[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220120/39ad52ee6dbb97d2aa971d3a64bbe0ef.png[/img][/center] Sora could tell from Lumi's response that she was not 'good' as she said, but it wasn't his place to ask anymore. They had burned those bridges a decade ago when Lumi had left to go to Fishertown. He hadn't sent her a letter or spoken to her since then. He just nodded when she said she was happy that he had found a place here. He didn't know how genuine that was. [color=a0410d][b]"Yeah, it's been good so far."[/b][/color] He was happy here, for the most part, but even with Asher living with him he always felt lonely. He was so used to a house full of siblings that living with one other pokemon wasn't enough. Not that he thought he could handle it. He tried to meet his sister's gaze when she looked at him, but quickly gave up when he could tell she was staring past him. He wanted to say something else, but he didn't know what. That he was sorry they had fallen apart, that he hadn't tried harder to keep his brothers at home, or for basically acting like she didn't exist for a decade? Instead he sighed and nodded, [color=a0410d][b]"Sure, ok,"[/b][/color] he turned to start making his way towards the café that was recommended, [color=a0410d][b]"You should get something too, at some point."[/b][/color] He didn't know if they were going to be able to work together very well, but at the very least he wanted to make sure she was functional. He had no idea how kindly she'd take to him nagging at her. Not well he'd guess. Without saying anything else he padded quickly towards the café. When he stepped in he could see the long bar that stretched along the back wall with the window to the kitchen behind. He could see the vines of the owner, and head chef, moving about and picking up materials to add to whatever was cooking. He was reminded that he hadn't eaten anything that morning when his stomach growled quietly at the smell of cooking eggs and roasting vegetables. [b]"Over here!"[/b] He glanced up as he caught sight of Asher waving at him from a collection of tables that had been pushed together to accommodate the large number of Pokémon. He padded over and pulled himself into the booth next to his partner. He just gave the other team a quiet nod of greeting before reaching out for the water that had already been distributed to everyone, trying not to look at the obviously empty seat where his sister was supposed to sit. It reminded him too much of home. [b]"We were just talking about what kind of abilities we have and how well the team is going to mesh together,"[/b] Asher told him without needing prompting. [b]"I think we have a solid lineup that will let us take care of most anything we run into."[/b] The Quilava looked excited to have new Pokémon to talk to and plan with, his fiery mohawk flickering away. [color=a0410d][b]"Ok,"[/b][/color] Sora's voice was somewhat subdued, [color=a0410d][b]"What've you figured out?"[/b][/color]