[center] [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 8: 17/80[/color] [color=fff200]Karin Level 3: 5/30[/color] Location: Alcamoth Word Count: 1,009 Points Gained: 2 (Sakura +9, Karin +4) New EXP Balance--- [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 8: 28/80[/color] [indent][color=fff200]Karin Level 3: 7/30[/color][/indent] [/center] Sakura happily skipped by Cadet’s side, very pleased with their fight. It went very well. Both fighters learned a lot and were growing in skill, and she felt like she had really cemented Ace as one of her friends. Plus, again…it didn’t help that she won. Which is why she couldn’t help but smile, amused, as they rendezvoused with the fuming heiress, Karin Kanzuki. [color=f49ac2]”Uh oh…”[/color] Sakura said, setting a hand on her hip. [color=f49ac2]”Geez, Karin. I’m sorry you l-”[/color] [color=fff200]”Not another word, commoner!”[/color] Karin interjected, cheeks red. [color=fff200]”I did not lose. My victory was as complete as it was skillful. As clever as yours are lucky. So shut up this very moment before blow that happy little grin right off your chapped lips.”[/color] She threatened, jabbing Sakura with a gloved finger. Sakura put a hand up to her lips. [color=f49ac2]”Chapped..?”[/color] She asked quietly. She tapped them gingerly. [color=f49ac2]”W-well..,uh…anyway. If you won, why are you so mad?”[/color] [color=fff200]”Mad! Hah! Who's mad?! HAHAHA!”[/color] She shouted out a cackle that made it sound like Sakura meant ‘crazy’ when she said ‘mad’, not ‘angry.’ [color=fff200]”An arrogant smug little wizard could never get under my thick yet perfectly moisturized skin. No, my young Sakura-san, I am riding the high of perfect victory, as usual.”[/color] Karin swiped her hand through the air like she was cutting any alternative viewpoints in half with a knife. [color=f49ac2]”...Right. You mean Mister Rubick?”[/color] Sakura asked, curious, blowing right past all of Karin’s nonsense. [color=fff200]”Yes, I mean [i]Mister[/i] Rubick. You saw what he did to you at the restaurant. Copied your technique like it made him special! Well, Karin Kanzuki cannot be copied. Karin Kanzuki never falls for the same trick twice. Karin Kanzuki-...can choose to talk in the third person if she so chooses!”[/color] She said defensively at Sakura’s raised eyebrow. [color=fff200]”The point is- that cowardly arrogant bastard picked an arena where he could just use his telekinesis to toss me off, as if that counted as a victory in any meaningful way, shape, or form. The audacity! I demanded a rematch and he was foolish enough to accept, for naturally I exposed him as the fraud he was the instant I knew of his trick. Then he forfeit before I even got to hit him!”[/color] Karin vented to her friend Sakura. [color=f49ac2]”Well…I mean…rules are rules. Sounds like you two tied.”[/color] Sakura said. [color=fff200]”We did not tie! My victory was complete and total! His was merely- circumstantial! And once I knew his trick, my victory was assured!”[/color] Karin protested. [color=f49ac2]”But you-”[/color] Sakura began. [color=fff200]”But nothing! You may be happy to lick the heels of others to make friends, but Karin Kanzuki has pride! I’ll not be making peace with that magician. That noodle-armed, bug-eyed charlatan. Instead, I am plotting revenge.”[/color] She rubbed her hands together. [color=f49ac2]”But Karin!”[/color] Sakura said, alarmed. [color=f49ac2]”You’re on the same team! You need to work together!”[/color] [color=fff200]”That’s just it, my naive friend. During the course of our battles, I’ll save his pathetic life so many times, he’ll have no choice but to accept my superiority!”[/color] She grinned a familiar, villainous villainess grin. [color=f49ac2]”Oh, uh…okay, I guess.”[/color] Sakura scratched her head. That wasn’t so bad. At least she wasn’t trying to take over high schools anymore. Or hosting a gigantic free-for-all fighting tournament with Sakura’s entire hometown as the arena. [color=f49ac2]”Well. My fight with Ace was actually pretty-”[/color] Sakura began. Karin held up a finger. [color=fff200]”My sincerest apologies, my dear Sakura, but this story may have to wait. I hear a commotion. Do you?”[/color] Karin asked, raising an eyebrow. It took a moment for Sakura’s unsharpened, commoner ears to pick up on the noise, but eventually she did. [color=f49ac2]”That- that is weird. Did someone forget you aren’t supposed to fight outside the fighting spots?”[/color] The two of them began to head towards the reception area where they first arrived. It took them some time to get there, given the massive scale of the building. It was fortunate the acoustics were so good. Once they did, they saw the aftermath of a huge battle. Unconscious and half-conscious bodies were flung about the place! Sakura gasped, but when she saw no signs of dust or spirits, she let out a sigh of relief. Karin cupped her chin and strode forward to get a closer look. The street fighters looked over at the two overly dressed newcomers, who seemed to be the cause of the commotion. Seemed like they were intent on challenging anyone in their way. The teams that were designed to ambush newcomers under Galeem’s influence actually lost! Sakura couldn’t believe it. Karin, meanwhile, eyed the man in red and the woman in white. They seemed like worthy challengers. But someone else had already taken her spot. One of their own, a Seeker, seemed as if she wanted to take on both invaders by herself. Quite a bold declaration of skill considering the ten or more defeated fighters in the lobby. Sakura seemed pretty excited. Kamek was tending to the wounded, and Street Fighters beat the snot out of each other all the time, so she was pretty sure everyone would be just fine once they had some rest. [color=f49ac2]”Winner stays on, okay! I want to fight next.”[/color] She grinned. [color=f49ac2]”Or, you know…I know you guys just did a 2v10, but 2v1 isn’t fair, either. Maybe we could just split into two 1v1’s instead and-”[/color] She rambled as she began walking close to the fray. Now it was Karin’s turn to be the Straight Man of the relationship. She set a hand on her shoulder and pulled her back. [color=fff200]”Miss Sakura, I am not quite sure this is that type of fight. Remember they are under the influence of Galeem.”[/color] [color=f49ac2]”Oh. Haha. Right.”[/color] Sakura blushed, grinning apologetically as a bead of sweat ran down the side of her face. Karin pulled her back. [color=fff200]”Still. Should our bold huntress fail in her endeavor, I call dibs on the handsome fellow with the cool sword.”[/color] Karin added with a quick smile. [color=f49ac2]”Aw, man!”[/color] Sakura pouted, crossing her arms.