[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7svXYpD.png[/img] [color=#B93B8F]Location: Radlandia Level 1 Exp 3/10 Word Count: 404 (+ 1)[/color] [/center] The longer Bede was in this town, the weirder and weirder things got. After encounters with several weird creatures, they soon entered a forest. At least, what Bede thought was a forest. It wasn’t like any forest he had ever seen. The sky was striped, and some of the trees had eyes on them. Everything was not the color it was supposed to be. Even among the sea of strangeness, they found Tora right away. He was being led by an Elgyem. Finally! Something familiar, at least for Bede. The young Pokémon Trainer smirked. [color=#B93B8F]“Ooh, I know what that is. That’s a Pokémon. It’s an Elgyem. I’ve seen them a few times in Galar. They have strong Psychic powers. Some people believe they are not from this world, but I find that hard to believe. I don’t know what it wants with your friend. I suggest you two stand back. As an expert Pokémon trainer, I have this situation under control.”[/color] He sent out his Hatenna. [color=#B93B8F]“Hatenna, use Disarming Voice!”[/color] Hatenna jumped foward and opened her mouth, releasing a beam of pink soundwaves surrounded by hearts and musical notes from it at the Elgyem. The attack startled, and knocked the Psychic type back. Of course, the cerebral Pokémon was not happy about being attacked, and retaliated by teleporting close to Hattena, and firing a beam of Psychic energy at point blank range. A point blank Psybeam hurt the Hatenna, but since Psychics usually resisted other Psychics, the Hatenna was able to shake it off. Bede was not impressed. [color=#B93B8F]“Really? Is that the best you can do? How sad. My dear Hatenna resists Psychic attacks. Hatenna use Round!” [/color] Hatenna let out another high pitched screech, causing the Elgyem to hold it’s ears in pain. Did Elgyem even have ears? Whatever, they had to hear sounds somehow. While the Elgyem was distracted, Bede pulled out a Pokeball, and threw it at the Elgyem. The ball opened up, and sucked the Elgyem inside. Then the ball shook. One click, two click, three clicks, and then the ball hummed. Bede was now the proud owner of an Elgyem. Bede picked up the ball, and proudly flipped his hair. [color=#B93B8F]“And that’s how you do it.”[/color] That Elgyem was kind of cute… And it could be great if it had the guidance of an amazing trainer like Bede. He then walked up to Tora. [color=#B93B8F]“What about you? Are you alright?”[/color]