[center][h2]Mercenary mission: Last Resort[/h2][/center] Just about eyesight of smash city, across the Eryth Sea, stood a power plant charged by a singular massive spinning turbine. To those in charge of the city, it was an eyesoar. Not because of anything to do with the structure itself however mind, wonderful renewable energy source that it was, but because of the brutish [url=https://i.imgur.com/vAgl2kL.png]locusts[/url] (derisively known as Grubs by their natural enemies, the Gears) who called it home. Attempts at friendly contact had been met with gunfire, and subsequent relations had only deteriorated thanks to a raid on one of the merchant caravans winding its way over too spiral mountain to exchange fish for crops. After Mewtwo had set the blue team to work training, and discreetly oversee their matches via the spectator system, it had instead decided that it was high time someone cleaned up the local trash. That they seemed to be sitting on quite the stockpile of weapons, ammo and military vehicles would be a (significant) side benefit of making the region safer and fully under the control of the seeker’s forces. [img]https://i.imgur.com/qrQzCWE.png[/img] The first challenge to taking the base would be the beach and the ruined wall that separated it from the more modern power station propper. Here, small gangs of locust grunts patrolled across sand and stone, or lounged on lazy lookout duty atop the walls, the fact that no one had dared bother them in forever meant they were pretty lax in the whole deal. That was right up until a comically large cartoon bomb bounced down into the sand next to a patrol of grubs. They had but a moment to look at it in confusion before it detonated, central explosion vaporizing one while a series of secondary explosions lashed out in a cross shape from the central one, pulping a few more unfortunate grubs in the process and posthumously teaching them about the importance of spacing. The surviving locusts scrambled for cover that could not save them from the bombardment dropping from the sky, grub after grub being blown to bits by the air dropped bombs. Their leader, Captain Jermad, took cover within the powerplant itself, but swiftly realized that he was under in no danger and [url=https://i.imgur.com/juDWpVW.png]stepped out[/url] onto the platform behind the windmill to get a look at what was attacking them. Gazing to the sky, squinting into the morning light till he spotted the source of their problem. Two shapes, floating improbably in the air, [url=https://i.imgur.com/NEKFL9b.png]one[/url] simply hovering there, menacingly, with its arm outstretched to its side towards the [url=https://i.imgur.com/Dsd05c4.png]other[/url] one. This second seemed to be the source of the steady rain of black bombs pelting his front line. But, as he had noticed, they were not hitting his main base. The monster of a man glanced down at the vehicle and ordnance stores of the compound and understood very well why this was, snarling “Greed” to himself before pointing down at some of his reserves and then up at the hovering figures. Up above Mewtwo narrowed its eyes as it spotted movement within the compound in response to its telekinetically held helper Bomberman’s shower of explosives. This had been effective enough as an opening, it decided, but now was time to activate stage two before their enemy had time to recover, something it did with a thought. As an engine roared to life along the coast, Jermad’s response came into view, a pair of [url=https://i.imgur.com/NAhYhAC.png]Reaver[/url] squids taking flight, each carrying a pair of grubs on their backs, one pilot as a pilot and one as an assistant gunner. The pokemon made a sound of minor inconvenience at this, and began evasive actions, bomberman in tow, as the assistant gunners opened up on them with their pistols… only for one to immediately sprout an arrow from the neck. From within her sneakily taken watchtower sat upon the hill overlooking the beach the goblin warlord and ace archer [url=https://imgur.com/4fWRVG2]Hollythorn[/url] drew another arrow from her quiver to as her ranger strikers finished off the last of the grubs who had been stationed within. She wasn’t technically part of the 4 hero band task with this mission, but the reason she was here was, and was also presently recklessly racing headfirst towards danger, if the roaring engine sound barreling towards the base was any indication. The grubs on the beach, the few that remained, pulled themselves together after the bombing stopped just in time to be targets for the whirling miniguns of [url=https://i.imgur.com/0G6TGvr.png]Duace[/url] as the hotrod came roaring down the beach, peddle held to the metal by one Eddie Rigs, hero and liberator of the Brütal Land. Bullets riddled the defenders as their own pinged haplessly off the souped up car, and by the time it did a sharp turn and powerslide up to park beside the wall it was kicking up their dust along with the wave of sand it showered down onto the battlements like a smokescreen. Along with this wave came an armored and crowned figure who leapt high into the air, wall jumped off the wall for more height and then floated back towards it for a moment before finally then dropping down onto one of the grubs. [url=https://i.imgur.com/93VzLNz.png]”Hi I’m Daisy!“[/url] the eponymous princess introduced herself as she smashed a frying pan down on his head with a distinctive [i]clong![/i] before bringing up the [url=https://i.imgur.com/okLcOx4.png]quad barrel pistol[/url] she held in her other one and haphazardly blasting it down the length of the battlements, filling the space and enemies in it with shotgun shrapnel. Grubs fell as she tossed the empty weapon at the closest survivor’s noggin before she rushed through the ash to deliver an unsportswomanly steel toe capped kick to his groin. As the grub doubled over in pain Daisy finished up by smashing him over the head with the frying pan. This unfortunately bent the poor pan all out of shape, so she hurled it at another locust and was, at that point, unfortunately all out of weapons. It was thus a good moment for a winged shape to rise up to join her, Eddie flying with demonic wings to deliver a two handed battle axe blow to the grub that was raising a weapon to shoot the princess, while an arrow sprouted from the eye socket of another who was doing the same. Princess daisy-bombed her own target off the wall (a move that came complete with a shower of her flowery namesake) and then waved up to the goblin appreciatively for the assist. In response Hollythorn rolled her eyes and then focused back on the air battle, where Mewtwo was doing its best to evade the remaining squid like Reaver, the other having been left blind by the death of its two riders at the goblin’s hands. This second one was proving trickier, knowing it had to be evasive or die; it was sacrificing its own ability to aim to stay alive, spraying bullets out that were of little threat but forced its own target to keep moving. [i]I tire of this. Give me a moment[/i] that target thought too bomberman, before tossing the explosive slinger skywards and flying right at the reaver, raising a blue bubble shield around it that deflected the shots and then rammed into the beast’s head. A glance from the mon that met the pilot’s eyes disabled the creature’s ability to pull the trigger a moment before the bubble burst like shrapnel from the impact. The mon took the moment he had given himself to palm strike the head of the beast, purple psychic energy flaring which he drove directly into its brain, pulping it to mush. Then he kicked off the now plummeting and disintegrating beast, flew at lighting speed and snatched Bomberman out of the air right before the hero met a watery grave and then finally swooped towards the beach to link up with the princess and the roadie at their now cleared wall. The base proper awaited. [img]https://i.imgur.com/zYVHQiW.png[/img] Mewtwo dropped Bomberman off at the beach and then hovered up to see how the two were doing, which turned out to be hiding behind their captured wall’s battlements as bullets rained down. “Projectile spammers huh? Real buncha cheap jerks” Daisy said to him as the mon ducked down to join them, glancing at an arrow embedded in the wall that had a bit of paper with “take cover you idiots” on it. [i]Quite[/i] the mon thought back, its eyes briefly skimming over a pile of replacement weapons Daisy had acquired from crushing grub sprites, before it formed a bubble shield around itself and stood up to get a look at the situation. The hail wasn’t as intense as it seemed while it had been ducking for cover, the mon found. The grunts, hunkered down behind various corners and chest high walls across the base, were instead taking turns to ping off a few shots to keep the hero’s heads down while a squad of them moved towards the entrance of the base to flank them, both actions done under the command of their observing leader. A thought and a resulting bomberman bomb took care of the little flanking threat right before they rounded the corner. The response to both this and, of course, Mewtwo standing up in the first place was an increase in fire power concentrated on him, a hail of bullets slowly cracking the shell of power as the sight of a juicy target immediately broke the grunt’s discipline. The mon smirked, standing there with its arms folded behind its back, as its allies got to move to a new position while it was the focus. A moment later fire opened up a little ways away along the wall on either side of the mon as Eddie and Daisy used spirit spawned weapons to return fire. Unfortunately they were not exactly expert shooters with adult rifles and their opponent was no fool, having held back troops who at his command immediately popped out of cover and opened up on the other two, driving them to hunker back down again. Mewtwo ignored a cry of “Uuuurgh, so cheap!” from Daisy while partially agreeing with Eddie’s shouting of “We need to get in there and wreck these dudes face to face!” ‘[i]I suppose I will resolve this myself then[/i]’ the mon thought to them, before dodging to the side with a twirling motion while dropping his bubble, before vanishing in a flurry of sparkles. A moment later one of the grunts was hurled out of cover and into a fiend’s line of fire. Then from an entirely different position a ball of purple energy soared out, hammering another grub in the back. Suddenly finding themselves flanked by the fast moving mon the locusts reacted in a barely controlled panic as their leader shouted for order (and then promptly retreated inside to avoid being taken down himself by the teleporting terror himself) Daisy took this moment to take a peek back up over her cover and then once she did not lose her head, popped two locust rifles on the battlements and just pulled the trigger down, spraying uncontrolled amounts of fire in the general direction of some grubs while giggling with girlishly manic laughter. Eddie meanwhile strummed a few notes on his guitar and then leaped down as the Deuce came roaring around the corner under its own power in response, having picked up bomberman on its way there. He mounted up and hit the gas, sending the Deuce slamming forwards into a locust position while Bomberman tossed his signature explosives out the back at those that avoided being splattered. If that had been the limit of the locust’s power, it would have been over, especially once Hollythorn repositioned, got an angle on the inner compound, and started steadily picking off grunts one by one. Unfortunately, Jermad had one last round of reserves saved up which he now sent into the fray. Along with them came the rain, slinging down from the darkening sky. A barb toothed [url=https://i.imgur.com/My60dni.png]preacher[/url] waded into the battle, screaming holy commands at the grubs to rise and fight, demands that were met with revitalization that sealed their wounds and even raising them from near death states. “Oh come on!” Daisy yelled as she tossed her spent weapons (much of whome’s ammunition usage had been rendered meaningless) away and pulled more from her pile, only to come under suppressing fire again from the revitalized Grubs. “Hey Holly! Can you do something about that!” the princess called up to her friend as bullets pinged of the stone wall behind her. Unfortunately the goblin was presently in the midst of fleeing from adorable [url=https://i.imgur.com/3YbN2yg.png]drill faced creatures[/url] called diggles which were made a bit less cute first by the locust augmentations covering their eyes and second by the fact that they had used those strange beaks to burst out of the solid rock Hollythorn had been stood on, and the warlord had no interest in finding out what they did to her green flesh. Down below Deuce skidded to the side, splashing up rainwater as Eddie pulled a U-turn and aimed to simply run down the preacher and his troops, only for canonfire to sound to the left of the car and a blast to slam into one of its back wheels, sending the care careening and crashing into a nearby building while the basted wheel spun away in the opposite direction. As Bomberman and Eddie pulled themselves from the crashed vehicle as the source of the cannon fire rushed towards them, the rampaging [url=https://i.imgur.com/5YpYfjg.png]cybereticly enhanced moon bear[/url] storming towards them to take them down with tooth and claw while its cannon reloaded itself. Further back Jermad had returned from summoning his troops from the reserve, a fresh waves of grunts heading for the front lines on either side of him while the captain himself was flanked by two [url=https://i.imgur.com/iQmYXb4.png]Theron Guards[/url] armed with strange bow like guns as retook his windmill observation spot. These weapons his guards raised and began “charging” up (a yellow glow building at the front of the gun) when Mewtwo appeared and began laying waste to the grunt wave. A volleyball shaped and sized orb of shadow slamming into one was its opening, before the mon teleported out into the open next to another pair running next to the first. To one it delivered a dark blast with a palm thrust that ripped its insides to shreds, and the other it slammed with its tail, the bulb at the end acting like the head of a flail as it delivered a blow that snapped its neck. Then the mon physically crushing both felled grunt’s spirits, levitating the resulting guns the moments they formed and opening fire with all three while using its blue barrier to block retaliation from the other panicked grunts as it mowed them down with cold and brutal efficiency. At least until one of the bow wielding guard’s added their own shot to the mix, the torque rifle firing its rpg shaped bolt with intense speed, which slammed into and then right through its bubble barrier. A split second decision to start dodging this shot when he heard it go off saved the mon from also being penetrated by the missile, and instead it only exploded inside the barrier and behind the mon, knocking it off of its feet and face first to the ground. The mon launched to the side, psychically pulling its fallen form out of the way of the second shot, before blinking into the air and then blasting forwards head first towards the captain and his 2 guards, only to have to swerve out of the way when a [url=https://i.imgur.com/mqwN0E5.png]third[/url] cut in with an oversized axe. It then parried Mewtwo’s weeping tail swing with the flat of the axe head, and finally lashed out with an electrically charged fist, the Boltmon who the locusts had found plugged into the heart of the generator willing to do whatever it took to protect its new master. Down below Eddie did almost the exact same move to spare Bomberman from death by cyberbear, using his own massive battle axe side on as a shield to catch the biting jaws of the rampaging cyborg. “Gahhh, your breath stinks! Get lost fur ball!” he shouted at it, before trying to sock it in the jaw. Unfortunately, it was A: a bear and B: had a metal lower jaw which just ment the roadie mostly succeeded in hurting his own fist, pulling it back and shaking it with an “ah-cha-cha-cha!” before stumbling back as the bear tried to wail on him again with another paw strike. This one caught him on the arm, sending the metal legend stumbling right as a bomb was slid between his legs. “Uh oh” he panicked as he saw it and just how low the fuse was, raising both arms and closing his eyes to try and protect himself as it went off. There was a wumf of flame and a pained yowling from the cyber-bear as it was blasted, but there came no fiery incineration for Eddie, who instead opened his eyes to see a cross of scorch marks on either side where the X shaped explosion had blasted past him. The cyber-bear itself lay crumpled in a heap, struggling to rise on sparking limbs. Unfortunately, as the roadie turned and gave bomberman a thumbs up and a “nice one” the grub preacher arrived to undo their work, lacerating maw opening wide and letting out the beginning of screeching invigoration intended for the fallen warbeast… Only for it to get an arrow shot right down its throat. The monster clutched at its neck and maw as it fell, much to the alarm of rank and file who were suddenly left medicless once more. Those that glanced up towards the source of the shot found the sight of a football gear clad princess merily goomba stopping the crap out of their trained diggles, bouncing from noggin to noggin with her studded football boots and leaving puffs of dust in her wake. Meanwhile the relieved goblin who had ended their spiritual leader was half way through notching about two dozen arrows into her bow all at once. Those that looked to see what had killed the preacher, then, were the first to join it in falling as Hollythorn proved herself to be a one goblin archer volley as she lossed a rain of arrows which joined the actual rain showering down into the enemy ranks. Those that had ducked down behind chest high walls joined the first lot in death about a split second later as the arrows dropping from the sky ignored their traditional cover system and struck down right through their bald exposed scalps Those that found cover under things tried to throw up one last show of resistance, only for Eddie to come charging in, powerslide on his knees over the rain slick concrete to get under their fire, the roadie shredding guitar so hard as he slid that the power cords literally melted their faces off. “How do you like that!” he laughed, standing as the grubs fell, only to duck down again as more gunfire sounded. This wasn’t directed at him however, and instead was coming from the remaining forces gathered around Jermad who were focusing on trying to survive the one mon army that was Mewtwo. The perfect pokemon was soaring through the compound’s rooftops, gunfire chasing its tail as it circled the locust captain, looking for an opening. The boltmon down below mirrored his movements, placing himself between his boss and the pokemon, the digimon using its oversized ax to bat any and all shadowballs Mewtwo was tossing down out of the sky before they could strike down his boss. Said boss meanwhile was not cowering, but instead was wielding a long rifle to try and shoot down his opponent. He was joined in this by his troops who were hammering rifle fire and explosive bolts skywards, all convinced they only had to get lucky once and this would be over. In reality they’d actually gotten lucky half a dozen times already, and though it was hiding it well, the mon was starting to feel the nicks and bruises that had been left on its legendary frame and was wondering how much more of this it could take. Then a black ball pinged perfectly off the frame of the windmill and landed amidst a cluster of grunts before detonating in a fiery explosion. A cheery cry of “Goaaaal!” came from the sporty Daisy, before she lined up a kick and sent another one of bomber man’s bombs hurtling into the frey with perfect penalty shot precision. Grunts that moved to react to this got arrows from Hollythorn, while Eddie used his demonic wings to fly up to the raised platform the captain was commanding from. The Boltmon turned to face him, batting away a bomb with his axe before charging the Roadie to meet him blade to blade, the muscular monster and man straining as each tried to push back the other’s weapon with their own. Behind the clashing warriors the two bowgun armed guards suddenly swung their weapons to one side and unleashed their bolts at mewtwo as it descended from the sky, only for the mon, now unmolested by conventional bullets thanks to the ladies and bomberman's fire, to flick its wrist, sending both shots whimsically spinning up into the air under the power of confusion, before they were sent sailing right back at the guards, the bolts punching deep into their chests and then exploding, showering Jermad with their ashes. Seemingly undeterred, the captain coolly raised his long rifle and definitely blasted away at the mon’s raised shield before dodge rolling to the side as the barrier slammed into where it had been. Dropping his rifle and drawing a pistol Jermad spun around to try and get a beed on the monster that had torn through his troops only for his arm, and his whole body, to freeze in place. Only his eye’s could turn and see the outstretched three digited hand grasping him with power’s beyond his comprehension. His arm shook as he tried to fight it, only for the mon to suddenly whip him over its head, and then launching him with that momentum and more, slamming him into the back of boltmon. The Frankensteinian monster stumbled, received an arrow to the knee and then an axe to the gut. The captain meanwhile hit the deck, grunted and then tried to push himself up off of it, only to find his death drifting towards him. “This is not the end of-” he tried to threaten with his last words, but the perfect pokemon ignored him and simply calmly pointed down at him with a finger and engulfed the captain in a dark explosion that tore his body asunder. The Locust’s captain was dead, his forces in disarray. All that remained was cleanup. The still falling rain at least handled the ash part of that. [hider=mission complete!] Spoils: [url=https://imgur.com/7HNaHGC]Gears weapons[/url] and ammo of appropriate calibers and [url=https://imgur.com/0QJu9iU]UNSC light vehicles[/url] from the mission A captured [url=https://i.imgur.com/NAhYhAC.png]Reaver[/url], a light biological aircraft Additional locust weapons ([url=https://i.imgur.com/uC2sP4C.png]hammerburst rifles[/url], [url=https://i.imgur.com/KV0jafW.jpg]Boltok Pistols[/url] and one [url=https://i.imgur.com/FMvCQpg.jpg]Torque Bow[/url] and limited ammo for all from grub spirits. A pile of dubiously useful melee weapons such as Aluminum Tubes, nailboards, a [url=https://dungeonsofdredmor.fandom.com/wiki/Double_Staff]Double Staff[/url] a Peasantly Pitchfork, an [url=https://dungeonsofdredmor.fandom.com/wiki/Interdimensional_Axe]Interdimensional Axe[/url] and a [url=https://dungeonsofdredmor.fandom.com/wiki/Dwarven_Wifflemaul]Dwarven Wifflemaul [/url] from the diggles. The spirits of the locust Captain Jermad, a Boltmon, a cybernetically enhanced moon bear and a Reaver. One functioning power plant. [/hider]