’ll be in another place entirely.” She rolled her shoulder. “Which we could do. There’s a couple other places on the Purple Line we could try, right?” “Either way, it might not be a bad idea to ask for directions. There’s some people back down near the station.” She jerked her thumb down the stairs they just came up. “Honestly, as much as I’d love to get my hands dirty, I learned once already that traipsing off to go on some misadventure is a bad idea when you’re working with a team.” She looked at the Fungal Wastes and the Fog Canyon. “Man it does look [i]cool[/i] though, doesn’t it? I’ve seen some crazy fungi in my time and this is by far the coolest.” Jesse considered both options, before looking at both of her fellow members of the Purple Line team. “N-no, we should at least try to ask for directions first. It’s probably only a matter of time before some crazy bullshit happens around here, anyway.” With that she began jogging down the stairs. At a turn in the stairs she hopped over the railing and floated the rest of the way down. Once back at the Train Station, she glanced around for those people she spotted earlier. The three Migosp’s looked pretty involved in their own conversations, so she would ask them second. There was a girl having a picnic with two lady bugs, and at least the girl had a mouth so Jesse could hazard a guess that she spoke. [i]And maybe I just want to ask directions from a girl having a picnic with two giant ladybugs. I’m allowed to have Alice in Wonderland fantasies, okay? There’s a 50/50 chance she’s either totally normal, or speaks in rhymes. Either way I'm onboard.[/i] Straightening out her jacket, the Director walked over to the picnic goers. “Hey, uh, excuse me. Sorry to interrupt. My companions and I are new here and we’re trying to get some reception.” Jesse stuck out her pinky and thumb and wiggled them like she was holding a phone receiver. “Do you think you could tell us the fastest way to the surface, please? Or, y’know, if it’s even possible to get to the surface from here.” She asked.