[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/RoxasKHIII.png[/img] Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (13/90) [b]Level 2 Roxas[/b] (6/20) [b]Location:[/b] Twilight Town [b]Word Count:[/b] 1380 [/center] Unsurprisingly the pair that had come to confront Sectonia didn't recognize her sovereignty right away. While one of them was about to make quite a horrible mistake, his pal managed to calm him down, being the more rational of the pair. Although that rational one was the one that looked like they were from that organization, so only time would tell what this meant. Although that time came soon, as he used the same dark portal trick to teleport up to the top of the clock tower and come at, mostly, Sectonia's level. He then said something interesting that Sectonia wasn't sure even he realized, he gave out a lot of his own information about the organization. While he had a serious look about him, which was greatly diminished thanks to his anime boy aesthetic, his forthrightness was refreshing. So much so that Sectonia laughed a queenly laugh before saying. [color=92278f]"I don't know anything about a bald man or a man in white hair, unless you would count the dice man we fought as bald."[/color] Sectonia looked Roxas up and down for a bit, shrugged, and continued. [color=92278f]"It seems you know more about them than we do. Or perhaps you know their past, but not what they currently do now? Well, either way, I'm sure an exchange of information would be beneficial to both parties."[/color] It was around this time the Scout tried his best to diffuse the situation, probably not familiar with this type of chat. Sure the situation was tense, but Sectonia wasn't too worried after what Roxas had just told her. Whether she knew it or not, the insect had also revealed some nuggets of information to Roxas. The way she phrased her initial demand. That Roxas come with them to be questioned. That suggested that there was someone higher up that she reported to. And it honestly sounded like Roxas was going to learn more from them. But still, he continued to play along with the conversation, "'Dice man', huh?" he rubbed his chin in thought. That was definitely unlike anyone he previously knew, which meant the Organization had itself a new roster, or at least a partially new one anyway, "Sounds like they managed to trick some new people into doing their dirty work." he said thoughtfully. But unfortunately, Roxas had no way of knowing for sure if the two he had in mind were actually involved or not. But who else could it be behind the scenes? They were the only people he could think of who would have any desire to continue the Organization's mission. If that was even still the primary mission at all, "Take it from me: Whatever the Organization claims they're doing, I'd bet my coat that it's a lie. It's how they operate. Claim they're working toward one goal in order to convince people to join them, but in reality have their sights set on a different goal entirely." Roxas took a breath and rubbed his temples in thought. He hadn't thought too much about where Axel and Xion had gone to. He was worried about them, sure, but at same time knew they were capable of handling themselves. But if the Organization had been rebuilt? That changed things. Suddenly Roxas was questioning whether they were involved in his friends' disappearance. All the more reason to hunt them down and get answers from them, "No offense, but it's pretty obvious you're with some larger group." he finally said to the insect, "And it sounds like you've already had encounters with the Organization. So if it's alright, I'd like to join you. I have my own reasons for fighting them, but clearly our goals are aligned." Sectonia laughed again. This one was quite straightfoward. If he had any kind of combat capabilities, he'd make an excellent minion! [color=92278f]"Very well. It wont be long until we head back."[/color] Sectonia then continued the convresation, affirming that she'd take Roxas with them back to HQ. [color=92278f]"Unfortunately we don't even know what the goal of this 'organization' is, we just know they exist and are helping a much larger enemy. In addition to the dice man, there were reports of a man with a camera that froze time. ring any bells?"[/color] "Camera? No, sorry." said Roxas, shaking his head, "Must be another new guy. Tell me, have you ever encountered any silver-and-white creatures when dealing with the Organization? Or maybe black creatures with dark red emblems on them shaped like hearts?" if this new Organization was managing to operate without using Heartless or Nobodies, then that would definitely be a surprise to Roxas. Still, even if they weren't using them openly, there was still always the possibility they were holding them back for whatever reason, "And one last thing: Have you ever seen one of [i]these[/i]?" he held out his hand, and summoned the black Keyblade named Oblivion, "Has anyone you know ever seen or mentioned anything about it?" Sectonia shook her head at Roxas' first question about the minions of the organization. [color=92278f]"I haven't seen them use any of those. No one has, they use more... varied... minions."[/color] Sectonia said. Roxas then summoned a keyblade, something Sectonia had seen before, which she said. [color=92278f]"Ah, those key swords that that suspicious Master of Masters talked about. They don't look like they could do much in the way of damage I'd say."[/color] Sectonia said, giving an offhand comment at how she wondered how those could be 'bladed' weapons when they acted more like clubs. Still, her casual mention of the Master of Masters was something she was looking for a reply for, as Roxas was dressed in the same outfit. "The who?" asked Roxas, utterly perplexed. He had never heard of anyone called the Master of Masters before. And he was pretty certain that none of his old friends had, either. Maybe this was just some alias being used by Xehanort? But why would he do that? Still, he kept himself composed regardless, "I've never heard of anyone going by that title before. But it does at least confirm that the Organization's plans involve Keyblades. So it doesn't sound like much has actually changed in that regard." The Keyblade vanished from his hand in the same exact way it had appeared, "I should give you a fair warning, though. There's a lot of people out there who would do anything to get their hands on the Keyblade. Plus they tend to attract the creatures I described earlier. If you do let me join you, it could end up attracting more trouble to your group." While a bit of a shame, Sectonia wasn't all that surprised Roxas hadn't heard of the MoM. [color=92278f]"Well, if you do see him at HQ, you'll see why I asked you about him. You two share the same fashion sense."[/color] Roxas then went on, explaining that him joining could be a bit of a risk as his weapon attracted enemies to him, to which Sectonia laughed at. [color=92278f]"Oh, that isn't a worry. We have fought much, much worse than whatever comes after you. I can guarantee that."[/color] With that being said, Sectonia opened her wings a bit more and said. [color=92278f]"So, if you are going to be my minion from here on out, what is your name? I am Queen Sectonia."[/color] "I'd very much like to meet this Master of Masters, and I have a feeling he might share the sentiment when he learns that we're both wielders of the Keyblade." whoever this Master was, Roxas had decided to he had to find a way to meet him. It sounded like he knew a lot about what was going on, and could definitely give Roxas some much needed straight answers, "And I don't really know about being a minion, but my name is Roxas." Seeing as the two came to an agreement, Sectonia offered a ride back down to the ground for Roxas and the Scout so they could regroup with red. Once back down on the ground level, Sectonia said. [color=92278f]"Seeing as you live here, care to give us the tour? Beauty salons or magic shops are what I am interested in, although fine dining wouldn't be amiss either."[/color]