[hider=Evander Fino Synesti] [center][h2][u][color=BC3823]Evander[/color] [color=CC5500]Fino[/color] [color=d4af37]Synesti[/color][/u][/h2] [color=71797E][h3]The [color=cc5500]Fire[/color] & [color=BC3823]Blood[/color] of Steel Dragons[/h3][/color] [img]https://i.ibb.co/qBkVNqk/Hijinx-a-young-18-year-old-male-noble-ponytail-blonde-hair-blue-d099bb62-6c35-4df4-b6f8-8cba3d8ebba5.png[/img][/center] [b][center][/center][/b] [center][i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q34wCPCZ-iI]"I will never forget who I am."[/url][/i][/center] [center][h3][b] 19 | Male | Revidian | Noble | 7.71 (w/ pauldrons - 8.09) (8.6 using Fire while wearing pauldrons) [/b] [/h3][/center] [color=71797E][h3][u][color=BC3823]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/u][/h3] [indent] ❖ [ [s]Competitive[/s][ Headstrong ]] ❖ [ Strategic] ❖ [s][ Confident][/s] [ Resilient ] ❖ [ Snobby/Unapologetic] ❖ [ Gentleman][/indent] [color=CC5500][s]Competitive[/s] [b]Headstrong[/b][/color] Evander's mind and body are aligned with his personal goals. A true tour de force in willpower. He has been tested in combat against several high tier mages and their attempts to COMMAND him. He has proven to be headstrong and incredibly difficult to control without his consent. [color=cc5500][b]Strategic[/b][/color] Evander follows a set of principles. These principles include: [list] [*] Nothing can be mastered without consistent training. [*] Attack where an opponent is unprepared. [*] Do nothing uselessly. [*] If an opponent is stronger, evade them. [*] Appear weaker when strong and strong when weak. [*] Remain flexible to the conditions of the situation and environment. [/list] His father has always reminded him, “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory; tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Evander interpreted this as focusing on strategy if one is to win and both if one is to win decisively. [color=cc5500][s]Confident[/s] [b]Resilient[/b][/color] Evander knows who he is and why he is at Erasand’Enise. This has emboldened his will to push through setbacks. Once confident, now resilient. He no longer believes he is strong; he feels it and has proven it to himself that when thrown down, he will find a way to get back up. [color=cc5500][b]Unapologetic/Snobby[/b][/color] Evander will never be seen apologizing. He expects others to apologize to him when they fail to address him as the noble he is. His Zeno, Jocasta, and Moriah have all interrupted him or tossed his words to the side at some point. These incidents are noted. Evander has corrected Moriah. He has remained patient with his Zeno and Jocasta…as of now. [color=cc5500][b]Gentleman[/b][/color] Evander has a healthy attitude toward women. His first best friend was his twin sister, Celestina. His behavior toward women carries his fundamental memories and attitude about his sister. It is why Evander will frequently back down when it comes to confrontation with women. He believes they should be respected and protected even when wrong. Unless they are Eskand…Eskand can perish like the plague they are. [h3][u][color=BC3823] A P P E A R A N C E [/color][/u][/h3] Evander stands 6’ with healthy fair skin, medium-length blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. His chin is soft while squaring out around the jawline. He has unremarkable ears that remain hidden by his thick hair. Evander often pulls his hair into a ponytail in the summer months to keep his neck cool. He dresses in noble attire consisting of velvets. Occasionally, he will wear a hat, doublet, jerkin, and half cape covering one shoulder. Evander’s colors are burgundy, accented with gold threading. His family’s coat of arms is stitched into his cape, which bears a rose blossoming into a flame held by one strong arm. Mirroring the arm is a sword crossing the rose with its blade surrounded by flames held by another strong arm. Evander’s most notable mark is the scar across the bottom of his chin. He sustained this injury early in his childhood. In the ancient Avincian language, the coat of arms is wrapped in the following words, [I][color=cc5500]“Cor Flamma Dolor Exurit Gladii”[/color][/i] - [color=FFFFFF]The Heart’s Flame Burns Away A Sword’s Pain[/color] [h3][u][color=BC3823]L A N G U A G E S [/color][/u][/h3] Fluent in Avincian, Revidian, Perrench, Budesrnic. Advanced in Torragonese, Juroban, Belzaggic, and Virangish. Elementary in Thalakosh, Pestian, and Warlish. [h3][u][color=BC3823]T H E G I F T [/color][/u][/h3] Magnetic Master // [color=CC5500][i]lvl 6.[/i][/color] Arcane Expert // [color=CC5500][i]lvl 5.[/i][/color] Kinetic Journeyman// [color=CC5500][i]lvl 4.[/i][/color] Temporal Adept // [color=CC5500][i]lvl 3.[/i][/color] Evander was born blue-blooded with a fire burning in his veins (fireblood). At a young age he tested as a 7.30 on the RAS scale. He began with an affinity for the Arcane gift and later focused on Magnetism. While training in Zebaka with his mentor, he picked up an understanding of the fundamentals of Kinetic, learning basic skills to enhance his own body's natural athletic talents. Evander has recently sought the understanding of Temporal after his encounter with Sirrahi. He has been under the tutelage of his current Zeno, Jocasta, to achieve this goal. [h3][u][color=BC3823]B A C K G R O U N D [/color][/u][/h3] [color=cc5500][b]House Synesti[/b][/color] Evander belongs to House Synesti. Synesti traces back to the origins of Avince. His family has done the impossible and has sustained diligent records over the centuries, including the collapse of Avince. Albeit, the fall of Avince uprooted Evander’s ancestors, it did not end his ancestors’ loyalty. The evolution of House Synesti’s identity began to shape around the mission to “return to glory.” There are stories that the family has struck deals with the supernatural to improve their luck and fertility and remain consistent throughout the generations…yet…these stories have not been proven. It could be a coincidence that each generation successfully births twins of the opposite sex, or it could be something else. [color=cc5500][b]Revidian War[/b][/color] Fast forward to recent events and House Synesti’s activity, the war against Parrence is most notable. The Synesti family made powerful political and military moves to gain favor among the Revidian nobles. The Synesti’s might even be credited with manufacturing a strong part of the solidarity that is now the Revidian Confederacy. The Synesti’s wealth may have even contributed to the success of the current Doge, Prospero l’Anguilla. During the war, aside from political devices, the Synesti’s bought, trained, and commanded mercenaries to bolster Revidia’s ability to conduct land battles against a superior Parrence army. Evander’s grandfather shined most in the political arenas while his father, Foscari, battled on the fields of steel. After the war, Evander’s grandfather died and was succeeded by Foscari as Duke. In another major play to gain favor outside of the military and political spheres, Duke Foscari married Mihaela Dragos of Budesrno. The marriage completely restructured Revidia’s naval security and trading control from Balbri to Arrund. A year after their marriage, Evander and Celestina were born. [color=cc5500][b]Erasand’Enise[/b][/color] Doge Prsperos of Revidia recently approached Duke Foscari with a proposition due to rising tensions between Revidia and Parrence. The Doge asked for Duke Foscari’s son, Evander Fino Synesti, to attend Erasand’Enise as a trusted confident within the institution. Duke Foscari consulted Evander on the deal, Evander happily taking a bite at an opportunity to do his family proud. The Doge would arrange to have Evander invited, enrolled, and begin learning as a student of the Academy. [h3][u][color=BC3823]M O T I V A T I O N[/color][/u][/h3] Evander is motivated by legacy. Everything he understands about himself is deeply rooted in ancient Avincian texts interpreted by his family’s works stored away for future generations. Without his family’s legacy, Evander would not know how to view himself. [h3][u][color=BC3823]I N V E N T O R Y [/color][/u][/h3] [color=CC5500][b]Synesti’s Flamma Ring[/b][/color] A gold ring fused with basalt stone veins that emanate an orangish-red light when storing heat. [list][*] 10% efficiency in drawing, conversion, and storing Arcane.[/list] [color=CC5500][b]Bloodstone of Dragos[/b][/color] A gold necklace holding up a small hematite stone cut to look like a dragon with two emerald stones embedded in the eyes. [list][*] +2 to defend against magnetic attacks.[/list] [color=CC5500][b]Obsidian Dragon Pauldrons[/b][/color] Two obsidian pauldrons, each with a dragon's wing raised from the back and over the shoulder. [list][*] 5% added to Evander's power (adds to RAS).[/list] [color=CC5500][b]Buddha's Hand[/b][/color] Evander took Buddha's Hand after stepping into the Pulsing Aberration. [list][*] Gains advantage to perception roll.[/list] [color=CC5500][b]Stoneskin Arm Bracers[/b][/color] Won the Stoneskin mana at an auction. Gave it to Hegelen to infuse and create ornate Synesti-branded leather arm bracers. [list][*] Any ailments, afflictions, or internal magical attacks will be neutralized.[/list] [h3][u][color=BC3823]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/color][/u][/h3]` [indent] ❖ [ Educated ] ❖ [ Acrobatic ] ❖ [ Blade Dancer ] [/indent] [color=CC5500][b]Educated[/b][/color] Evander’s literacy is obvious in his etiquette and speech. He looks forward to learning and tends to learn quickly. This makes him adaptable and efficient at learning new skills and mastering old ones. An example, Evander is now working with metal wire and his magnetic gift as he saw Chad deploy during their raid against Zeno Fades-In-Moonlight’s house. [color=CC5500][b]Acrobatic[/b][/color] Evander lacks raw strength; lifting heavy objects is not his thing. Instead, he moves like water. His talent is finessing around his objectives until finding the least prepared angle to do the most precise strike cashing in on the most devastating damage. He practices his skillset in dancing, rolling, leaping, gripping, flipping, catching, diving, running, and climbing. [color=CC5500][b]Blade Dancer[/b][/color] Evander is privileged. Taught by a Joru Karoist and master of Zebaka, Evander was tutored privately to develop his fighting style. The style expresses free-flowing combinations from vertical, diagonal, and horizontal angles assisted by spinning and swirling movements. Each motion builds momentum and strikes from often overwhelming and unexpected reaches. The most frustrating element of Evander’s fighting style for others who fight against him is his ability to dance out of the way of their attacks effortlessly. His seamless ability to use sharp objects without endangering himself is unique to Evander. [h3][u][color=BC3823]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/color][/u][/h3] [indent] ❖ [ Raw Strength ] ❖ [ Grudges ] ❖ [ Overconfident ] [/indent] [color=CC5500][b]Raw Strength[/b][/color] Evander will not be seen lifting heavy objects with his physical body. He lacks the interest to train and maintain at a level required to build raw physical strength. [color=CC5500][b]Grudges[/b][/color] Evander does not deal with failure well. Compound that with a person who causes him to fail, Evander does not forget. He will mark them as an enemy and deliberately aim to sabotage their goals. What does this mean in terms of weaknesses? He might create a lot of enemies and be more preoccupied with those who slighted him than those who support him. [color=CC5500][b]Over Confident[/b][/color] Evander, at times, can misjudge his abilities optimistically. He will certainly find himself in a situation where his eyes are bigger than his stomach. [h3][u][color=BC3823]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/color][/u][/h3][/color] [hider=Affiliations] Arch-Zeno: Ardredelle Latvar (Chemical Magic) Zeno: Zander Mozaru[/hider] [hider=Evander eats a 'white' aberration during faire (effects)] [list][*] Evander eats a 'white' aberration during faire. [*] -.11 RAS [*] Immune to disease and illness [*] Immune to the next three aberration effects. [*] Needs no sleep [/list] [/hider] [hider=Hex] Hex codes [color=d4af37] [/color] metallic gold [color=BC3823] [/color] blood orange [color=CC5500] [/color] burnt orange [/hider] [/hider]