[center][h3]Charlotte “Karl” Jena[/h3][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/GlUr6a8.png[/img]
[b]18 | Male? | Feskan | Commoner | RAS: 7.12, Blackblood, Greengrowth[/b][/center]

[b]Associations: Feska[/b]
[b]The Gift:[/b]
❖ [ [b]Kinetic: Sound[/b] ] – [[b]Adept[/b]]
❖ [ [b]Arcane[/b] ] – [[b]Novice[/b]]
She was forced to try her hardest to become the best retainer she could be ever since she can remember. It was her duty as a Jena to serve the head of the family with her whole existence, to repay this insurmountable debt they owe the Hohnsteins. Charlotte, as the firstborn, had been assigned the task, always thinking it was unfair that she had to be their ideal while her siblings were barely taught. 

In current times the name Charlotte is almost foreign to her, having been under the guise of “Karl” almost a decade now. As a retainer Karl never opened up about anything as just seeing Dorothea smile was enough for her. Charlotte, however, has begun to feel doubts if she is truly her own person still or if Karl has consumed all that she was. 

Karl’s face usually shows a slight smile. A more feminine face than men of her age have, however she is still rather stern with identifying as a man. Studious, Karl always loved to read books with Dorothea and kept her love for reading all these years later.

The Feskan is a polite, soft spoken person that can switch to bad mouthing people if they get her mad enough. 


Karl 1.0 is here, need to expand upon but didn't want people to wait.