[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/RoxasKHIII.png[/img] [h3]Nyakuza Metro[/h3] [@Lugubrious] Vandham, Auru, Big Band | [@TruthHurts22] Raz | [@Crimson Flame] Bede | [@DracoLunaris] Kamek [b]Word Count:[/b] 3,195 (+4 Exp) [b]Level 2 Roxas[/b] (17+4=23/20)[/center] Quite a few people took their turns after Roxas did. The first was a dancer named Primrose, incorporating dance into her fighting style and could use it invigorate allies. She admittedly did have a certain allure, but the next introduction came before he could stare for too long. Therion, a guy in a purple cloak of some kind. Another rogue, according to Primrose. But Therion confirmed that he was good at opening doors, picking locks, seeking treasure. In other words, it was all a fancy way of saying he was a thief. He also didn't seem like a particularly nice guy, having what seemed to be a dismissive attitude and wanting everyone to stay out of his way. Not much of a team player, apparently. Next to go was a guy who introduced himself as an Ace Cadet... whatever that meant. He explained that he was a monster hunter, and that he had lots of experience at taking on opponents way bigger than himself. Pretty impressive, all things considered. While Roxas himself and several of his old friends had their share of experience dealing with large enemies, it sounded like this Ace was an actual professional at doing it. Though despite all this, Roxas couldn't help but wonder how effective any of his weaponry would be against the likes of Heartless or Nobodies, creatures that are much harder to kill if you don't possess a Keyblade. Next up was Midna. Roxas had already met her earlier, but here he was able to learn a little bit more about her. She wasn't kidding about being a "Princess of Twilight" because she said she was from an actual Twilight Realm? Another realm? Besides the Realms of Light and Darkness? It seemed unreal that there was an entire third realm that he and presumably none of his friends had ever discovered. And now he found himself wondering what it was like there. She also showed a bit of her powers, summoning two wolves. She also summoned purple claws and a flying insect creature. None of it looked like anything he had ever seen before. After Midna was the biggest of the turtle dragons. His name was Bowser, and he called himself the King of the Koopa. So that was a fourth royal here on top of the two Princesses and Sectonia? He also tried to act like he was the one who was really in charge, but even Roxas could see through that bluff. Still his list of accomplishments sounded impressive, assuming they were all true. And he also had that entire Troop at his beckoned call so he was obviously powerful. After that, Bowser's son Jr. took a turn introducing himself. He was younger and smaller than his father, but made up for it by seemingly being craftier. He apparently built the machine he was riding in, and possessed a magic paint brush capable of brushing portals to other locations into existence. On top of all this he also possessed a pair of monsters that looked kinda like the one Midna summoned. But at the end of the day he was still a kid, confirmed by him also proclaiming that he loved video games. The old one went next. She introduced herself as Kamek, and was Bowser's advisor. She also looked like a Wizard, judging by her robe and pointy hat. It also didn't take her long to single Roxas and request they talk later. Roxas knew she was probably curious about the Organization, and so he just nodded his head in agreement. He promised he would tell them all whatever they needed to know, and he intended to keep that promise. She then showed off a device that apparently could alter someone's appearance. Of course, Roxas had no idea about spirits and thus did not know why such a thing would be necessary. Next up was a girl named Rika. She opened by saying that she had only been "a person" for three days, having been a part of something called an Abyssal Fleet beforehand. She said Kamek had freed from Galeem... Galeem? Had Roxas heard that name before? No, no of course not. Anyway, for weapons she possessed a set of guns and blades. There didn't seem to be much else beyond that. After this Roxas noticed that one of the robot girls had come over and sat next to him. She said he didn't have to be so formal and could loosen up a bit. Also, what was an "anime" boy? She had called him one and referred to some other person she knew as one, but Roxas had no clue what that meant. He wasn't sure what was so interesting about him, but he let it go for now and just nodded in response. The next one to go was Sectonia. While Roxas had already met her, this was first he was hearing about her actual abilities. She said she was a sorcerer and spellsword, and could easily control who would be affected by her magic and who wouldn't be. She also claimed to control space and time, but... Roxas had a tough time believing that. It sounded more like a boast than anything. And why did she insist on calling everyone her subjects and minions? After the Queen, the robot girl next to Roxas got up took her turn. So her name was Blazermate? And she said she was the main healer, implying at least part of what she brought to the table. And then out of nowhere she pointed at Roxas and shot a beam at him, "Whoa!" he shouted in surprise, putting up his arms defensively. But the beam didn't hurt at all. In fact he then noticed that turned him blue and metallic, and invincible according to Blazermate, "Whoa... weird." The next was Susie, who introduced herself as the CEO of a company that Roxas had never heard of. She summoned some kind of robotic suit, which served as both her armor and her primary weapon. After that she started going over a lot words and jargon that may as well have been an alien language from Roxas' perspective. Still. she was obviously smart and knew her way around machines. And given the number of robotic people here, that was probably a very welcomed skill to have. After this was the introduction of a seemingly normal looking girl. She introduced herself as Karin Kanzuki, and evidently she was a martial arts master. So someone who possessed no weapons or magic? Just relied on the strength of their own fist? One had to respect the resolve it must take to do that when surrounded by many magic and technology users. After her was a girl named Sakura, who seemed a lot less confident but was also a martial artist like Karin. After the two girls was a tall man with white hair and blackened armor, and a horn of some kind on his forehead. He introduced himself as Geralt, and he was something called a Witcher. Apparently that meant he hunted monsters like Ace did. And he was old, very old. Saying he had nearly a hundred years of training and experience. Just how old was this guy? He also mentioned being fused with some spirits, and that they were responsible for how he currently. And now Roxas was wondering how many of the others were fused with spirits that was changing their appearance. But he was quite skilled overall. Tracking, spells, mastery of swords and various other weapons. It almost made Roxas think he could learn a thing or two more about fighting from him. The Seeker up was a guy who looked like a literal angel, with his white clothes and white feathery angel wings. Pit had even said he was a servant of a Goddess. Sounded pretty angelic to Roxas. He was a captain of his Goddess' royal guards, and wielded a blue-and-gold bow weapon. Well, it looked like a bow, but it also looked like it was sharp like blades too. Were they swords that should shoot arrows? Wouldn't be the strangest weapon Roxas had ever seen by a long shot. And then there was Omori. A gloomy-looking boy with a blank expression. He claimed he wasn't as strong or flashy as everyone else, but that he could fight using his emotions. Roxas couldn't begin to imagine how that would work or if he would be all that proficient at fighting that way. He had a feeling Omori wasn't giving himself enough credit. Then again, he also said that he was looking for his missing friends and sister. Something that obviously hit close to home for Roxas, so maybe he was being a little bit biased. Roxas decided that he had to help this kid find his friends. Being in the exact same position, Roxas himself would have appreciated whatever help someone else offered him in finding his own friends. Next up was Jesse, whom Roxas already met earlier. For once he wasn't especially surprised by her abilities, having already seen a glimpse of them for himself during their big race earlier. He was instead surprised to learn about her guns, particularly the one that didn't run out of bullets. Sounded super useful, but for the part that only she could apparently use it properly. She liked scary movies, which Roxas couldn't bring himself to disagree with. Such a thing could be fun when the mood and occasion called for it. She then mentioned her people being in danger in a city far to the north. Roxas didn't know what that was about, but he kind of wished they could go help them. It sounded like they needed it. And then there was Bede. A very confident kid dressed all in pink who informed them that he was something called a Pokemon Trainer. He then mentioned that he noticed a few of the others had them as well. So was that all those creatures were that were summoned by Midna and Jr? So did that mean that Roxas could become a Pokemon Trainer too? Maybe he should ask Bede about it if he got the chance. Having some extra buddies to help him out in battle could come in handy. And he had to admit it sounded like fun, too. And finally, all the introductions were eventually done and over with. After this the Seekers all separated and went to go shopping or run other errands. As for Roxas, he had business to take care of at the Barracks. He needed to let the Commander know that he was leaving Twilight Town, and it just so happened that one of the Seekers, Vandham, had business with the barracks as well. As such, Roxas offered to show him the way and to introduce him to the Commander. As they walked, Roxas noticed the captive pirates and Vandham explained how the they had attacked the Seekers while enroute here and they needed to be handed over to the authorities. That explained why Vandham wanted to go the Barracks, of course. And naturally, Roxas also explained that he was a member of the Town Militia and needed to report to the commanding officers and hand in his resignation. "Sorry I've been gone for so long, Commander." said Roxas apologetically when the entered the barracks, "A lot of new arrivals came and some important things were brought to my attention. This is Vandham, by the way. He leads a group of mercenaries who arrested some pirates for us." "I see." Auru had said in response, "Thank you for your work." he said to Vandham, and then to Roxas he said, "I'd like you fill me in on these things that came up." "Do you remember my missing friends?" he asked the Commander, knowing Auru was one of the only people he'd ever told about them, "Well, I discovered today that a group of my old enemies have resurfaced. And now I'm worried that they're involved." Auru rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "I see. And you intend to investigate this information for yourself?" "Sort of. The arrivals that came today had a few run ins with them, so I think if I join up with their party I'll get a chance to see for myself what my enemies are up to." "Hmm." Auru looked troubled, "It sounds as though you'll be leaving us." "I'm afraid so, sir." "Well, I hate to lose you Roxas. But this sounds like a personal matter, so I won't stop you. But do take a moment to say goodbye to the others, won't you?" Roxas heeded the advice. He took a few minutes to say his goodbyes to the other militia members. Whites in particular made Roxas promise to bring his friends back and introduce them after he found them, to which Roxas agreed readily. With the goodbyes over, Roxas left the Barracks and ran to catch up with the Seekers at the picnic lunch. Once there, Roxas answered the barrage of questions he was unsurprisingly asked as best as he could. At a certain point he simply found himself standing up in front of everyone so he could just tell them all more about the Organization. That turned out to be harder than he thought, since the more he thought about it the more realized how confusing the full story actually was. What Roxas wouldn't give to have a Gummi Phone right about now. Still, Roxas did his best to keep it as simple as possible. He started by explaining what Heartless and Nobodies were, as that would provide enough context to understand what the first Organization XIII was about: a group of Nobodies reportedly seeking to find a way to become whole again. That of course had been lie, Roxas further explained as he continued his story into the actions of the so-called "True" Organization XIII led by Xehanort. Roxas made sure to include that either Xehanort, his Heartless (Ansem) or his Nobody (Xemnas) were the ones most likely leading the current Organization. But he obviously couldn't be sure without seeing them for himself. After this he found himself chatting for longer with Kamek and Big Band, who both seemed to be more curious about the Organization than anyone else. Kamek especially, given that she seemed to already knew a few of the things Roxas had explained thanks to her discussions with the Master of Masters, "Unfortunately, I've never actually met the Master of Masters myself." Roxas clarified at one point during the conversation, "I'd never even heard of him before Sectonia told me about him. But it sounds like he knows even more than I do. If it's possible I'd like meet him as soon as possible. He may be interested in meeting me as well since we're both Keyblade Wielders and all." Once he was finally able to satisfy Kamek's curiosity, Roxas tried to chat a bit with some of the other Seekers. At first he talked a bit with Raz, being a bit curious about whether the kid could actually read minds. He also asked him a bit about what Mental Worlds were like. Roxas knew there were all kinds of worlds, but never dreamed there were worlds inside people's minds. The other Seeker Roxas found himself talking to was Bede. After seeing all the Pokemon that some of the others had, Roxas was admittedly curious to learn about them himself. He pestered Bede a bit with questions about Pokemon and whether or not Roxas himself could become Trainer. That led to him asking Bede for one of his Poke Balls or if Bede knew where Roxas could get some. Eventually though, the picnic lunch came to its end. The Seekers were divided into two teams, one that travel along Black Line and another that would take the Purple Line. Roxas was in the former team, alongside Raz, Bede, and quite a few of the others. It seemed as though the Seekers he had already met earlier were pretty much all on the Purple Team though. That meant that despite only just meeting them, they'd have to part ways already. Well, it had to be done, as much as it sucked to have part ways with new friends. But that left Roxas with a slew of other people to become more acquainted with instead, and luckily he'd already started doing so with Raz and Bede, sort of. The Metro was definitely something else. Roxas knew this place was accessible via Station Heights but this was the first time he ever ventured that far in. Despite being indoors and underground, it was well lit with all sorts of colorful lights and signs all pointing to numerous places in seemingly numerous directions. Roxas glad he never came in here alone, because he'd probably get lost if he had. But before Roxas could become any more impressed, he heard a loud voice voice commanding someone to "take them" followed the ground beginning to rumble. "That's not good!" he yelled when he caught glimpse of the literal tide of felines all charging toward them. Actually they were sort of reminding him of a [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BvCfYhHKpPo/maxresdefault.jpg]Heartless[/url] his friends had fought during their battle at the Keyblade Graveyard. Of course, Roxas seriously doubted these were anything like Heartless, given how intelligent they apparently were. Everyone took off running. But since Roxas had no idea how to navigate this place, he instead stuck close to Raz who did seem to know where he was going. As Raz hit parts of the cat wave with psychic blasts, Roxas decided to help him out by summoning one of his Keyblades and blasting back blotches of cats that came at them using Waterga spells. The Waterga spells wouldn't be super damaging, but they were perfect for knocking back targets utilizing the actual pressure of the water blasts. That, and cats generally hated the Water, so most likely at least some of them wouldn't be too keen on coming after the guy blasting them with water spells. This was about when Roxas spotted Red using his superpower to punch a train off it's tracks, "Whoa!" he yelled in awe, but couldn't be impressed for long. Immediately after he also spotted Red falling down to a lower level, which actually made Roxas stop for the briefest, "Oh no, Red!" his first instinct was to jump down after him, but even that became impossible when the tide of cats blocked the way. This left Roxas no choice but to continue after Raz. Thankfully, Roxas' own athletic ability and knack for adapting to the layouts of his environment gave him a keen edge in spotting ways of getting past cats and other obstacles. That allowed him to catch back up to Raz with relative ease. But by now Roxas had noticed that a number of their teammates were no longer in sight, "Uh, Raz, we've got a problem. Looks like we've lost some of our teammates!" he told the Psychonaut as he resumed his earlier routine of blasting bunches of attacking cats with Waterga spells, "Are you positive you know where we're going? 'Cuz I'm totally lost!"