[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dr1bvu8_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img] [Color=#67a4e0]Level:[/color] 3 [Color=#e607f8]Experience:[/color] 14/30 [Color=#e607f8]Currently In:[/color] Frozen Highlands, Back to Camp [Color=#67a4e0]Word Count:[/color] 828 (+2 Exp) [i][@Lugubrious][/i][/center] Sensing that the gloom that clouded her heart hadn't let up yet, Frisk's companions tried to lift her spirits back up. Linkle suggested ressurecting Melony, like she did the unnamed Spheal, but Albedo shot down the idea. She nodded in response to his answer. He had a point, but there was also one other issue that'd prevent the Skullgirl from acting on her idea. [color=67a4e0]"Besides, I already fused with Melony's spirit. Unless we find a way to undo it, I'm stuck like this for the long run. Sorry."[/color] Frisk explained to her. [color=67a4e0]"But I'm alright now. We managed to avenge her, remember?"[/color] She managed a smile to her companions. Atleast, the woman hoped they managed to defeat the Fellflower. It was hard to tell, having to escape the caverns so abruptly. That power it had. She could've made use of it, if she had enough time to take it's spirit. Ah well, there was always the next batch of enemies, right? When the topic changed to Teba and Joel, Linkle explained to her what happened back at camp, and how they realized the Albedo that left with the others was a fake. The two were still okay, not freed from Galeem's influence, but they were still okay. And at Joel's insistance, they were still waiting back at the campsite. [color=67a4e0]"Right. It'd be poor timing to attempt to friend heart them. I wouldn't worry about it."[/color] Frisk noted. Seeing as Linkle and Albedo were okay with her taking a shortcut, she passed Prisoner's pouch and the Spheal to them and stepped aside to teleport away. If anyone was looking closely, they could see the faint glow of a golden star. One that mirrored the alchemist's "mark of authenticity". And in a blink, Frisk dissapeared. On her end, her surroundings had changed back to the [i]still creepy[/i] forest, where the campfire broke through the drearyness. She followed the fire to find something quite unexpected. Teba was recognizable, but it took her a bit to make out the second silhouette. In fact, the silhouette was Joel, embracing someone unfamiliar. Wait a minute. Could it be...? A gasp escaped Frisk's throat. [color=67a4e0]"Are you-???"[/color] She asked him, picking up the pace to stand by the two. Joserf. He was okay! She didn't know if Joel saw her as Melony or recognized her as Frisk, and maybe it was best for her not to know. Either way, she smiled sweetly at the boy. [color=67a4e0]"The others should be heading back as we speak! They gave me the go ahead to use a shortcut back here."[/color] She told him. When his father spoke up, her smile turned empathetic. Hopefully he'll recover his memories over time. When Teba motioned for her to give father and son some space, Frisk quietly stepped aside and over to the archer. He explained that Joserf stumbled onto the camp most recently, recovering from near death after a bit of soup. By either luck or miracle, she didn't have to worry any longer. And if Joserf hadn't met his end by the Fellflower, then maybe... The avian asked if the others were okay, and Frisk rested a hand on her hip. [color=67a4e0]"Yeah, they managed to find me and Prisoner before that thing killed us. Us three managed to fight that thing off, but I'm...honestly not sure if we managed to kill it. I think we did, but we couldn't stick around long enough to check. It set off an avalance."[/color] She shook her head in distain. [color=67a4e0]"Prisoner lost his body. Twice. So if you don't see him, he's been reduced to a head. Other than that, we're all in one piece.[/color] After her brief report, the woman's eyes widened when Teba apologized for how he acted before. [color=67a4e0]"It's understandable. None of us knew we were being manipulated like that. We're lucky there were no further casualties."[/color] She reassured him, crossing her arms. The Spheal was an odd case, so she decided not to mention them. Teba reflected on the late Melony's choice to join them, and as if he caught on to where Frisk's form change came from, he gave her the belongings she left behind. She grabbed the satchel and looked inside. The woman glaced back up to Teba and nodded. [color=67a4e0]"Thank you, Teba."[/color] Frisk closed the satchel back up and put it on. [color=67a4e0]"You know, you sort of remind me of a friend of mine. Just a bit less extreme. But she's a strong solder, and a caring person. I'm sure she'd love to fight alongside you."[/color] She noted with a grin. After another moment he told her he was going to help Joel and Joserf to a fishing village nearby, and that her and her companions should come with. [color=67a4e0]"Oh yeah, I think we caught a glimpse of it on our way up here! Hopefully it has some shops I can sell some of this stuff at, gonna need a quiver and arrows for this bow I got."[/color]