[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 928 (+2) ( -5 from a heart I forgot about) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 8[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]//(78/80) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Kara Kara Oasis - Nyakuza Metro [color=Aquamarine]Warp Charges:[/color] 0 [hider=warp locations] Virgin Victory teleport room Top of the Split mountain Outside the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage Tostarena Town [/hider] [/center] A little bit after they had appeared in a shower of pixels in the Virgin Victory’s teleport room Midna and her recovered team of bros headed for the train station, with Midna carefully and unnecessarily avoiding getting too close to the Gerudo guards to avoid the whole Urbosa spirit situation. After that little bit of unneeded tension was out of the way, the princess rode down into the underground, her arrival causing quite a bit of a stir among the feline passengers class who cleared a wide berth around the bottom of the stairs. This meant she and her posse had little issue getting to the map of the underground. Unfortunately, they had one slight problem, which was that they had no idea where they were going. [color=Aquamarine]”Wait. Shoot. I don’t have any idea which one of these is the one we need to take”[/color] she was forced to admit as such to the others. Fortunately, their obvious arrival had made them quite hard to miss for the person who had been waiting for them. “Never fear, Bruam is here!” the self identifying muscular man called over “and he knows where to go” [color=Aquamarine]”Oh, phew, good to see you”[/color] Midna said as he approached, quite relieved before going [color=Aquamarine]”Eek!”[/color] when she was suddenly picked up into a bear hug by the big guy who said “and it is good to see you again safe and sound my friend. You had Braum a little worried you know ha ha!” while patting her jovial on the back and then plopping her back down on her steed. [color=Aquamarine]”Ah, mmm, well, you didn’t need to be”[/color] Minda replied, pointed ears a touch flushed from the intimacy before she cleared her throat and insisted that [color=Aquamarine]”I handled everything just fine”[/color] “Yes yes, and I see you found some of our other friends while you are it” Braum said, giving a wave to the lads who were mostly trying to not have a laugh at the princess’ expense, before asking “and our trapped friend…?” to which Midna shook her head sorrowfully, a hand briefly grasping the frozen olive strung around her neck. [color=Aquamarine]”I’ll tell you about it on the train”[/color] she said, before asking the important question [color=Aquamarine]”So where are we headed off too? I assume you stuck around to catch me up while the others headed off to wherever was closest to home base already?”[/color] “That’s right. Primrose has already gone off to this place called Twilight Town which is just a hop round the coast from home.” Bruam informed her, before clarifying that “The other two decided to go their own way” before she even had to ask. [color=Aquamarine]”Oh…”[/color] Midna replied, briefly feeling annoyed about them doing that after all the effort they’d put in, before mentaly scolding herself for that selfishness and picking up on the interesting name of the palace [color=Aquamarine]”Wait, did you say twilight town?”[/color] “That’s right! Oh, is that the twilight you are a princess off?” Braum asked [color=Aquamarine]”I… No it cant be… but maybe?”[/color] her people should not be able to live in the world of light, but maybe Galeem had let them and plopped a town from her home into its realm regardless. She wasn’t sure if she should be excited that she might be about to see a bit of home or fearful that a town was all that was left of it. Regardless [color=Aquamarine]”Well, only one way to find out. So, do we need to pay to get on or..?”[/color] “We do. We need these pon things that were lying about the station, though it looks like people have cleared them all out for the most part, at least the easy to reach ones. Braum didn't have much luck looking where he could still look for you” Braum explained, which caused Minda to take a proper look around the station, spotting at least one high high up in the rafters eventually, but mostly noticing how the cats had given her wide berth and where glaring at her. [color=Aquamarine]”Huh, what is their problem?”[/color] she asked, glaring back at one only to find it not matching her eyes but instead… She looked down at her mount who was entirely unaware of the mean looks coming its way, and was instead just happy to be here as always. [color=Aquamarine]”Oh. Cat’s and dogs huh”[/color] Midna said, finding this kind of funny at first, at least until she noticed a rather more towering and more authoritative [url=https://i.imgur.com/H8jcwMz.png]feline[/url] striding through the rest at which point she decided maybe she should just put the wolfos away so as to not cause any trouble. Sure, she could take them if things came down to it, but it would make using the train a bit trickier to become a foe of the local enforcers. So instead of getting into some kind of argument or tussle over their little problem she banished her steed, dropped the floor, made a little show of the fact it was gone, before replacing it with her Vibrava instead as her escort. The big guard/thug cat scowled at her, before making an ‘im watching you’ gesture with two of its fingers and halting its advance. [color=Aquamarine]”Right. Now that that’s all cleared up let’s get this place cleaned up”[/color] she said, having her vibrava latch into position on her back before buzzing up into the air and proceeding to make a mockery of all the platforming and obstacle avoidance challenges via flight and shadow hopping. The amount of scrounging she had to do to find every last pon they needed did make her a little concerned about just how useful this would be, because what would happen if they spent all the currency the stations had? Still, that was a problem for another time, for now, she got what the five of them needed and then together they set off to catch up with the others. Hopefully there wouldn't be any kind of big climactic event going on in twilight town that they’d arrive late too.