

[h3]Twilight Town[/h3]
[@Double], Roxas | [@Lugubrious], Scout | [@Archmage MC], Sectonia | [@TruthHurts22], Wonder Red
[b]Word Count:[/b] (603) +1 Exp
[b]Level 2 Roxas[/b] (0/20)


There was a bit more commotion than usual in the Market Street, all thanks to some new arrivals. This wasn't particularly unusual, new arrivals came every so often and would cause a brief stir. But things had a habit simmering back down after a day or so. In fact, the only reason Roxas even became aware of any new arrivals was because he happened to be out patrolling when the commotion started. He wasn't alone, either. Hush the Sram Rogue was nearby as well. When Roxas looked to him after the commotion after the commotion started, the Sram just offered a shrug. It wasn't until they went a little further up Market Street that they heard a familiar voice calling them over.

"Hey Hush, Roxas, over here quick!" it was Nock, the Cra Archer. He was gesturing to them while focusing his gaze on something happening above him, "Up there, you see it?" he was motioning toward the Clock Tower. Roxas and Hush looked up and had to squint their eyes before they finally spotted what Nock had seen.

"What... what is that?" asked Roxas, having never seen anything like it before.

"I think it's a... bug of some kind?" Hush offered with a shrug.

"Some sort of bee." said Nock, able to more easily discern details from farther away thanks to his training as a sharpshooter, "And it must be a pretty big one too to be visible from this distance."

"What's it doing?" asked Roxas, straining his eyes to try and see it more clearly.

"I dunno." answered Nock, "And Ram's nowhere around to try and tell us either. I just hope it's not trying to make a nest or it could be trouble."

"Well? Only one way to find out." said Hush, offering the same suggestion the other two were thinking.

"Yeah, I agree." said Roxas, "Let's see, can you report this back to the commander, Nock?" asked Roxas, gesture back toward the direction of the Barracks, "Hush and I will get a closer look."

"You're not gonna try and fight it alone?" asked Nock with an incredulous tone.

"Nah, not if we don't have to." answered Roxas with a shake of his head, "I just wanna take a closer look and find out what it is first. Once you catch up with us with some backup, [i]then[/i] we'll decide what to do."

"Alright, sounds good. Be right back." and with that, Nock took off back toward the Barracks.


Roxas and Hush had taken off further up the Market Street in the direction of the Clock Tower. But the two quickly realized that the crowded street would get them there too slowly for their liking. Roxas spotted what looked like a decent route they could take via the rooftops to avoid the crowds and bolted straight for it, "Follow my lead!" he told Hush. And moments later went sprinting by a two of the new arrivals without even realizing it.

The two strangers in question would probably notice fairly quickly that these two individuals were bolting in the same direction that their companion had flown off in. In fact, if they watched them for long enough, they would see the one with the skull face vanish altogether and become invisible while the black-coated blonde kid appeared to run straight up the wall of a nearby shop building in order to reach its rooftop. From there he seemed to quickly and spryly dash, jump, and even rail-grind his way across the Market Street rooftops and in the direction of the Clock Tower that the Queen Bee had gone off to.