[center][h1][b][i][color=c4df9b]Aya Tanaka[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center]

Aya looked confused for a second before her eyes widened in realization of what Molly was saying. "Ehhhh!?" Her foxy ears stood up straighter as she took another look at the bartender. One of the X-men was...bartending? 

She hadn't expected that, well everyone has their hobbies she supposed. This was actually a [i]great[/i] opportunity to get the infamous Gambit on her vlog. She could feel her heart pounding, whether it was from nervousness or the excitement of how many views she would get on her video, she wasn't sure. 

The fox mutant played it cool and simply sat down on one of the bar stools as Gambit suggested, her tails fanning out behind her as she got comfortable. She patted the seat next to her for Molly to sit in. 

"Don't bite these days? That implies you [i]did[/i] at some point. I thought [i]I[/i] was the animal here." She grinned at her stupid joke. Oh wait, that's right, she needed to order a drink still. "I'll have something fruity and sweet." 

Aya pulled her phone out as she sent a few quick commands to her camera drone, it floated back to pan out and get a better view of the whole bar. "So anyway, how do you feel about being filmed? You could tell a story not just to me and Molly here, but the internet masses!" 

[@Ezekiel][@Silver Carrot]