[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/RoxasKHIII.png[/img] [h3]Twilight Town[/h3] [@Double], Roxas | [@Lugubrious], Mumbo & Ellie | [@Zoey Boey], Jesse Faden | [@DracoLunaris], Midna [b]Word Count:[/b] 1,118 (+2 Exp) [b]Level 2 Roxas[/b] (13/20)[/center] Mumbo leaned forward and eyed the license with scrutiny. After a pause, he jerked back to his upright position, “Okay, look good to Mumbo.” he said with a shrug, “You follow Ellie now. She help Roxas get started.” he added with a handwave. Roxas smirked and pocketed the card. After that, he turned to Ellie and said, “Lead the way, Ellie. I’m all ears.” “I’d be right happy to help!” the good-natured woman replied with a smile, beckoning Roxas to follow after her as she waddled around the shop. “Though there ain’t that much to explain, really. Whoever came up with this stuff’s a doggone genius, lemme tell ya what.” She stopped in front of one of the assembly mats. A number of random components seemed to be scattered around, including a half-finished car prototype a previous customer lost interest in halfway through. “Here!” Ellie took hold of an engine with both hands and lifted the huge thing with next to no effort. “This here’s a prime example, hun. Right now I reckon you’re thinkin’, lordy be, this Ellie lady must be strong as all get out! But here, you try it.” She passed him the engine, which turned out to be no heavier than a cardboard box of junk. “Light as a feather, right? More like a toy than an actual car part. All these li’l doohickies’re like that. They just socket right together, easy as pie.” Ellie stooped to grab one of the discarded wheel mounts and literally stick it on the half-built car. “Most of the time ya don’t need any tools or nothin’, either. Best part is, ya don’t even gotta worry about hookin’ up all the systems; it just works! Plus, everythin’s so light that the trucks and trolleys folks make don’t use much gas, and they don’t crash hard, so they’re pretty safe.” She slapped her hands against her overalls to get the grease off and shrugged. “That’s about all there is to it, hun! Ain’t a pot too crooked that a lid won’t fit. Just tinker away to yer heart’s content.” “W-whoa!” Roxas was caught off guard when Ellie just tossed a heavy-looking engine toward him. But to his surprise it turned out to be very light. He turned the engine part over in his hands as he listened to her explanation. The way these components could apparently just stick together and work without any wiring, it kinda reminded him of the Gummi Ship. Not that Roxas himself had had any real experience with Gummi Blocks or the like, but he had hitched a ride to Destiny Islands once for a get together with his friends. That was about the extent of Roxas’ experience with this sort of thing. “So I can just stick these parts together?” he finally replied, “Okay, then. Sounds easy enough. Thanks Ellie!” he told her as she left him to do his thing. After staring at the lone engine he had been given, his gaze shifted over to the half-finished project. If its previous owner had lost interest, then Roxas didn’t see any harm in picking up where they left off and finishing the build. And so he gathered some of the scattered components from around the assembly mat and got to work. Roxas wasn’t sure what his idea was at first. He would attach parts until they started to resemble something, only for him to break them apart and start over again. He made progress bit by bit. Occasionally he’d start up the car in order to test the stability of the build. He would complete a build after about 15 minutes and then spend about 5 minutes test driving it before deciding to return to the assembly mat and make adjustments. And Roxas repeated this process about 2 or 3 times and before he knew it, nearly an hour had passed. During all this Roxas would occasionally show the build to Ellie and get some feedback from her. Since he was so inexperienced at this it made sense to get the opinion of someone who’s been doing this for longer. At long last, Roxas stood on the assembly mat, arms crossed with satisfaction as he was looking at what was now a [url=https://kenjara.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/racer.jpg]completed vehicle[/url]. Mostly red and silver, it sported a mostly aerodynamic shape. Largely narrow, with a pair of sloped front bumpers that almost looked like snow plows. It also sported a pair of parallel spoilers in the back, giving the vehicle an overall racecar look. Though unlike most racecars, this one wasn’t low to ground, instead being raised a bit which would allow it to go off road to a certain extent if needed. In the rear it sported a pair of small rocket thrusters. When activated they would give the car a brief explosive burst of speed ideal for overtaking the competition on a straightaway. “Gotta say, it looks right gorgeous, hon.” said Ellie when Roxas showed her the completed build, “I’m glad somebody finally decided to finish that abandoned build. It almost looked downright sad just sitting on the assembly mat collectin’ dust.” “Guess we’ll see what it can really do when the next race comes up.” said Roxas, using a towel to clean himself of sweat and grease stains. “Certainly gonna be a good show, I’ll reckon.” she said with an approving nod, “So? What’re y’all gonna name it?” Roxas blinked, “Name? I… hadn’t actually thought of that.” “What? Y’all can’t put this much effort into a build and not give it a name, now.” she said before leaving the room with a wave. “Hmm…” Roxas approached the car and after some thought painted a name on the sides of the car: [i]Twilight Blaze[/i]. With the car officially finished, Roxas hopped in and drove off out of Mumbo’s Shop. Just up ahead he saw someone else who was driving away from Mumbo’s. When Roxas realized she was heading toward the race track he decided to follow after her. He had the car, so he might as well look for a race to compete in. Roxas had been keeping his distance as they entered the Race Track. But when he saw her drive up to another driver and heard her shout out a race challenge, a smirk appeared on his lips. He punched the thruster button, and suddenly the rocket thrusters on the back of his car roared to life and his blazing red car shot forward instantly. In that burst of speed he passed both the lady drivers up, but made sure to look back at them with a big smirk on his face. “How about [i]you[/i] eat [i]mine[/i]!” he shouted back to them. The race was on now!