
[color=0072bc]Location:[/color] 9:30am
[color=0072bc]Location:[/color] Damien Estate
[color=0072bc]Location:[/color] [@PapaOso] Cassius

[center][color=lightblue]"Sir, he only said to tell you that your bastard has arrived."[/color][/center]

[right][color=0072bc]"What... in the living [i]fuck[/i] is [i]that[/i] supposed to mean?"[/color][/right]

[color=lightblue]"Count Damien, I think he means that he is your son from another woman... and now he's here."[/color]


Calbert ran a hand through his hair. There was a pause and a sound of indignation that followed. [color=0072bc]"I know what a bastard is!"[/color] The count paced about his foyer. Was his son truly [i]just standing [/i]outside his home? Conveniently the day after his precious Violet had passed?  He clenched his jaw with uncertainty. This was all too much. He had to wonder if his new enemies were creating some kind of rouse with some information they scrounged up.  

It was indeed true that he had a son. 

But it had been twenty-seven years since he had last seen his mother. The memory of it all, however, was still clear as if it had happened yesterday. 

He had been engaged to a beautiful dark-haired woman named Meredith. With streaks of silver in her hair and the loveliest of eyes, she had always stood out in a crowd. However, before the two of them could even wed, the problems had begun. As a nobleman, he had strategically selected an attractive and seemingly suitable woman to be his wife. In his own attempt to keep her satisfied, he had showered her with compliments and gifts. Calbert assumed a woman looking to marry a higher-status man was searching for such luxuries, and they could both benefit from the relationship. Although he did grow fond of her over time, Meredith knew it had never been love. In the most ironic way possible, she had been Calbert's match as she had seen through his act. Not only that, she had watched the way he'd play with people's heads. [i]And she hated it[/i]. 

Then came the day when the straw broke the camel's back. Meredith had left and never came back after that day. She had simply left a letter. In that letter, she had told him simply that she was pregnant and refused to have a man like him as a father to her child. He had never quite learned where she had gone, but she had the decency to send him a few letters. Unfortunately, she had stopped a few years in and cut contact completely off.

Calbert clenched his fists and moved into his bedroom. He opened up a small, decorative box with a key and took out a few old pieces of paper. He flipped through them.

[color=7ea7d8][i]I named him Cassius... 
[right]...He has your eyes...[/right]
He reminds me of you... But I hope he will be nothing like you. 
[right]...You'll never meet him so don't bother...[/right] [/i][/color]

His eyes darted across the pages, picking out sentences here and there. He finally set them down on his dresser and departed his bedroom. 

Calbert marched out of his house and down toward the gate. His heart was racing along with his pace as a figure behind the gate began to come into view. The streaks in his hair verified everything before he could even stand across from the man, who was clearly grown. For a moment, he felt a wave of anger that had been long buried in him rise again. His mind was rampant with thoughts but none had escaped his lips. Instead, he met his gaze with a look of nonchalance, just as he did everyone.

[color=0072bc]"Tell me your name." [/color]