[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6W7bqko.png[/img] [h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa Troop[/color][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6w4V9ZJ.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/DrFgcn2.png?1[/img] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 3,122 (+4) [b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (265/100) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 9 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (232/90) [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kamek: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=DeepSkyBlue]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](159/100) [b][color=Aqua]Rika: Level 5 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aqua]//////////////////////////[/color]//////////////////////// (26/50) [b]Level 11 Blazermate[/b] - (5/110) - 2 stored level up! [b]Level 3 Susie[/b] - (4/30) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] Riotous River [/center] The rapids part of the river ride eventually came to an end, yet there was still plenty more downstream riding to do. The Troop, however, decided to take it slow once they’d gotten to the foamy pools, partially so Bowser could recover from the turbulent ride’s disagreement with his stomach, and partially to let everyone else catch up. Oh and also to make sure no one had been turned into paste by the bear based carnage that had occurred after Bowser took the lead. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Nadia… Sakura…Geralt…”[/color] Kamek counted people off as they arrived on her fingers, and then grew a little concerned and looked up and about for two robots who could not be found [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Wait, where are Blazermate and Susie?”[/color] she asked [color=SpringGreen]”I dunno. Think they were up near some giant skeleton pirate guy?”[/color] Jr hovered over to reply, and the answer he gave left the mage quite incredulous. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Near a what!?”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”Oh yeah, saw them going right up to him just before we left. Seemed cool tho”[/color] Jr replied, not letting Kamek’s concern get to him [color=DeepSkyBlue]”That’s not. How could. We should not have left them behind like that. Who knows what could happen to Blazermate without someone there for her to support”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”Doesn't she have Susie?”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”We haven't seen her in action, I do not consider her to be reliable. Yet."[/color] Kamek replied, before adding [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Also that bot owes me money”[/color] as another black mark against how much he trusted her. She hadn’t been through the maw, and if that place had taught her anything is that its survivors could handle anything if they stuck together. [color=SpringGreen]”You’re gonna go allllll the way back up to get her, aren't you”[/color] Jr realized, before sighing and taking a pokeball off of his chest bandolier and tossing it out and calling out [color=SpringGreen]”Come on back Dazzle, ain’t gonna make you swim all the way back up there”[/color] to his Poppilo minion before it was beamed back into orb based storage. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Wait you don’t need to come with me"[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”Someone does, and papa and Rika are both not swimming back up that river soooooo you’re stuck with me”[/color] for much the same reason that Kamek wanted to go up to get Blazermate [color=SpringGreen]”Now let’s get going already!”[/color] And with that Jr’s clown car took off, leaving Kamek to hit the bricks on her broom to chase after the prince despite this backtracking having been her idea in the first place. [hr] A little bit later, and they were floating over the graveyard again, and from their altitude they spotted the pair of bots, Jr specifically pointing them out for the bespectacled mage and saying [color=SpringGreen]”See, there they are. Big bone guy”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ah, so they are"[/color] Kamek said to the prince, before calling down to the bots [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Hello down there, what is keeping you two?"[/color] [color=0072bc]”Oh, hi you two. I was just exploring the pirate ship here.”[/color] Blazermate said nonchalantly. [color=0072bc]”Cortez here is a REAL ghost pirate! Not those cannibals in the maw and all that.”[/color] Kamek and Jr. had caught Blazermate and Susie on the deck of Cortez’s ship, getting ready to fly up to and catch up with the others. Since the two bots could fly, they could catch up fairly easily, or at least that was Blazermate’s thought process. [color=ec008c]”While not a business bot, Blazermate here did broker a deal with the pirate captain in the ship. We get him back on the open seas, and he’ll help us when we need it.”[/color] Susie said, her hands clasped on her stomach. [color=ec008c]”I would rather money, but a service is something I suppose.”[/color] [color=0072bc]”Yeah. I was hoping Bowser could help since hes strong, but I don’t know if even he could pick up a ship. But it appears you guys all left us behind!”[/color] Blazermate said, looking at Jr. and Kamek with a stern look on her face. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ah, well”[/color] Kamek looked a little bit sheepish at that accusation, but Jr had no such shame calling down [color=SpringGreen]”Hey we came back didn’t we? You should be grateful!”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Young master please”[/color] Kamek whispered to the rude boy, but the prince was having none of it, and instead replied loudly: [color=SpringGreen]”What? We did, and now you can magic up a solution or something to help the cool ghost pirate guy and then we can get going again!”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”It’s not. I mean. well.”[/color] the mage pursed her beak and then sighed and agreed [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Fine fine, we’ll be helpful as can be then”[/color] before laying out the two options she had to offer: [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Well, we have two options here Blazermate, either I make someone really big so they can carry the ship, or I shrink it and we can see if we can fit down the river. All down to you and your pirate friend”[/color] [color=0072bc]”.... We might have to go with option 2, if Cortez is fine with it. I don’t think I could fly his boat out of the river even if I was big. He had a lot of heavy stuff in there.”[/color] Blazermate then turned around and went back into the cabin to have a chat with Cortez. “Ah, your back already Amigo. Did you figure something out?” Cortez asked as Blazermate came back in, a bit surprised the bot came back so fast. [color=0072bc]”Yeah. But I gotta ask you about it. One of my friends came around and gave us two solutions, well one solution unless you think your ship can survive some nasty rapids.”[/color] Blazermate said. She waited for Cortez’s reply to that, but he just looked at her, waiting for her to get on with it. [color=0072bc]”Uh, right. The method that won't work is if my friend makes me huge. I don’t think I can carry your ship far though, I could get it out of the rocks, but the gold will make it too heavy for me to fly with. The other method is to shrink your ship and all the stuff inside it down so we can get it down off the rapids. ”[/color] Cortez didn’t like the idea of his ship being one of those model ships for even a moment, but he would terrorize these fools if they tried anything. And while his ship was mighty, he didn’t like the idea of a rapids ride. If anything his treasure might go everywhere, and that would be one heck of a mess to clean up! “Are you sure those are the only options you can think of?” Cortez asked, apprehensive. [color=0072bc]”Sadly yeah. I mean, I could fly the ship, but you’d lose your treasure, and what pirate would lose all that booty?”[/color] Blazermate said, striking a chord with Cortez. This bot got it, which made him laugh a nervous laugh. “Do what you gotta do amigo. But if you double cross me…” [color=0072bc]”Yeah, you don’t do that to ghost pirates. Or you get the Maw.”[/color] Blazermate said, interrupting Cortez and shivering a little bit. With that settled she then went back out and told Kamek the plan. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ah, yes we can’t go around abandoning all that lovely gold now can we? Very reasonable. Now then, step back, and we’ll get that ship river capable in no time”[/color] Kamek replied to the plan. Then she floated over and, once everyone was clear, began a quick chant [color=DeepSkyBlue]” Hocus Boatus Filiocus Here’s a spell that will let you come with us! What once was big, soon will be small, I really should have bought an umbrella at the mall! With my magic stronger than that of a djinni, This pirate ship is now the size of a dinghy! ”[/color] And then let out a blast of magic that hit the ship and, with the sound of a big plumber bumping into a goomba and shrinking to half his size, the boat got smaller. And smaller. And smaller. Till the mighty pirate ship was the size of Rika’s whale. It would be a snug fit for some bits, that was likely, but it was now entirely capable of sailing down towards the sea. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”And hey presto, one smallified boat, ready for river riding!”[/color] Kamek declared with a little bow and a flourish. [color=0072bc]”Hey Kamek, can you make me big too? If you could do both, I could fly Cortez’s ship safely to the ocean no problem!”[/color] Blazermate asked, getting a fun idea. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Aah, urgh, well… I suppose”[/color] Kamek said reluctantly, before adding [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Just don’t expect me to do anything else for a while after we get there. Also I’ll need a ride down myself”[/color] to which he looked to jr, who himself sighed and scooted over in his clown car’s seat to make space for the old magikoopa. [color=0072bc]”Thats fine, if I’m a big mecha, I’ll just pummel whoever bothers us! I don’t have any rocket fists though.”[/color] Blazermate said, giving a flex. [color=0072bc]”Ready when you are!”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Very well”[/color] the mage replied, and then plopped herself down beside Jr in the car, propped up her broom, and then cleared her throat, raised her wand again and chanted out another spell: [color=DeepSkyBlue]” Abra kadabra alakazam, Become so big I could fit in your palm! With my magic you’ll get bigger, And certainly have more vigor! So heroes and villains best go to ground, Because big bad Blazermate’s now in town! ”[/color] And sure enough the medabot began to grow. And grow. And grow! Till she towered above them all and picking up the shrunken ship would be no trouble at all. Blazermate looked at her new tall self, and how tiny the others were. Making mechanical noises like out of some anime, she said. [color=0072bc]”I’m a gundam! I’mma punch someone in the face!”[/color] giving some shadow boxing and causing a few waves as she did. She then got to work, picking up Cortez’s small ship and began to fly with it, Susie flying above her. [color=0072bc]”Hey Cortez, we’re flying! Come on out and enjoy the view!”[/color] Blazermate said, trying to get the ghost pirate captain to take a look as the medabot flew through the skies. The pirate captain, hearing the giant medabot’s voice, decided to humor her and manifested on the deck of his teeny ship. A ship he figured was much, much tinier than he thought it’d be considering as he looked behind him, he saw the same robot girl as before, but her head was bigger than a whole him. [color=0072bc]”At this rate we’ll be at the ocean in no time!”[/color] Blazermate said as the group passed over the rapids, the big bot leading the way and the littler one and the koopas in their clown car flanking her like 2 addons. Blazermate had a bit of trouble looking at the stuff below. She could make out buildings, bridges, almost like there was a town alongside the rapids! Well, IN the rapids. It was a very good thing Cortez didn’t bring his ship through there as it’d get stuck again. The creatures in the water weren’t much of a sight either, although the dinosaurs were kinda cute. Those ‘villagers’ though did not look friendly. [color=ec008c]”Going down those rapids in those teeny tiny square boats looked like fun.”[/color] Susie said sarcastically as she looked at everything below, getting a much better view than Blazermate, although not nearly as impressed at its denizens. They looked more savage than the savages! [color=SpringGreen]”Yeah, it really does”[/color] came a forlorn sigh from Jr in response to that, the prince having entirely missed the sarcasm. Kamek meanwhile was far to busy focusing on maintaining the spell for any sight seeing. Still, eventually the bypassing of all the fun stuff came to an end as jr stirred from the monotony of being rained on to call out [color=SpringGreen]”Hey is that the ocean? Hey hey is that it, are we there? I don't care if it is I’m going down there”[/color] and then put his car into a dive down towards the waters, with Kamek holding on for dear live during the daring descent. [color=0072bc]”Is that the ocean, already? Wow. Time flies when you well… fly!”[/color] Blazermate said as she descended alongside the koopa troop, being able to fly much more stability than they were. “Ah, to be on the ocean again… Cortez will be a terror once again!” Cortez said, noticing the descent and the mention of the ocean coming up to meet him. Blazermate put the relatively tiny boat into the water when she reached the water, Nadia and the others nearby and no doubt looking at the giant mecha Blazermate carrying a small creepy looking ship with a skeleton head riding on it. [color=0072bc]”Ok Kamek, I think you can size the boat back up now.”[/color] Blazermate said. She then had an idea, and as the boat grew back to normal Blazermate concentrated a bit to summon a moogle. “What do you want kupo?” The moogle said in confusion as it was summoned. Blazermate, still large, then gestured to Cortez. [color=0072bc]”This is the dread pirate Cortez. He says he’ll help us out if we need to travel the seas. So let everyone at HQ know.”[/color] Blazermate then turned to Cortez. [color=0072bc]”If people come up asking for a ride and can summon this cute little guy, they are our friends. If not, then yeah, do whatever you do.”[/color] Blazermate said. She then reminded Cortez about not getting hostile with little girls or ship girls as they would be really, really painful to deal with. After Cortez got a look at the moogle and nodded at Blazermate’s little deal, Blazermate dismissed the moogle and waved to the others. [color=0072bc]”Sorry I’m late guys, but we got a real cool ghost pirate now! I wonder what he’ll do on the high seas…~”[/color] [color=FD0000]”Ghost pirate stuff probably”[/color] Bowser commented as he sailed over on the back of his whale [color=FD0000]”And eh, you weren't that late. We only just got here too!”[/color] [color=Aqua]”Because we stopped for lunch!”[/color] Rika helpfully added, the pair of them having parked the whale by the odd out in the middle of nowhere restaurant and gotten some grub using the coins she had collected while jumping around the water spouts. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Your upset your tummy on the rapids and your response to that was to eat even more? Really sire?”[/color] Kamek called over, before waving a wand and undoing both size up and size down spells, causing the pirate ship to grow back to its original size while Blazermate shrunk down to her own petite form. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Yeah! nothing like grub to settle the stomach!”[/color] Bowser replied, before taking a look at the pirate ship and giving it a nod of approval and complimenting Cortez on his vessel [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Nice boat… hey, how about you give us a ride to this Twilight town place? My butt’s getting saddle sore from all this whale riding”[/color] there was a little pause and then he added [color=FD0000]”and, uh, I guess everyone else could do with a break from rowing. Plus, hey, maybe you can pick up some crew in town? Can’t exactly run a ship without minions to boss around right? That’s like the best thing about them.”[/color] Cortez laughed at Bowser’s mention of crew, calling his ghost crew to his side. As he did, many MANY wisps of ghost fire appeared all around the boat, although mostly on the sails. “Amigo, unless they’re ghosts, they aren’t of any use on my ship.” Cortez than agreed to ferry the king koopa on his ship, it was part of the deal after all, as long as the big lug didn’t go inside and try to take his treasure. [color=FD0000]”Looks like you’re already sorted, nice”[/color] Bowser said as he hopped aboard, stretched his stiff legs, and then found a nice spot to lay down for an after lunch nap. He was joined by Kamek, who was legitimately tired rather than just stiff and lazy like Bowser, and Jr, who was saving power on his car. Rika meanwhile kept up the skating. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”You sure you don’t want to join us?”[/color] Kamek asked as she settled down on the deck [color=Aqua]”Nah I’m good!”[/color] Rika called back, making a little circuit of the ship just for the fun of it before moving up ahead to take the lead again [color=Aqua]”Who knows when I’m next gonna get to ride about on the sea right? So gotta get all the sailing in that I can!”[/color] [color=0072bc]”I’ll just fly like I usually do. Unlike Bowser, I don’t get tired. Perks of being a medabot!”[/color] Blazermate said triumphantly. She then looked at her fellow robot Susie, who was on Cortez’s ship, looking at and poking Bowser. [color=ec008c]”I’ll stay on the ship and ‘observe’ our strong friend here. Oh, I wonder…. Yes… hehe”[/color] Susie said, trailing off as she started to speak under her breath almost like a mad scientist. Considering she robotized strong people, getting an idea of what augments would be good for Bowser if she turned him into her bodyguard much like Meta Knight would be paramount.