[u][b]Zanna meets her Idol![/b][/u]

Zanna had been busy the last couple of days. Between giving Thallia her dose of antidote(which contained a very similar, but different poison that the antidote didn't cure. Couldn't have the human making her own cure, now could she?), working on her own memory serum, and finding ways to get more 'allies' against the Moff, she didn't have time to really make note of any new arrivals. As such, she had missed Guide's arrival and the subsequent stir it caused. Thallia had largely been left alone since her poisoning and blackmail, and except for the doses, Zanna didn't interact with her anymore than she had been. 

Her search for ways to bring more people under her control had lead her to a curious discovery. She had been researching the Trandoshan, just to make sure he didn't have any surprises for her, when she came across his apprentice. The lizard himself would be easily persuaded into helping her if she was ever so desparate as to need the disgusting impure's help. His apprentice however, she had proven she had a stronger will then her master, if untrained. Mentions of her were brief, notes at most. But in those brief notes, Zanna noticed Jayda displayed the usual Zabrak capacity for pain, strength, and resistance to poisons. She also seemed to be smarter than her master. All of those traits made her a threat. Or, a valuable ally. She decided to dig deeper.

So, Zanna went to the next best thing when you couldn't research about an individual. You researched about their race and culture. There were ways to manipulate anybody, if only you looked hard enough. Her knowledge of the Zabrak as a race was, minimum at best. So, she was pleasantly surprised to find that they had a, rather violent, bonding ritual for mates, that was entirely based upon hormones. Hormones could be created, manipulated. Zanna could, if she used her Alchemical skill correctly, have all the benefits of a bond(a loyal 'ally' who would be impossible to turn against her. In fact, most Zabrak have described the death of a Tai Shan partner as 'worse than death itself.' Not to mention, the Zabrak in question could serve as a ready and assured donor if she needed organs.) With none of the detriments(her getting attached to the 'ally'). 

Thus, she added another mixture to her ever growing list. It would undoubtable be an ardourus process(and a painful one when she got the hormones working right), but the end results would help her survive with a [i]Moff[/i] wanting her dead. She may have not respected him as a human, but she certainly respected the power he wielded. And his Sith lapdog.

That was what she was working on as she walked through the halls of the ship, reading papers, muttering to herself and scribbling notes, dodging passerby's out of instinct more than actually being aware of where they were. Of course, that system could only work so well for so long. She crashed into another Sith(that much she could tell from the brief glimpse of robes she got), or at least it felt like it, scattering her papers everywhere. Immediately, she was on the ground, gathering them. Zanna herself looked up from her kneeling position, to see if she had to apologize or utter scathing contempt to the person she had crashed into.

The Pureblood Sith apprentice felt her jaw drop slightly. Standing above her was the person who came as close to being her hero as one could in the Sith Empire. Guide, master Alchemist, oldest Sith Zanna knew of. Almost immediately, she began apologizing. "Forgive me, Master Guide. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, I was to occupied with my research. I'm so sorry, forgive me..." She still hadn't stopped gathering her papers, if she was doing it more by touch than sight. 

Guide did several things very quickly after he was crashed into. First he made sure his trenchcoat and robes were unaltered. Second he did a quick scan of who the culprit of the invasion of his space was, needless to say she was lucky in being or at least appearing to be pureblood reminding him to get files on all of his neices more important underlings. Thirdly as she looked at him apologising as she should he did not show or release the slightest surprise but in the deepest darkest part of his mind that she knew who he was. More than nought the way she was treating him, the words of his deeds would surely of spread throughout the ship by now so that would resort in some form of fearful reaction however this was more like... with the lack of a better word - worship. He had been laying low however tending to the beast on the other ship mostly making this his first real time to roam freely around the ship.

He made a show of brushing something off his shoulders as if annoyed however after he did he merely placed his hands behind his back, he kept his head high while only casting his eyes down towards the other sith. "Stand up straight and tall, you are above rummaging around in the dirt unlike much of the other filth that the Darth lets roam around this ship-" He paused for a moment before continuing. The most meaningful of pauses that to her would make it seem as if he was chosing a punishment although he was merely weighing his options in either hand. "-Forgiveness must be earned, though before I know how you will earn it you should inform me what this research is you speak off to ensure it is important enough to distract your attention to such a significant level."

Zanna finished gathering the rest of her papers, doing as Guide said. She was fully aware of the fact that his pausing meant he was likely thinking of a punishment for her, but while she was suitably wary she couldn't force that past the excitement thrumming through her. This was Guide, and he was taking an interest in her research. The only way this could be better was if the Moff didn't want her dead. Sadly, that wasn't going to happen, but Zanna was perfectly happy with the circumstances she currently found herself in. 

"Hormones. How they can be manipulated and used. Several species use them for far more than just what we or humans" There was a subtle disgust inflected upon that final word, "do, and I'm seeing if they can be adapted to work between an origin species and a different species, or even be used by two species completely different from the origin species. If it's possible, who knows what could be changed, improved, or created." Like the perfect bodyguard, bound to her on a biological level. Anything else she could do with this research would come secondary to her own protection. Her own skills in combat were sadly lacking and as much as she hated the Lizard, he was extremely efficient at the fine art of brutally killing anything that tried to get in his way. 

"Currently, I'm looking into the Zabrak use of hormones."

Guide pondered on this for a moment, there was the chance that she would be using these hormones to try and interogate the new Zabrak prisoner however he doubted it, instead it was more likely that she had some kind of grudge or plan for the Zabrak apprentice he had already met, it was an interesting scheme and he had to approve of what was going on. The strong should control the weak and while he did have some form of... respect for the Zabrak species in the end the Sith species should come out on top. "Intruiging, Zabrak are loyal however I shall not ask who [i]specifically[/i] you plan to use this on however I can take a guess."

He turned and began walking away back towards his ship, when she did not immediately follow him he turned his head towards her. "Well are you coming to earn your forgiveness? Or do you have something better to do... Apprentice?" This would be most useful, he would see what she knew and perhaps could finally end his Nieces useless games with all these apprentices running around vying for attention. 

Zanna carefully kept her surprise and minor worry at Guide's words hidden behind a mask of deference. Much like how she treated Nyiss when she had been went to the Darth's quarters. Though, with Nyiss it was more fear and respect of her power than respect of the person and near hero worship. She only nodded, watching Guide leave, eyes beginning to return to her notes and research, when she heard Guide talking to her. Zanna's eyes snapped up, the eagerness in her eyes not quite hidden. 

"No! No, I don't have anything better to be doing." She said, following Guide quickly down the hallway. She realized, in some part of her mind, that he was likely only using her for his own purposes and didn't actually care about her or giving her 'forgiveness'. But, this was a once in a lifetime opportuninty to possibly work with Guide. She couldn't just let that pass her by, could she? 

Guide made his way to his ship. Turning around after opening the ramp he spoke to the Sith following him. "Wait here." He moved up the ramp, closing it. Saying the password and then lowering the ramp again making sure there was no way for the apprentice to hear it. He then re-lowered the ramp and indicated for her to follow him up and then moved through to the mobile lab, smaller than his one back on Dromund Kaas however it was large enough for his needs. He waved his hand and cast his mind in the force to several different items as several vials moved away out of view and out of mind. He turned himself around to face the apprentice.

"If you are one to practice Alchemy I would have you prove it. There is more than one aspect to Alchemy. There is the use of the Force to manipulate matter, the use of chemicals and then the combination of both." He pulled out a small vial. "This is the smallest piece of the technobeast virus, now I do not intend for you to go start causing a plague of technological terrors and if I find that a single sample of it leaves this vessel you will wish that death is a punishment I deal." He waved his hand again and a small chamber opened revealing what appeared to be a captive Jawa in some form of trance. "This virus is inactive. It requires a chemical for activation and if you do not have the right level of control of the Force the beast will disobey your orders and attack you. It may merely be a Jawa however combined with the virus it could easily dismember you, of course I would not let it kill you for I would not be one to waste Sith blood however I will allow it to harm you."

Zanna obeyed, eyeing the ship interestedly. Much to her disappointment, it was a normal freighter. She didn't let her disappointmet show of course. As much as she upheld Guide, he still was a Sith. Who had survived an extrodinarily long time. Nothing unusual that she could see or detect. Oh well. Perhaps there was more to her expectations inside. As the ramp relowered(Guide didn't need to bother with the secrecy. Zanna wasn't paying enough attention, nor did she have ay desire to.), she walked up when he indicated. Her eyes eagerly darted around the lab taking in all that she could. Her eyes snapped back, slightly guiltily, to Guide's as he spoke. 

She gave a small, unapologetic, shrug at his minor accusation that she would cause a plague of technological terrors. Perhaps not correct, as she wouldn't be so brutish as to simply just use it for chaos and plagues. She'd use it for personal gain and ambition. She paid close attention, then took the vial from him. In addition to not wanting to embarass herself in front of her idol, being attack and likey horribly injured by a Jawa was something that was highly unappealing. 

For a few moments, she gently probed the virus with the Force, getting feel of it. When she felt sure that she understood it well enough that she could control it to do what she wanted, she opened the flask and began applying the virus to the Jawa, concentrating.

The virus took hold of the beasts body, and as it did so the door opened by Guides control. It began spreading over the Jawas body, filling its cells with nanites as they replicated again and again taking hold of the creature. One of its arms became elongated into a sword like shape as the other one became a more solid metal surface however still with fingers that it would be able to use to grip things with. Its skull, not visible beneath the hood was changed in ways that could not be seen as its eyes turned red and eerie beneath the hood. Inside its head the nanites moved forward to its cereberal cortex, however there is where Zannas power failed. The nanites failed to invade this most crucial part of the brain and the Jawa retrained its control. The Jawa inspected its new body in complete and utter terror.

He looked at the blade and then towards the Sith and the one who did this to him, she did this to him. The Jawa charged with increased speed raising his arm in a slashing movement...