[table][row][color=#2e2c2c][sup][h3][b] ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[right]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/right] [/b][/h3][/sup][/color][/row][row][cell][sup][h2][color=black]MELANIE CAVILL[/color][/h2][/sup] [sub][sub][center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/2b31f8d2f042d6d50e0d3585e6de3aed/0830ceef2522e44b-c4/s500x750/fe7a3fd9e06f61e89fc55969efecfc8c9d353355.gifv[/img] [/center][/sub][/sub] [sup][color=black][b]█ [sup] [/sup]act one: way down we go [/b][/color][/sup][indent][sup][color=a9a9a9]Cavill Farm [color=black]▸[/color] Ritman High [Football Field] Interacting with [@Prisk], [@Gisk], [@The Man Emperor], [@Salsa Verde] [/color][/sup][/indent][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/824488408562794527/970459343667494932/unknown.png[/img][/center][sub][color=#2e2c2c]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sub][/cell][cell][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/824488408562794527/967592442486460476/unknown.png[/img][/center][indent] [color=gray][sub] Melanie's hands were deep in the guts of her father's old truck that had broken down more often than not these past few years. Her fingers reached for a pair of slip joined plieres she had placed close by as she bent down to reach into the engine. Half the day had passed since Melanie started fixing things on the farm today. Her father was very capable of doing most of these jobs but he had grown older and his hands had started to shake and hurt more frequently. Melanie worried about what would become of the farm if her parents couldn't keep up with it anymore. During the three days she had been here already she had fixed up the chicken pen, mowned the lawn, groomed the horses every day, redone some of the wooden fencing around the paddock, took a look at the old tractor and fixed it up, repaired some shelves in the barn, and took care of walking the two family dogs. Though her parents were capable of doing all these things, the work on the farm was too much and things got left undone. Of course, they had hired help but even so the days were short and their energy grew thinner. Mel pulled herself up and out from under the hood of the truck with a heavy sigh. She blew some hair out of her face and wiped over her cheek with the back of her hand for good measure, smearing some black residue onto her skin in the process. As her eyes fixated on the engine, her mind began calculating problem and solution possibilities and their costs when ... [i]vvhhhrrt[/i]. Her head spun around to the brightly lit screen of her vibrating smartphone she had tossed aside onto the grass. The screen read [i]34 new messages[/i]. [color=black]"Oh shit."[/color] Mel teared the gloves off her hands and tossed them to the ground before swiftly bending down and picking the phone up. A quick glance at the time assured her she was late for the reunion. She pocketed the phone and closed the truck's hood. With hurried steps she made her way up to the house while trying to clean her hands with a ragged old dishcloth. With her elbow she open the back door of the house and walked straight through to the front where the kitchen was. She threw the dirty dishcloth onto the kitchen counter and began to rinse her hands under the running water at the sink. From the adjacent dining room, which had no wall separating it from the kitchen, her parents sat in their respective seats working on whatever crossword puzzle they had found in the papers this time. Her mother looked up. "Don't tell me you're not going." "Did you fix it?", her father interjected. Inspecting her hands, Mel found that she had gotten them clean of the little dirt the gloves had put on them while working on the truck. Grateful that she didn't need to worry about appearance, she turned to her parents once she stopped the running water. [color=black]"I will have to disassemble the engine and then evaluate the condition of the internal components to identify the source of the problem. And then [i]maybe[/i] I could fix it. Or..."[/color] She stepped around the table and placed a kiss on her father's cheek. [color=black]"You could ask a mechanic. You know, since I am an engineer, Dad. I am not a mechanic."[/color] "16-year-old Mel would have scoffed at me had I ever dared insinuate a mechanic could fix my old truck rather than she could." He gave her a playfully stern look. Melanie smiled at him. "Oh no, not with the shoes again, Melanie", her mother said as she realized the dirt the girl had pulled in. [color=black]"And I would still scoff at you, [i]if[/i] I had the time to fix it. I think it's time to bring the old chump to a mechanic and trade it in. It's past its years. I could possibly fix it up but the cost might not be worth it and I won't be around to keep tabs on it."[/color] "Isn't that just the challenge you like?", he teased her. [color=black]"Hm"[/color], she smiled. [color=black]"I am not around that much anymore, Dad. If you won't fix it up the way it needs, I don't think it's worth the energy."[/color] Her father scoffed at her just like Melanie had done when she was a teenager. "Please tell me you're still going, Melanie", her mother brought the topic back up. Melanie rounded the table to plant a kiss on her mother's cheek. [color=black]"I am leaving right now."[/color] "Good. Maybe you can reunite with some of your old friends. Or make new ones." [color=black]"I have friends, Mom."[/color] "That one girl in Australia?" [color=black]"Yes, in fact."[/color] "Good luck, Engineer!", her father proclaimed. "Now go, you're late." [color=black]"I love you"[/color], she said as she grabbed her jacket from the hallway. [color=black]"Don't stay up, I mean it."[/color] "Oh Mel, your face!", her mother called out but Melanie didn't hear it. She walked out of the front door and into the cold air to make her way to her truck. Once sat inside, she started the engine and took a look at those missed messages. She had silenced the group chat almost immediately after joining it. The constant pinging and vibrating of her phone had driven her insane. The notification that had alerted her to those other missed texts was actually a rather unimportant one. Just an e-mail reminding her of some online event for a game she recently checked out. She would unsubscribe from that later. Melanie put her phone away again and started to drive her [url=https://www.oldcarsweekly.com/.image/ar_1:1%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_1200/MTg2MTYxODgyMDExMjgxMDkx/1990-chevrolet-c-1500-silverado.jpg][color=gray]old truck[/color][/url] down the street. Luckily it was but a fifteen-minute drive from her parents' home to her old high school. After an uneventful ride, Mel parked her truck, jumped out, and locked the door before she began to round the building. The text messages in that overwhelming group chat had told her to slip through the fence as the school grounds were locked. [i]What evn am I doing here?[/i] Once more she wondered why she had let her parents talk her into going. But she was already here, so she found the hole in the fence and slipped through it. The text messages had further indicated that Melanie would have to meet some people she wasn't sure she was ready to see again. How would it be to see Meir again? And Sara? She wondered if they had kept in touch with each other, they seemed so close back then. And of course, Dante would be there. She only hoped seeing her former best friend again would feel like so many people online described it - you pick up right where you left off. Though she much rather expected it to be awkward instead. Melanie was never one who easily navigated emotions, especially those of others. As Mel made her way over to the football field, she could start making out some silhouettes. With a deep breath, she let her mind wander to the nervous spot in her chest for one moment only. The person she was most anxious about seeing again was Natalie Miller. She wasn't even sure why. Perhaps because Natalie's actions had always confused her the most and she was unsure what to make of them, still to this day. Or maybe because she was scared Natalie would look at her with barely any recognition, having almost forgotten about the interactions they had shared. [i]Does it matter? You won't see them again, just like you didn't see them again after high school.[/i] As she finally got close enough to be in earshot, Mel put on a soft smile. She could make out the unmistakable form of Natalie, the only person Mel had seen as a grown-up. Well, seen on social media. But she also easily recognized Meir. He had definitely changed but it was unmistakably Meir. He had grown a beard, lost some weight, and seemed all in all in good health and spirit to Melanie's eye. [i]Good for him.[/i] As she closed the last gap to join the group, Mel gave Meir a hearty smile before addressing the group. [color=black]"Hi. Am I a little late? Or a little early?"[/color], she asked, wholeheartedly unaware of the spot of grease smeared across her cheek from earlier. Melanie let her eyes wander to see if she could spot anyone else further away from the group but it seemed they were the only five people here so far. Or she had totally missed a change of plans and was entirely too late. [/sub][/color][/indent] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/824488408562794527/967592442486460476/unknown.png[/img][/center][sup][color=#2e2c2c]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/cell][/row][/table]