[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KkjPESV.png[/img] [color=F92a2a] Level 2 (XP: 0/20)[/color] Interactions: Scout, Sectonia [@Archmage MC] [b]Haven[/b][/center] With the ambush hitting its stride Wonder Red strategized quickly. The civilians' safety was paramount to his own at the moment, and while he and his compatriots could dispatch the melee advances easy, they were under the most threat by the enemies firing from cover. Without a proper team of Wonderful Ones to support him, he'd have to get creative. Leaping into the air, Red landed on top of one of the decrepit cars sitting by the encampment's entrance. He grabbed it from above with his Unite Morph, lifting himself up in the process, and 'revved' the car, rolling it back and forwards on its rusted rims. Then, like a kid playing with a toy truck, he sent it careening ahead! And just as he let go he unmorphed, setting the borrowed Antlions atop the car as it barreled through the Ash Devils rushing towards them. The Antlions, collected so close together, sparked any Root their makeshift ride got close to and fried any bullet that wizzed past them, like a mobile electrical field. It was a bumpy ride, between the car's neglected state, the uneven terrain, and the impacts of their enemies, but the strength of Red's Morph allowed it to continue on past the ambush, eventually upending over a deep trench, scattering Antlions everywhere. Everywhere, as it happened, behind what the ranged Root were using as cover. As the enemy gunmen dealt and were dealt with by the Antlions and Sectonia's efforts, Red immediately went back on attack. He worked in tandem with Scout, delivering the final blow to any Ash Devil not felled by his gunfire, and soon the road to the gate was littered with bark and weapons. The only remaining problem for them now was the Hulk, finally entering the fray once more. Capitalizing on Scout's distraction Wonder Red jumped over the Hulk, delivering two swift jabs to the back and top of its head, injuring and dazing it enough for the other two adventurers to finish the job. Not [i]quite[/i] enough to keep himself from getting hurt, though, as the Hulk lashed out with its cleaver, so big compared to Red that it more clubbed him off to the side, face first into the encampment's metal walls. Luckily by that point the fight was largely won. The Hulk went down after the concentrated effort of the two adventurers, and what stragglers were left had enough sense to retreat now that their numbers were so low. Wonder Red looked a little worse for wear - his gauntlets scratched, bullet holes in his scarf, and a jagged cracked in the middle of his mask revealing pulsing blue circuitry - but he turned down any offer of healing supplies once they made sure everyone was inside safely. [color=F92a2a]"Excellent work, everyone,"[/color] he said to not just Sectonia and Scout but also to the fighters that fended the attack off too. At least, the ones not tending to the wounded. They weren't very receptive to the praise, however, and Red didn't push the point. He turned to his partners. [color=F92a2a]"We should get moving. There's not much else we can do to help here. We should make a note to inform Alcamoth about this location, too. They might be able to provide better help for the people here."[/color] As they left for the train station, Red took a slight detour, weaving around the trenches to where the first monster had been. It had been caught by the sniper early on, and so Red decided to acquire its spirit for himself... [center][hider=For Red]New Striker spiritbound: [b][url=https://i.imgur.com/09KjvBI.png]Howler[/url][/b] A unique specimen of the all-consuming Root. While it seldom attacks, it will let out an ear-piercing shriek when it becomes aware of any enemies. In addition to stunning any foes close enough for a brief moment, it also summons a gang of four allied [url=https://i.imgur.com/I7zEDQS.png]Hollows[/url]. While they have low life their small size and speed means they can swarm enemies and get some hits in with their nasty little hatchets. While the Howler is subject to typical Striker limitations, the summoned Hollows are not[/hider][/center] Joining back up with the others, Red asked Sectonia, [color=F92a2a]"Now that we're out of combat, what did you learn from the Moogle?"[/color] [center]- - - [color=F92a2a]Word Count: 614 EXP Gain: +1 [/color][/center][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EQXq1Ty.png[/img] [color=FF8C00] RANK 5 3/50 EXP[/color] Interactions: Therion [@Yankee], Jesse [@Zoey Boey] [b]Queen's Station[/b][/center] Rather than stand around debating their path forward, Jesse went to go ask some locals for directions. That was a pretty smart move. Raz stayed at the crossroads with Therion, surveying the different ways to go a bit more. [color=FF8C00]"What's mana?"[/color] Raz eventually asked, looking up at the unfriendly thief, not that Raz could look at him any other way. [color=FF8C00]"You mentioned it back on the train. Is that a kind of energy you use to do [i]your[/i] powers?"[/color] Raz didn't know a lot about things outside of his psychic frame of reference, so he settled on vagueness to get through most of these conversations. A 'power' is a 'power' regardless of which universe you lived in, right? [color=FF8C00]"If you want, I can also tell you what kinda stuff I can do,"[/color] he offered, [color=FF8C00]"it's easier to trust each other if we're open about that, isn't it?"[/color] He summoned his levitation ball, used his TK to grab and wiggle the signpost around, and blasted part of the rock wall with a Psi blast. [color=FF8C00]"That's all I can do at the moment."[/color] He de-levitated. [color=FF8C00]"All my other psychic abilities are still... locked? Missing? I'm not really sure how it works. Oh! And I also have my mind reading back, too! It's not as easy like back home, but..."[/color] Finally, he reached into his knapsack and pulled out his Psycho Portal, which just looked like a tiny door. [color=FF8C00]"And there's [i]this[/i],"[/color] Raz said, holding it up with pomp. [color=FF8C00]"This is a [i]Psycho Portal[/i]. It's what Psychonauts use to project into people's minds. I haven't gotten it to work in this weird mix-up world, though."[/color] He looked at it thoughtfully, turning it around, then glanced up at Therion. [color=FF8C00]"Would you be willing to let me... try, on somebody not under Galeem's influence..."[/color] It was around then that Jesse returned, with information. Raz nodded, looking back at the signpost. [color=FF8C00]"Yeeeah, I'm usually all for a good climb, but after everything with the mountain, I wouldn't mind an easier ride, ahah."[/color][center]- - - [color=FF8C00]Word Count: 349 EXP Gain: +1 [/color][/center]