[color=D1D0CE]It wasn’t unusual to see that their family hadn’t reached out to them. Sable surely wouldn’t. She would never forget her face when they returned home without their brothers. Her father’s reaction was even worse. Lumi remembered the pain that drowned his almond eyes, the way his muzzle scrunched up as he tried to prevent a scream. Even though they stuck with the plan of not telling their family what happened, it was almost like they knew. No one ever said anything about it, but the way they sat at the dinner table, two family members short, silent, staring at one another with sorrow… there was no way that they didn’t blame them. Their father must have already passed; she wondered if he forgave her in the end. Her thoughts were interrupted when Sora spoke. [color=CD7F32][b]”Good.”[/b][/color] she replied automatically. Lumi’s voice was dry, strained. Her eyes rested on the floor again. [color=CD7F32][b]”I’m good. Glad to see you actually find a place for yourself in Sunspear. Can’t say the same’s happened with me.”[/b][/color] Even though she despised Fishertown, there was almost nothing she wouldn’t give up to go back there. At least there weren’t people there that would judge her for what she had done. Lumi prayed to Arceus that her team wouldn’t either. They would never see her the same way again. Lumi raised her eyes, but they refused to lock onto Sora’s. Instead, they fixated on a spot right past his cheek and against the warm clay walls of a building. [color=CD7F32][b]”You should go with the rest and get something to eat.”[/b][/color][/color]