Name?: Something with an "X"... I can't quite remember what it was. 

Age?: I am at least 25 years old. I originally died at a young age, not quite sure of what anymore, and have been here for what I think was ten years.

Gender?: Definitely Female, that I am sure of.

Class?: Judging from the pyromancy glove that I seem to have on my person, I was most likely a pyromancer.
Equipment: Knight Armor Set, Pyromancy Flame, Uchigatana, Caduceus Kite Shield
Pyromanices: Fireball, Fire Orb, Combustion, Warmth

Did you belong to a Covenant?: No I do not, but anything to improve my skills with the flame. (May join Chaos Servant Covenant. Will most definitely join the Dragon Remnants)

Your appearance?: I don't have a mirror around here do I? I wear a set of armor similar to a knights, and have a dark blue colored hair, a side effect of her ever growing knowledge of pyromancy.

Your Personality?: Call me bi-polar, I switch moods quite a bit, but don't worry! As long as you don't have a short attention span you won't have any problems keeping up. I hope.

How did you turn Hollow?: I don't recall. All I remember is that whatever it killed me had horns, was at least two times my size, and had two really big swords.