Level 7: 03/70
Word Count: Teeny
Location:  Metro Hub - > Mint Line
Points Gained: 1
NEW EXP balance--- Level 7: 04/70 (pending)[/center]

	As Jesse turned away, she wondered if she had said anything to make Therion upset. Despite being a psychic, mind-reading was not on her list of abilities.

	[i]Which is weird. Because that’s kind of a big one, isn’t it? Maybe someday we’ll get that one. It’d be neat. Make social interactions a lot easier. [/i]

	Jesse waited on the train, watching the dark tunnels pass on by.

	[i]Wait, oops. It’d be pretty fucked up to just go around reading people’s private thoughts all the time just to make sure it easier to talk to them. Yeah. Glad to know it only took me thirty seconds to remember that crucial detail. 

…We also can’t predict the future.[/i]

	Once back at the Metro Hub, they reunited with other Seekers. Therion and Primrose were some sort of duo, and yeah, Primrose was pretty damn tall now. Generally speaking, Jesse was used to be taller than most of the women around her- even a majority of the men. That and her general…demeanor, meant some people were intimidated or off put by her. That was just one of many reasons why she liked juxtaposing herself against crazy bullshit all the time.

  Once again it was Jesse’s job to get more Pons for herself. She jumped up, floating around, hopped and vacuumed some towards herself with her incredible cosmic powers. 

	Weirdly, some had reappeared in the same place she had just picked them up. So this was definitely intentional. Or just some immutable feature of the world. It’s not like people were going around-

	[i]Okay! Enough theorizing with the Pons, alright? We get it. It’s confusing. Who fucking cares?[/i]
	“I’m back.” Jesse said, landing on the platform with a satisfying ‘thunk’ of her boots. “Let’s do this, people.” Having a clear destination in mind brought her confidence back to the surface. “The Seekers will be a force to be reckoned with after this.”