[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia[/center][/h2] [center]Smash City- Alcamoth [/center] [center]Lvl 9 (97/90) -> Lvl 9 (98/90) [/center] [center]Word Count: 340 words[/center] Yennefer was off...doing something. He wasn't sure what, but as long as she didn't come back while he scrubbed the blood from the inside of his armor, he was fine with that. Boiling away the water leftover with a very carefully-controlled fire from Igni, Geralt sighed. Whatever the hell had happened, it had rattled him more than he let on to Pit. Nearly dying, and nearly dying in what was supposed to be a friendly spar no less, was never a pleasant experience. Dying itself hadn't been either, but now that felt so long ago, while the memory of his vision fading while Pit's panicking voice drifted off was at the forefront of his memory. No matter. He was here now. He was alive now. He still had work to do, as well. Quickly donning his armor again, Geralt checked it over to make sure it was in good working order. The blood hadn't stuck around long enough to rust, and the fire from Igni wasn't intense enough to warp the metal any, so as it was he should be fine. His other gear hadn't been damaged in the battle, so there wasn't any worry there. All things considered, he was doing quite alright. As he returned to the Great Hall, Geralt's pace hastened a bit when he heard what sounded like a commotion. As he arrived, it was with shock to see Dante fighting a rather rough-looking fellow, wielding what...vaguely resembled a sword. If one removed all semblance of tapering, sharpness, or any other aspect of a sword that made it a sword in the first place. Almost like an even duller executioner's sword. He noticed Kamek's Toadies flying around, dragging wounded Door Guards from the battle, and he nodded towards the magikoopa. Nobody else was getting involved in the fight so far, but Geralt drew his bow just in case. If needed, he [i]could[/i] provide some ranged support. If needed. He wasn't quite sure Dante would appreciate it, though, so he held his fire for the moment.