Alright kitties, here is the OOC for the harvest moon RP. If you guys could just copy your cs' here and post it as your first post then i'll add you and your characters to the roster. All ranchers will raise their crops and based on a virtual dice they will get a certain amount of grade crops. The chance of getting better crops will increase if they fertilize their plots. As for miners, fishermen, drifters and shop/barkeep the grade of the items you come across will also rely on this dice. For example if the dice comes up 6 for a miner then he will find one diamond or rare ore. For the fishermen type he'll be able to acquire one king fish, drifters you will be paid a large sum of money for any work you've accomplished (assuming your doing any work lol) and barkeep gets a lot of tips. As for the mayor and doctor, your success will pretty much rely on the success of prosper town as a whole. The mayor will be able to lend out more land to the farmers and upgrade shops once enough exported goods (done by the miners/fisher/ranchers/shop/barkeep) And will be in charge of announcing the festival events. The doctors will rely on the people when they have a cold, delivering babies, or possibly more serious things like accidents. They will need to make sure that the workers are healthy. Sound solid? I will try and be sort of the random event generator. When I post It will either be the beginning of the day, the middle of the day and the evening. So Im thinking my posts will look like this: [b] Morning: 6am-11am [\b] The day starts on the 6th of spring, the weather will be sunny with a small breeze and flowers are beginning to bloom. ----------------- So when everyone has posted after my time post, then that will be what the characters have done from 6am to 11am and then I will post the next stamp time which will be from 12pm-5pm and for the evenings the stamp time will be from 6pm until 12am. members: Krauxis Luna008 Kai SupahCow090 Omnial Stern Algorithm we got a good little group here! So what do you kats think? Want to have an' adventure?