[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 7: 05/70 Word Count: 697 Location: Mint Line- Twilight Town Points Gained: 2 +4 NEW EXP balance--- Level 7: 11/70 (pending)[/center] —------ Jesse lingered near the back of the ground, hands in her pockets. She’d been walking around and familiarizing herself with the town, on the lookout for any more spontaneous fights to the death. No such luck. This place was pretty chill, which meant it would be a good platform to launch the next phase of the Seekers plan. Once there, she met up at the Docks with the others. It was a sizeable operation, with an eclectic cast of characters of all different shapes and sizes, no doubt with just a wide of variety of abilities. Jesse approved. This was good stuff. Of course, the person delivering the speech and organizing things was Princess Peach herself. [i]You know, the one in another castle?[/i] Jesse chuckled, enjoying her bizarre new reality. Becoming Director was the best thing that ever happened to her ever since she was a kid, that was for sure. Next up was Big Band. [i]That’s one hell of a prosthetic. Guy must weigh a ton or more. And it lets him maintain his passions, too. And, assumably, kick great amounts of ass.[/i] After that was Tora and Poppi, who Jesse had become somewhat familiarized with. [i]Just a furball and his robot against the world. At the very least, I can rely on them to not make any machines that require ridiculous amounts of button mashing…I can, right? Yeah, I think I can.[/i] Third was Nadia, who was covered in scars. [i]So she can break herself apart? Aw, sick. That really would make someone difficult to kill. You’d probably have to target the head almost exclusively, even then it could just fall off and roll around. That’s so grim. Wonder if I’ll get to see it in action.[/i] Fourth was Raz, another member of Yellow team. The kid was an enthusiastic psychic. [i]And…his weakness is water? Was that hyperbole? He’s not made of paper, is he?[/i] Fifth was Wonder Red. [i]Uh huh. Well, shit, he’s done better about maintaining secrecy than I have. Then again his HQ isn’t under siege in some kind of hell zone, probably. At some point I’ll need to get the Seekers up there to help out. Hopefully there’s a Guardian up there, otherwise the Oldest House might just be a distraction from the task at hand.[/i] Sixth was Roxas, whom she’d raced with, and a member of the same organization Ram and others were with. [i]Hopefully he could shed some light on our mysterious ‘benefactors’.[/i] Seventh was Primrose, someone Jesse considered her friend. Or as close as she had gotten to one. Her introduction was just as mysterious and alluring as she wanted it to be, no doubt about it. Assumably. ‘Feminine wiles’ hadn’t really ever been on Jesse’s list of weaknesses. WIles of any kind, really. Eight was Therion, and his introduction was pretty much exactly what Jesse guessed it’d be like. Ninth was someone named Ace Cadet. [i]His actual name is Ace Cadet? Or is this one of those ‘earn your name’ civilizations? Must be.[/i] Regardless, he was plucky and capable, a real hero type in the most traditional of senses. Tenth was Midna, somebody else Jesse knew. She did a bit of showing off and gave a bit more insight into the world she was from. She’d kind of changed shape a lot since Jesse had known her. [i]It’s going to be even harder to nail down people’s personalities if they keep doing fusions…[/i] Eleventh was the entire Koopa Troop. Bowser and Peach, working together. [i]Who would have guessed? There’s his kid, the wizard and…I don’t recognize the little one from anywhere. She must be new. All four of them combined and they make a formidable, balanced force all on their own. But isn’t Junior- I mean, he’s a literal baby? That’s a baby. A smart baby sure, but that is a baby.[/i] Twelfth was a giant insect queen. [i]Personally I’ve got no problem letting these people call me minions and subjects. It’s funny and makes them happy, and is pretty harmless. As long as none of them start trying to…repress me or whatever.[/i] Thirteenth was a healing robot who seemed friendly enough. She mostly went over her abilities, so Jesse assumed she was very performance focused. Makes sense, given that she’s a robot. She’s probably programmed for service, though with Fusions involved there’s no telling how she could change. Fourteenth was a robot that specialized in robotics. [i]So…does she build Susie’s? Or just other robots? Maybe she just repairs them or something. It’d be pretty weird if she was making robots, right? I dunno, I guess not, robots gotta come form somewhere.[/i] Fifteenth was a duo of girls, Karin and Sakura. Both martial artists. One spent way too much time practicing talking about herself. Apparently she’d done it a lot. And the other was fairly unremarkable, which in itself was somewhat remarkable. [i]Fourty pounds? Maybe not. That’s…impossible.[/i] Sixteenth was- man there are lot of people. Sixteenth was Geralt of Rivia. [i]I am not going to be able to remember all of these names.[/i] Another monster hunter, though far more grizzled and somewhat monsteresque himself. Though she couldn’t guess what was natural and what was the result of Fusions. Seventeenth was…an angel! [i]Lady Palun-...who? Okay, so, probably not a biblical angel. A video game angel who can shoot lasers or something. Nope, nope, he has a magic bow. Makes sense.[/i] Eighteenth was…a weird child. With emotional based powers. It either made no sense or made a lot of sense that he had mood powers while being…flat. Personality wise. She squinted at the drawing but from where she was she couldn’t make out much. He probably had it figured out. Nineteenth was…eh. Jesse. Why not. [hr] Silently she stepped up onto the picnic table and rolled her shoulders, her dark eyes scanning over the Seekers for a brief moment, making eye contact with several. Brushing her red hair out of her face she cleared her throat. “My name’s Jesse Faden. I can move things without touching them, and I have a gun that never runs out of bullets. And one that does a bunch of weird stuff. I like horror movies, exploring, and…this.” She gestured vaguely at the Seekers and all around her, indicating the entire scenario they were in, or perhaps scenarios like it. She produced the Service Weapon, it’s shifting, disconnected black pieces forming the impression of a gun. “This is the bullet one. Don’t try to use it because you’ll probably kill yourself.” She cleared her throat again, figuring she might as well bring it up. “Since I have all your attention: My people got put into a dangerous situation in a city far North. They’re capable and can probably hold on for the foreseeable future, but I’d like to go help them out at some point when we get around to it. All right. That’s it. Go team.” She pressed her lips together and did a little pump of her fist before stepping down and rejoining the crowd.