[center][color=ff9815][b][h1]Nakano Nagi[/h1][/b][/color][/center]

In the morning, Nagi had belatedly realized that one of her plans would have to wait: she'd completely forgotten that Masa was out of town for a kendo meet. Until the end of the weekend. Motherfucker. She hadn't even noticed until her LINE lit up with him sending pictures of food. The ramen looked real good, too. [i]Bitch.[/i] And so the school day passed with her in a perpetually piss-poor mood. It didn't help that for some reason, Okamoto wasn't even being her usual incompetent self, and so she wasn't even able to get any decent footage with her hidden spy cam. Not that Nagi had much faith in that plan anymore, after everything the bird had told her last night. Why bother trying to go public with footage when the bitch literally had mind control? 

When school ended for the day, Nagi had dragged Mune aside, foisted Goji onto him, and told each other they had about two hours to get explanations and shit sorted before cooking club ended and they could run off into the Metaverse. She'd given the matter some thought, and decided that it wasn't worth trying to go in the moment class ended. Too many people still around with clubs and shit. At six in the evening, though? Enough people would have filtered out by then that the chance of running into someone before they could do what they had to was way lower. 

So once cooking club was done, Nagi met back up with Mune and the bird a few blocks away from the school, not wanting to have attracted suspicion by waiting right outside. 

[color=ff9815][b]"Please, burglary's for pussies. I have standards."[/b][/color] Nagi grunted as they made their way back. [color=ff9815][b]"Honestly, I don't give a fuck if she changes or not. I just want the one with the bees to not be able to kill me when I turn a wrong corner in this building."[/b][/color] 

They made their way back into the main building, heading upstairs. Nagi led Mune towards the same empty club room that she'd interrogated the hat douche in, given that it'd gone unused for years by this point. 

[color=ff9815][b]"Okay, we should be fine in here. I'll get us started, Mune."[/b][/color] Nagi fished her phone out, opening the Metaverse app as Goji had instructed her to and punching the keywords in. 

[color=ff9815][b]"Look alive, bitches. Let's lock and load."[/b][/color]