[hider=House Tyrell] [center][img]https://imgur.com/3Yb8mhw.png[/img][/center] [Center][url=https://youtu.be/S2LGGeA8CcM][♫][/url][/center] House Tyrell traces its ancestry to Garth Greenhand, the legendary first king of the Reach who made the land bloom. They, along with many other houses in the reach, claim descent from his line, though theirs is through the females of the family. For over a thousand years, the Greenhand’s sons and grandsons ruled the Reach as House Gardener. The offshoots of his daughters grew into vast and powerful houses in their own right. Except for House Tyrell. They instead chose to serve the Gardeners for centuries, as stewards of Highgarden and the daily affairs of the Reach. Then King Mern, the last Gardener King of The Reach, joined forces with Loren Lannister to face the then King Aegon who had landed in Westeros. At the Field of Fire, Aegon burned their armies and Mern himself was killed. Until the maesters sorted out the entail amongst Merns cousins, Harlen the steward was acting lord at Highgarden. He, looking to ensure peace, yielded Highgarden and its lands to King Aegon. The King accepted the proposal and to show his gratitude, entitled Harlen to Highgarden, making the Tyrells his Wardens of the South and choosing them over many older & greater families in the Reach. It has been over two hundred years since then and the Tyrells have successfully cared for the Reach and its people, as they did for centuries before. However many houses, including the Florents, can boast a greater claim to Highgarden, and still see the Tyrells as little more than upjumped stewards. That said, the Tyrells are well-liked amongst the common folk, providing bountiful harvests for much of Westeros and commanding a formidable army. However with the recent death of Lord Leo Tyrell, it is unclear what path the family will take, or whether they will even survive. [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8c/df/aa/8cdfaa3178deedefecb790d711c33efb.jpg[/img][/center] [b]House Members:[/b] [list][*][s][url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d1/eb/91/d1eb915bc48054ef680d7a696d9084f6--king-henry-reign.jpg]Leo Tyrell[/url], deceased (born 151 AC, died 201 AC), previous Lord Paramount[/s] [list][*]Lady Bethany Tyrell née Caswell (46, born 156 AC), his wife [*]Lord Garrett Tyrell (29, born 173 AC) eldest son, current Lord Paramount & Warden of the South [*]Ser Leyton Tyrell (27, born 175 AC), member of the Kingsguard, nicknamed [i]The Blushing Rose[/i], middle son [*]Leyla Tyrell (18, born 184 AC), eldest daughter [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/qKgZWZX.jpg]Alester Tyrell[/url] (16, born 186 AC), youngest son [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/HkZ3J94.jpg]Esmeralda 'Esme' Tyrell[/url] (7, born 195 AC), youngest daughter [/list][/list] [list][*]Ser Rycherd Tyrell (49, born 153 AC), uncle to Lord Garrett Tyrell. [list][*]Maerie Merryweather (43, born 159 AC), his wife [*]Arthur Flowers (23, born 197 AC). Raised by his mother & little known to his father. Currently working as a sellsword somewhere in Essos. [*]Multiple other legitimate children - including 4 daughters & 2 sons.[/list][/list] [list][*][url=https://i.imgur.com/aoFzbuA.jpg]Lady Florence Tyrell[/url], née Fossoway (70, born 132 AC) wife of the former Lord Maths Tyrell[/list] [b]House members[/b] [hider=Lord Garrett Tyrell] [b]Name:[/b] Lord Garrett Tyrell, Lord Paramount of the Reach, Warden of the South [b]Age:[/b] 29 (born 173 AC) [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rCNyxPm.gif[/img][/center] Tall, standing at 6ft 2, Garrett has always maintained a commanding demeanour. Sporting a crop of thick curly hair, it is such a dark brunette in colour that it is often mistaken for black. Handsome with well-defined features, striking cheekbones and a charismatic smile, he has always been one to pay attention to appearances, perhaps to a fault. He is not against judging someone for sloppy attire or for failing to keep up with the current fashions. As could only befit a Tyrell however, the petals of the rose distract from the sharp thorns, and even one prick can draw blood. [b]Biography:[/b] Born the first son of Lord Leo Tyrell and Lady Bethany Tyrell, Garrett was trained from a young age to take over as Lord Paramount once the time came. Outwardly it did not seem to bother the boy that he was required to sit in monotonous meetings and learn about the finer details of trade agreements, whilst his brother was able to play. And he didn’t. Yet he bore a bitterness towards his father not because of this but because of how friendly he was to the other houses in the Reach. It seemed, at least to him, that his father was often more focused on balls and tourneys (ironic as Garrett was not against courting many a lady during these festivities) than increasing their power. Yet it was only his grandmother, always sharp of eye and clever of mind, who noticed that there was something different about the boy. To the world he seemed the perfect child but behind closed doors his demeanour was much colder and more aloof. She said nothing but has always kept a close watch on the oldest son. Throughout the years, despite being named heir Garrett never took a wife, to the increasing demands and frustrations of his father. Semi-notorious for leading many a lady along only to leave when one would expect a union, Garrett seemingly gives little care to the feelings of those he abandons in such a manner. Somehow though, he has been able to use his charms to keep many of these ladies on his side and to avoid too much fallout with their families. Yet none of this appeased his father and a year ago Leo Tyrell begun threatening his son with the Nights Watch, upset at his lack of care for the family line and their standing within the Reach. Not so long after this, perhaps a matter of weeks, the former Lord first became unwell. It started slowly and the maesters assumed it was but a simple ailment that would ease with time. Yet despite all their attempts at a cure, he only worsened and after a drawn-out illness of several months, the Lord passed, leaving Garrett to take over as paramount of the Reach. It has been only 7 months since the sudden and unexpected passing of their father. Whereas his father was known for being amicable and well liked, Garrett has yet to show if he will follow in his footsteps and has shown little interest in placating the minor houses. This has been to the frustrations of the older females in his family, who are wondering, and fearing, what his plans may be... [/hider] [hider=Ser Leyton Tyrell] [b]Name:[/b] Ser Leyton Tyrell [b]Age:[/b] 27 (born in 175 AC) [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]https://imgur.com/InZq9O3.png[/img][/center] Though not overly short at 5ft 10, Leyton has always been insecure about his height with a brother & father of greater reach than himself. He sports a crop of thick and curly dark brown hair that is classical for the Tyrells and serves to make him look more boyish than he actually his. Dark brown eyes and modestly good-looking, Leyton would have been able to attract a half-decent wife if not for his complete lack of courting abilities. Unlike many lords and ladies from the Reach, Leyton cares little for his appearance. Whilst in his former years he would dress formerly in his house colours, at the behest of his mother, he now prefers to simply dress in his knightly attire when possible. [b]Biography:[/b] A boisterous lad throughout his childhood, Leyton was over-confident and demanding to his peers. If another child did not want to play with him, he would insist on it, running to his father if he did not get his way. Somehow his outgoing nature seemed to make up for this though and he found he could make friends easy enough...though being the son of the Lord Paramount of the Reach may have helped. He often wanted to play at swords and horses, preferring the idea of a real battle over that of a tournament. Lord Tyrell even had the woodworkers craft him miniature soldiers and horses, so that he could act out mock battles, his father secretly taking much amusement in playing this game with him. Though he may not have much of a knack with politics, he consequently has a decent knowledge of battle strategies and tactics. Born the second son of Lord Tyrell, Leyton was never expected to be the heir to Highgarden. His brother Garrett, an intelligent and healthy male two years his elder, was always on course to take over rule once their father passed. The two were close throughout their formative years, Garretts more focused and direct attitude helping to balance his brother out. Whilst Garrett would sit in on his father's meetings, studying carefully the ways of a Lord, Leyton instead dreamt of the Kingsguard. And where he could not fight in real battles, he would partake in tourneys. Though many squires and knights dreamt of winning the joust, Leyton only cared for the melees. Naturally agile of foot, with an aptitude for sword-fighting (although you could have handed him any weapon and he would have barrelled on ahead), he became known for his talents, attracting many an approving eye. At the age of 12 he was permitted to go and squire Under Ser Otho Hightower in Oldtown. A rowdy lad and unused to being told what to do, Leyton had a steep learning curve, nearly being shipped back to Highgarden on more than one occasion. However, Otho was the perfect mentor for the boy, having no qualms in putting him in his place. Eventually, he settled into the role and though not studious when it came to books, he was keen on learning all that came with being a knight. He even took pride in polishing the armour to perfection, surprising for a boy who found it difficult to keep still for more than a minute at a time. Knighted at 18, he quickly became a single-minded knight with seemingly unlimited energy, Leyton became known for ceasing only when there was no-one left to fight, never running from a battle or leaving a man behind. He seemed to care little for politics but rather would remain firmly loyal to whomever he had pledged himself. And after a rather splendid effort at a small tourney, that Leyton was offered a place in the Kingsguard. Leyton suspects that his grandmother may have had a hand to play in it, although she denies it to this day and states that it was simply his prowess & reputation that must have gained him attention Though he will never have a wife or lands, this is probably for the best as his methods of courting ladies are dubious at best, usually involving talking in gory details about battles & war tactics. Either that or he becomes so daunted by the prospect of talking to a lady in his fancy, that he will became overly drunk. To his dismay the other members of the Kingsguard have taken to naming him [i]The Blushing Rose[/i] due to the lovely shade of rouge that spreads across his cheeks whenever he speaks to a pretty maiden. For now Leyton remains in the servitude for the Targaryens, intent on staying true to his pledge and serving them faithfully. Since taking up residence in Kings Landing, Leyton has become close friends with Daemon, his presence a welcomed relief from the more stuffy presences about court. Leytons temperament has certainly calmed as he has aged, though he still can be stubborn and single-minded in his pursuits. Once he has decided on something, he will follow it through to the end. That provides a double-edge sword in many situations, but it also means that he is loyal to a fault. [/hider] [hider=Leyla Tyrell] [b]Name:[/b] Leyla Tyrell [b]Age:[/b] 18 (born in 184 AC) [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/iCyrZov.jpg[/img][/center] At only 18 years of age, Leyla still maintains that bright vigour of youth that has not yet known great trials. She truly encapsulates her family in how she looks, her demure and seemingly innocent appearance hiding her clever mind and sharp wit. Many often underestimate her because of this and still believe she is the same prettily dressed girl who was once paraded around by her mother. She sports the same thick brunette hair as the rest of her family, which she wears long and usually loose. As generally befitting any nobility from the Reach she dresses well and with whatever style is currently common in the region, often wearing a variation on her house colours. [b]Biography:[/b] Leyla Tyrell was born in 184 AC, as the eldest daughter of Lord Leo Tyrell. Easy-going and often in high spirits, Leyla has always found an ease in speaking to strangers, being able to talk on simple matters and deeper subjects alike. She would often be paraded around at banquets as a small child, her easy manners and surprisingly clever wit seeming to delight the other nobility. No-one can deny that she was loved by her parents but much of her youth seemed to be seemed to revolve around ceremony and putting on a show, her mother being the driving force behind this. Lady Bethany would take her on long journeys throughout the Reach, visiting other Great Houses and small villages alike. Eager to please her mother and naturally outgoing in nature, Leyla was happy to play the part, albeit begrudgingly at times. All of this would have likely produced a rather silly and frivolous girl, if not for her grandmother, whom had seen the spark of intelligence in the young Tyrell. Florence insisted that she had strict instruction under both the Septa & the house Maester, and unlike Leyton who had fought against such boring lessons throughout his own youth, Leyla was happy to learn. Consequently close throughout the years, Florence is now an old lady whose health is ailing with each passing day and who rarely leaves Highgarden. However, Leyla still enjoys visiting her in her chambers and will often go to her to seek advice or simply listen to her stories. When Leyla was but 13, whilst her small party was visiting Oldtown, a boy from House Bulwer quickly became enamoured with her. Inexperienced with love and the art of courting herself, Leyla saw this as a fine opportunity to learn how it worked. Though she had no feelings for him, she played the part, sitting with him at meals and walking with him around the gardens. The romance…if that’s what you could call it, lasted just short of nine days, but Humfrey was a foolish boy who had no wits about him, save for some superficial charm, and mistook lust for love. Thus, Leyla found herself walking by the harbour, trying to ignored the strong smell of fish, being proposed to by a boy who thought this was a suitable time or location. She instantly denied him, apologising for leading him on and stating that she did not think they were a suitable match. At first he seemed to take this gracefully enough, walking her back to her room in a sullen silence. Yet that evening when the guards were switching, he entered her chambers and tried to force himself upon her. Luckily, one of her personal guards came back in time and she was saved from any shame. Instantly telling her mother of what had happened, the two decided to keep it amongst themselves as it would do naught but ruin her reputation if it was found out, paying off the guard and vowing not to speak of it again. Since that day, she has been increasingly cautious and does not give her trust over easily. It unfortunately seems she has become known for being difficult to court, having denied other men since – although many seem to view this as a challenge in of itself. It is not that she does not wish to marry, rather that she simply no longer suffers fools. Whereas once this created tension between Leyla and her father, her brother Garrett seems less concerned. Her focus instead became on her family, especially given the recent passing of their father. The young Tyrell is intent on ensuring her family remain steadfastly at Highgarden, whatever the cost...she has strong instincts of self-preservation for herself and her family, and will do anything to protect them. [/hider] [Hider=Oak the Bard] [B]Name:[/b] Tristan a.k.a Oak [B]Age:[/b] 25, born 177 AC [B]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/af4d164fd89d569edab6df6acad992f1/15a855a4a1c0673f-14/s500x750/15e8297cabbbf7230ecadda362a8a99aae9cc797.jpg[/img][/center] Standing at an average height, and with a floppy crop of brown hair, Oak has nothing in particular that draws the eye. It would be easy enough to pass him over in a crowd. Yet it is his jovial and lighthearted personality that lights up his face, that attracts folk to him, and makes them listen to his melodies. Forever looking on the precipice of either telling a joke or spilling a well kept secret, it is a mystery to anyone, probably even including himself, what the Bard will do next. The only certainty is that it will undoubtedly be something that will irritate Garrett. [B]Biography:[/b] Not much is known about Oaks background, or more specifically, there is not much to be known. Born the son of a poor farmer and an even poorer farmers wife, his childhood was drull, dreary and far too much like hard work. He always dreamt of something more, of seeing the world, and eventually he found that he had a talent for music. He quickly became well known throughout the Reach and played to all manner of folk. Though not in any way a member of the family, Oak was always a favourite of the previous Lord Paramount and was the highlight of every ball & tourney held. Even after the old mans death he stuck around, like an infestation you just can't seem to quash. Luckily Florence and most of the children adore him, so he's been welcomed with open arms. Apart from Garrett. Garrett apparently does not appreciate the musicians craft (especially at 3 in the morning). Nevertheless Oak is determined to make his new Lord inspired to sing along, if only once. And in the meantime, he is content enough to play for the younger Tyrells, who love to laugh at his tales, and who he especially tries to make smile since the death of their father. [/hider] [/hider]