[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 7: 01/70 Word Count: short Location: Queen Station, [color=purple]PURPLE LINE[/color] Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 7: 02/70 (pending)[/center] Bugs at a tea party giving her directions. The more she saw them react to what she said, the more she realized there were some communication barriers. Like what ‘reception’ meant. Or even what the surface world was. Jesse ended up stuffing her hands in her jacket pocket and letting them work it out amongst themselves, nodding politely whenever addressed. [i]Who said I don’t have social skills? Who said it, huh? Seriously, who. I want names. [/i] The light in Jesse’s head did something akin to rolling her eyes. The Director rubbed her chin at the information about the nature of the surface world. Hours and hours away. “I figured something like that.” Bugaria, huh? That was a good a name for a place full of bug-people as any, right? And wasn’t Gerudo Town named after the Gerudo? [i]Seems kind of funny though, right? That’d be like naming a town humans lived in…Humanaria. Actually, I’m going to shut all the way up. My hometown was named Ordinary.[/i] She dismissed any need for apologies with a wave of her hand. “No, it’s fine. You’ve been really helpful. Thanks. Have a good day.” She nodded to the two ladybugs and their hostess, as she turned and walked back to her two Purple Line companions. “So. It gets dangerous off the main roads, no surprises there. This place is called ‘Bugaria’, I think. There’s some mining operations going on in a place called Dirtmouth, which sounds like a human surface town. But apparently it’s hours away and pretty difficult terrain.” Jesse rolled her shoulder, as she was prone to do. “I’m thinking we just try the train again. Go to another station down the line. Maybe the Resort? We just need one Moogle per line, right? At the very least, I don’t see us making any progress here by ourselves.” Jesse concluded. “Especially with only a vague goal and sense of direction. It’d just be a big…stupid waste of time. We’d get eaten by giant bugs.” “...Huh. Well, I guess we’d turn to dust first. Before getting eaten. So there’s an upside. But overall, no, not worth it.”