[color=ed1c24]"Ha ha, I don't mind a little dinner entertainment, Let berserker be rowdy, This is supposed to be a festive feast not a funeral, right?"[/color]  Cassandra said in a festive mood while munching down in her designated table seat, Oblivious to how far off she is about this being a joyous occasion.

[color=39b54a]"Sometimes I envy your blissfulness master," [/color]Archer lean forward and whispered, crossing his arms. ever the skeptic.

[color=ed1c24]"Oh, What do you mean?"[/color] The spartan earnestly asked her servant with her mouth full of food, peeling away the skin off the drumstick with her teeth like a rabid animal, disregarding her tableside manners. 

[color=39b54a]"Nevermind.." [/color]Archer's eyes shifted across the table, Silently observing how uneased the director was ever since they arrived.  The way she looks at the empty seat of master's assassin every now and then. The melancholy vibes he's getting from it. Something must have gone wrong by the looks of it.

[i]Aside from the suspicious tardiness of Assassin's master, what's the deal with the pale girl with the wolf ears, Is she Chaldea's pet or something? I've never seen her in these parts before. [/i]Archer telepathically said to Cassandra, furrowing his brow in suspicion. 

[i]Dunno, I only met Assassin's master once, kinda odd fellow to say the least.[/i] Cassandra shrugs and continues to feast. 

[color=39b54a]"Uh-huh, I see"[/color] Archer sighed, trailing his thoughts to himself.

Archer quietly stands like a shadow by Cassandra's side, ears open to his surroundings, observing Saber demanding to shed some light on this sudden occasion. 

Something that Archer would never do, He's more of a covert/secretive type when finding out answers, It's much cooler that way, being an Anti-hero in most of his legends. Quite the opposite of Saber's straightforwardness in handling the situation. 

Nevertheless, Archer nodded in agreement to Saber's inquiry.


Despite the growing suspicion this dinner brings, Cassandra couldn't care less about the details of what's the reason the masters are brought in here, All she knows is: Hey it's a free dinner and I'm gonna eat like a king.

And so she does..

Like a gluttonous beast, Cassandra continues to devour everything she can get her hands into, She only comes to her senses when she heard a meek voice right next to her that stop her in her tracks.

[quote][sub][color=Gold]"Do you think maybe we will get some of that dessert too?"[/color][/sub]

[color=ed1c24]"Ah, you have a sweet tooth i see, come to think of it,  I'm craving some dessert right about now." [/color]Cassandra said to Chabi with a smile on her face.

[color=ed1c24]"I don't see any dessert other than that white-haired girl is hoarding right about now.. maybe we should ask her.[/color]"  Without any hesitation, The tomboyish spartan raised her voice and started waving at the wolf girl.

[color=ed1c24]"Say. you there with the white hair, my friend and I were wondering if you could share that delicious cake with us.. I'll trade you with this grape for it~"[/color] Cassandra offered.