[hider=The OOC TL;DR]
The Daynes are a large family and currently spatting internally because of the peace between the Iron Throne and Dorne - made even more personal by the marriage between Dyanna and Maekar. The House is at a precipice as the current lord is aging and the heir seems fit to upend everything accomplished.

[hider=Posted in Char Tab]
[sub][i][color=snow]Purpure, a blazing star bendways surmounted by a sword bendways sinister argent[/color][/i][/sub]
[color=Plum][h1]House Dayne of Starfall[/h1]
[h2]Fire and Dawn[/h2][/color][/Center]

[b][color=Plum]House Description:[/color][/b]
[color=snow]House Dayne is a proud house, with ancient royal blood flowing through their veins. They meticulously maintain a history of their lineage back to the dawn of days when they tracked a falling star and found a stone imbued of magical quality. This stone would be smithed into Dawn. Their house has flourished over the millenia, a foundation of Dorne - no matter that they bent the knee to House Martell. They remain a powerful, and plentiful, family, with connections across Dorne. In the years of peace since the Conquest, the family has been divided over how to proceed with their continental neighbors after so many centuries of strife. 

Their house seat is [url=https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/7/73/Starfall_by_Hector_Ortiz.png/320px-Starfall_by_Hector_Ortiz.png]Starfall[/url], a castle located in the western Red Mountains on an island where the Torrentine meets the Summer Sea. Starfall guards the western arm of Dorne. A cadet branch is located to the northeast, in High Hermitage. [/color]

[h3][b][color=Plum]Recent History:[/color][/b][/h3]
House Dayne has felt strained relations with their overlords in recent years. Peace, after so much bloodshed, left a bad taste in the mouths of many. Lord Ormond had eventually been persuaded to fall in line and his daughter's marriage within the royal family quelled the turmoil - at least for a time. The heir to Starfall, Ser Vorian, however, has not been so easily convinced. Others of Ormond's generation remain dissatisfied as well and debates often get heated when the family gathers. 

Relations between Dayne and Martell have been strained as well. Ser Vorian had spent his childhood and adolescence among the family, as had many Dayne children before him. When peace was negotiated, the heir found an excuse to return home to Starfall. While there had been unofficial plans to tie Starfall and Sunspear by marriage, this slight ended those talks. 

[b]-|--[/b]202 AC: Starting point
[b]-|--[/b]200 AC: Aerion born to Dyanna & Maekar (2)
[b]-|--[/b]199 AC: Vorian’s second son born (3)
[b]-|--[/b]198 AC: Lady Casselle’s death at 52
[b]-|--[/b]197 AC: Daeron born to Dyanna & Maekar (5)
[b]-|--[/b]196 AC: Lady Dyanna weds Prince Maekar 
[b]-|--[/b]195 AC: Vorian’s first son born (7)
[b]-|--[/b]194 AC: Dyanna first meets Maekar at a tourney where she bests him in an archery competition
[b]-|--[/b]193 AC: Vorian weds
[b]-|--[/b]191 AC: Lord Ormond inherits Starfall
[b]-|--[/b]190 AC: Symon presumed dead
[b]-|--[/b]188 AC: Ser Ryon titled as Sword of the Morning
[b]-|--[/b]187 AC: Dorne brought into writ of the Iron Throne
[b]-|--[/b]181 AC: Arron born (21)
[b]-|--[/b]179 AC: Dyanna born (23)
[b]-|--[/b]177 AC: Eldon born & his mother dies (25)
[b]-|--[/b]176 AC: Symon born (end of year) (25/26)
[b]-|--[/b]174 AC: Teora born - a septa (28)
[b]-|--[/b]170 AC: Carolei born (32)
[b]-|--[/b]168 AC: Vorian born (34)
[b]-|--[/b]166 AC: Myria born
[b]-|--[/b]165 AC: Ormond and Casselle wed 
[b]-|--[/b]164 AC: Ryon Dayne born (38)
[b]-|--[/b]161 AC: King Daeron dies and Conquest ends
[b]-|--[/b]158 AC: Previous Sword of the Morning dies in battle against King Daeron's forces
[b]-|--[/b]157 AC: Conquest of Dorne
[b]-|--[/b]148 AC: Perros Allyrion born
[b]-|--[/b]146 AC: Lady Casselle Allyrion born
[b]-|--[/b]136 AC: Ormond born

[b][color=plum]Family Members:[/color][/b]
[*]Lord Ormond Dayne, Lord of Starfall
[*]Ser Ryon Dayne, Sword of the Morning 
[*]Ser Vorian Dayne, Heir of Starfall
[*]Lady Dyanna Dayne, wife of Prince Maekar
[*]Perros Allyrion, brother to the late Lady Casselle, close friend and advisor to Ormond
[*][url=https://i.imgur.com/RghqKtf.png]Eldon Sand[/url], Ormond's bastard son: Roguishly charming, always ready for harmless mischief 
[*][url=https://i.imgur.com/bBw7GUO.png]Arron Dayne[/url], the youngest
[*]Ladies Myria and Carolei Dayne, daughters wed to Houses <insert> & <insert>
[*]Septa Teora (Dayne), serving House <insert>
[*][s][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/11/83/83/1183837f45271c50986539d04905bcee.jpg]Symon Dayne[/url][/s]
[*][s]Lady Casselle Dayne (Allyrion)[/s]

[hider=Lord Ormond]
[center][b][color=plum][h3]Ormond - Lord of Starfall[/h3][/color][/b][/Center]
[indent][color=snow]Born 136 AC - 66 years old[/color][/indent]
[indent][color=snow]An aging man, soft, with a girth that speaks of many years of luxury. [/color][/indent]
[b][color=plum]Description & biography:[/color][/b]
[indent][color=snow]Ormond had always been destined to the inherit; the eldest child of his father Lord Addam. Yet it was whispered on occasion that Ormond would have made a better head of the cadet branch - or even as a merchant. He had a keen eye and mind for increasing coffers and little else. 

Truthfully, while many young man entered adulthood in strife with their father over how to lead, Ormond had been content to build his family's wealth and leave the rest to his father to continue to manage. The attempted Conquest dominated his early adult years though he never took to the field himself. He lost an uncle to the conflicts, some distant cousins, yet war had not struck close to home. War offered opportunity to turn a profit, and so could ensuing peace if one knew where to look. 

While his marriage had been political, they agreed on enough to produce an exceeding number of offspring. As Ormond entered middle age, passions finally caught up to him in a contingent of traders from Braavos. The woman bewitched him thoroughly, and for nearly a year he kept her in luxury. She became pregnant nearly the same time as Ormond's wife, and while the two were not friends they were civil. Ormond was devastated when his lover passed shortly after the birth of their son. [i]Complications[/i] the maester had said. He withdrew, and though he occasionally found comfort in the arms of his wife, his minimal interest in his children waned. 

By the time he inherited Starfall, he had come to rely on his friend and his wife's brother, Perros Allyrion, to take care of the minutiae of ruling. He has been estranged from his son and heir ever since agreeing to Prince Maekar's marriage to Dyanna. It falls to Perros and the maester to relay messages and coordinate between the two. For now, it has been enough to keep Vorian under control. 

[hider=Lady Dyanna]
[Center][b][color=plum][h3]Lady Dyanna[/h3][/color][/b][/Center]
[indent][color=snow]Born 179 AC - 23 years old[/color][/indent]
[indent][color=snow]Of average height and firm build, Dyanna was never a delicate girl nor lady. Her pale lavender eyes sparkle with life and laughter. She resists the refined elegance required of courtly life and instead is often found with her dark blonde hair roughly plaited. She is more likely to be adorned by scratches - or bruises - than glittering jewels. Her hands do not elegantly pluck at needlework but are rough and with dirt beneath her nails. The Lady is more comfortable in leather and linen than in samite or brocade. [/color][/indent]

[b][color=plum]Description & biography:[/color][/b]
[indent][color=snow]Dyanna had luck to be born after so many siblings before her. By the time of her arrival her parents had many other issue to concern themselves with. The girl's education was largely left to the septa - who Dyanna fled at any opportunity. As a child she played with her half-brother Eldon and youngest brother Arron. As an adolescent she trained with them. With Lord Ormond distracted and withdrawn, it was the Sword of the Morning who filled that fatherly role. Unsurprisingly, he did not see fit to raise her with any sort of womanly knowledge. She learned archery and excelled, was taught swordplay to a passable degree, and took great joy in the hunt. Within Starfall and her family's lands she was affectionately nicknamed Dyanna the Huntress. 

When she was fifteen she attended a tourney at her father's behest, in the hopes of arranging a match for her. Dyanna doubted very much that any great thought was to be put into a match. Lord Ormond's goal was simply to have her out of Starfall and someone else's problem. Her elder sisters had been long married, her eldest brother wed the year before. A life like Myria or Carolei, a political match and courtly duties, was nothing the Huntress desired. The thought of it chafed at her; she was not meant to settle. 

Indeed, when she arrived at the tourney with Ser Ryon - sent to chaperone her - she begged and pleaded until the knight relented and listed her in the archery contest. Dyanna had attempted to list in the melee but the Sword of the Morning was unmoved by her pleas in that regard. Lord Ormond would have surely had his head had he allowed it. There was some small scandal when she bested one of the Targaryen men, the surly and dour fourth son, Maekar. What a shock then, when later in the joust, the young knight asked for her favor. Perhaps more shocking, at least to those in attendance around her, was her response. She gave what was asked but with a jape. [i]I wish you better luck than you had in facing me, my lord.[/i] Ser Ryon had whisked her away very quickly after that, before she could cause any more offense.

It was quite an uproar through Starfall when the first missive arrived on black wings. A letter to the Lady Dyanna, sealed by dragons cast in wax. It was not appropriate, not entirely, yet more came and Dyanna was given leave to respond. Within a year the betrothal was arranged and a wedding set. With Maekar she was free to pursue her hunts, nor did he forbid her from training with his men. It was, beyond all expectations the young girl had, a good match. Married life did in fact suit her, [i]Maekar[/i] suited her. She was with child within a year of their marriage, her second child now just weaned. 

[hider=Ser Ryon Dayne]
[Center][b][color=plum][h3]Ser Ryon Dayne[/h3][/color][/b][/Center]
[b][color=plum]Age:[/color][/b] Born 164 AC - 38 years old
[indent][color=snow]Tall and widely regarded as handsome. He has an unquestionable strength in how he holds himself, even at repose. His body tells the story of several battles and some close calls. With peace, his body is more like to be bruised than have fresh cuts.[/color][/indent]
[b][color=plum]Description & biography:[/color][/b]
[indent][color=snow]Ryon Dayne was born in relative obscurity within the large extended family of the Daynes. His childhood was of standard fare, sent off as a page to House Qorgyle. Rather unexpectedly, he excelled in his training and quickly made a name for himself. With few options available to one of his station, he threw everything he had into his training and was knighted at 17. 

House Qorgyle was in many way's a viper nest though. Their political whiplash made the Lord of Starfall reluctant to leave such an asset outside of Dayne control. Ser Ryon was recalled to Starfall to serve his family. Skirmishes with the Reach were common occurrences, and the young knight made a name not just in defense of the villages and towns of his family's demesne, but also in raids. In 188, the knight lead a defense against Stepstone raiders without losing a single man in his command. The Lord of Starfall - Ormond's father, Lord Addam, bestowed Dawn and the title Sword of the Morning. It had been three decades since any had held the title. 

Two years later tragedy struck when Symon, in service as a squire to a friend from Ryon's youth, died. The Twilight Star had suggested the pairing, and indeed was meant to be in the party that was ambushed. Symon's body was never recovered, and witnesses were unable to provide a full accounting of what had transpired in the mountain pass. Ser Ryon never forgave himself, though Ormond found no fault to lay at his feet. 

Most recently, tension has increased between Ser Ryon and Lord Ormond's heir, Vorian. Whenever the situation has allowed, the Sword of the Morning has made himself scarce, preferring instead to attend to Lady Dyanna in Summerhall as her sworn protector. Though he had been uncertain of Maekar Targaryen's intentions, following the wedding and early years of marriage, Ryon views the prince favorably. The two have formed a friendship of sorts, and can often be found sparring. 

The knight remains unwed, though he has never hidden his lovers - men and women both. When pressed, he has quipped that the Daynes are already as numerous as stars in the sky and he need not add any more.

[hider=Ser Vorian Dayne]
[Center][b][color=plum][h3]Ser Vorian Dayne - Heir to Starfall[/h3][/color][/b][/Center]
[b][color=plum]Age:[/color][/b] Born 168 AC - 34 years old
[indent][color=snow]Vorian is short for a man, solid, but without the athleticism of his cousin, Ryon. In younger years he was regarded as handsomely reserved. His eyes are dark, though in the sunlight they glint with a violet hue. [/color][/indent]
[b][color=plum]Description & biography:[/color][/b]
[indent][color=snow]Vorian was not always destined to be the man he became. As a youth, he was a gregarious child; quick to befriend those of any station. He was sent to live at Sunspear in the company of the lively Martells from a young age. He was mediocre in many things, excelled at none, and began to resent those who achieved more than him. In his late adolescence he took to politics as his forte, with philosophical debates late into the night with his cohort about how to rectify the issue of the Iron Throne. He was gutted when the Martells announced the pending nuptials and peace. 

He left Sunspear and returned home, yet within a year had new cause to nurture the growing anger. His cousin, barely family, was named Sword of the Morning. Vorian was knighted in a small tourney and named as heir when his grandfather died, yet it did little to soothe the man. A good match was found, though he has little interest in his wife beyond putting sons in her belly. Outside of that duty, he spends no time with the woman. He ignores the sons he has, choosing instead to plot and scheme with a small group of sycophants who praise his every errant thought. His sister's marriage to a Targaryen prince drove a final wedge between father and son. The two have barely spoken but in passing since that day. Vorian seeks to drive forward his agenda, regardless that his father still lives. Yet for now, Lord Ormond retains enough control, and the Sword of the Morning is beloved by all. The heir awaits his moment with growing impatience. 