[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 7: 02/70 Word Count: short Location: Queen Station - > Metro Hub Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 7: 03/70 (pending)[/center] “Read whose mind?” Jesse asked, catching the tail end of the conversation between the two males. Therion didn’t seem very pleased, and Raz was a psychic, so she filled in the gaps. “Hmm. Probably not a good idea to read my mind, either.” Jesse mused, rubbing her chin. [i]I think I’m past it now but I don’t want to risk triggering any old bad habits. You know what I mean, with the tin foil hat that one time. That was a bad year. Plus, I don’t think you would let him in, even if you wanted too, right? You’re always watching out for me. I think it’s enough, just the two of us in here. I know I shut you out sometimes. So, I’m glad you’re still here.[/i] A shimmer in the corner of her eye. Jesse’s best friend. Thankfully, though, not her only friend anymore. They decided to head out to the other station on the Purple Line, since Queen’s Station was obviously way too far underground. Once there, they emerged from the much busier train station to find… “Yeah, we’re still underground.” Jesse said, squinting at the ceiling. “How’s it go? I just say Moogle?” At the magic word, the Moogle appeared. “Oh, great. Hey, um-” “All done!” The Moogle interrupted politely. “Huh?” Jesse asked, confused. “Oh, sorry: All done, [i]kupo![/i]” The Moogle repeated with clarity. “Right, I know, but, all done with what?” Jesse asked seriously. “Sectonia’s Team found the closest one to Twilight Town, kupo! You can all go back, kupo!” Poof! The Moogle told them where to go, and was gone. Jesse stuffed her hands in her pockets and glanced at Raz and Therion. “Well, boys. Operation Fuck-All is complete. Let’s go home. Or, I guess, Twilight Town.” Jesse nodded. “Honestly, Therion, we could spend the rest of our lives exploring this place. I can only assume that anywhere we go, there’ll be something worthwhile to poke. And to be honest, I’m pretty excited to link up with the rest of the Seekers, get a real good look at this operation we’re running. See who the Good Guys are. Maybe learn a little more about what we’re up against, too.” She followed his eyes up to the Resort. “But, y’know, it’s your call. I’m not the boss of you.” Jesse said, before stepping back onto the train and take it back to the main metro. Then she would go about the business of reuniting with the other Seekers.