[center][h1][color=salmon]Ace Cadet[/color] & [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Pit[/color][/h1]Word Count: 1910 (+3 exp) [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 154/90[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][u]Level[/u]: [b]2[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 60/20[/color] [b]Location[/b]: Nyakuza Metro[/center] Once the meet and greet was over, it was time for lunch. With no personal matters to attend to nor any particular wants or needs, Pit stuck close to Peach and the others tasked with organizing the picnic itself. A blanket large enough to fit all twenty-something of them (with some much larger than human sized to boot) would be impossible to find, so the angel fetched a few and ran on ahead to spread them out, all the while throwing food suggestions at the others while they were in the process of buying. Viridi always said he was a glorified errand boy, but Pit had never minded that type of work. Besides, it wasn't really true anyway! Meanwhile, the Cadet visited a few of the stores that they passed. He was curious to see if there were any unique shops, but he found it was mostly the same kind of goods one would find in any town. Not that it stopped him from perusing them, picking up little things here and there to restock his own inventory. He'd done most of that at the Alcamoth, but seeing as they'd just come from a battle on the sea and they just happened to be a in nice town, he figured he might as well top off. It was not pride that stopped him from taking Peach up on her offer of gold, but the promise of embarrassment if he had to rely on her treasury. While he still had his own funds he'd try not to mooch too hard. The lunch itself was very pleasant. There was an incredible spread, not just in variety but sheer number - as expected, with so many food fiends in their group. Conversations were lively, and Pit flitted from one to another, jumping into any conversations he could hear with comments or questions and generally would have been making a nuisance of himself if not for the warm and relaxed atmosphere. As people were still getting to know each other, most didn't mind it. The Cadet noted Nadia's haircut back into the shorter bob style she'd sported before. It was a look she obviously preferred, and it did look good on her - he told her as much as everyone settled down onto the blankets. Afterward he took Wonder Red up on trading techniques, although their discussion didn't get very far into "techniques" per se. The hunter gleefully spent time talking about the Hunter's Guild, how it handled missions and monsters, and how it functioned in general. He also listened with interest to the more in depth details on the Wonderful 100, and the kind of threats they faced and how they were deployed. Their talk was cut short when Bowser Junior got back from the Alcamoth and mentioned a surplus of items, which was something the Cadet didn't want to miss. He took a trip back to Smash City, and returned not long after with a interesting [url=https://i.ibb.co/yQtQNHZ/Breechshot-render.jpg]weapon[/url] tucked into his backpack. Finally, on the topic of who was headed where, the hunter would be headed underground and sticking with Ms. Fortune and the Troop, and other allies new and old. Meanwhile Pit declared he would be going to Dystopiascape to follow through with the end of the "Neo Red Team" mission. Anything that wasn't eaten during lunch, which wasn't much, was wrapped up safely to go. One train ride later and the Seekers were in the subway's main lobby. Like the other newcomers to the Nyakuza Metro, both the Ace Cadet and Pit were impressed with the place. The colors, the look of it, the smell even. Sadly, they didn't have long to take it all in before things went... well, as they usually did. Not in the Seekers' favor. [color=salmon]"Already?"[/color] the Cadet asked. It had barely been a couple hours since the last ambush! And yet here they were with an actual bounty on their heads. He couldn't help but laugh at Karin's exclamation that said bounty was too low. At first he prepared himself for a fight, but soon after seeing the sheer number of cats advancing on them he agreed with Peach's assessment: it was time to run. The Seekers scrambled, splitting into three groups: those bound for the Under, those heading toward Dystopiascape, and the Phantom Thieves on their way to the Gray Line. Those that knew their way around already took the lead, and the rest followed in anyway that they could. When the cats swooped in front of the group and seemingly blocked the way, everyone else headed to the Purple Line got around it - some leaped, some flew, some took detours. The monster hunter, for all his strength, endurance, and at times cleverness, had always been lacking in speed. The wave of metro cats was quicker than he was, and by the time he was close enough to try to grapple an overhang and swing over the mass he was surrounded on all sides. He tried the grapple anyway, but the crowd of cats as not keen to let yet another Seeker pass - a few daring kitties jumped up and knocked the clutch claw off course where it fell to the ground. When the Cadet reeled it back in, a metro cat rode the contraption right back towards him and jumped onto his shoulders. Rather than a friendly purr, it took hold of his armor and tried to tip him over into the waiting claws of it's fellow felines. Just one cat trying was useless, and the Cadet quickly shook it off, but the others seemed encouraged and all at once the horde rushed in and swallowed the hunter. [color=salmon]"Get - off -!"[/color] he struggled, fending off cats from literally every direction as they scrabbled not just around him but above and underfoot as well. This was quickly becoming a cat-astrophe, and though the Cadet's armor saved him from any dire wounds he could feel the cats trying to get into the spaces between and try prying his protection off or otherwise immobilizing him. [color=salmon]"Okay, enough kitten around!"[/color] The Master Bang was in his hands, and though it was with some difficulty due to the sheer number of cats mobbing him, the Cadet pulled off his sword art of Round Force. The spin was wider than the length of his blade, and the force that was enough to push fellow hunters into the air flung all of the cats surrounding him off. With some breathing room now the Cadet could see that he'd been pushed backward away from the direction he'd been heading. It was with a sinking feeling in his chest that he noted he didn't see any of the other Seekers around at all. The was until he felt a weird pull, his vision stretch and blur, and then suddenly he was not on the ground floor surrounded by metro cats but splayed on a walkway with Wonder Red and Big Band standing around him. The Cadet scrambled to his feet, eyes wide and a little freaked out. [color=salmon]"What happened?"[/color] He questioned, getting a quick explanation from Red that he and Band had been dragged into his Unite Morph. Seeing as that's probably what saved him from being captured or worse, the Cadet wasn't mad - he'd have to thank the guy later, in fact. For now, he made to escape with the other two men in any direction they could, even if it meant they'd be separated from the others. Meanwhile on the path to the Black Station, everyone hurried after Raz. Though many had only met the psychic that day, it said a lot that they were willing to trust him to lead them to safety in this situation. Pit sprinted along after him, keep a close eye so as not to lose him in all the twisting, turning, and general chaos of enemies on their tail. He also tried not to think about if he didn't have a guide to follow, he would definitely have gotten hopelessly lost and overrun. As it was, the cats were fast - and the fastest among them did try to outrun the heroes. With the Palutena Bow split into it's two blades, Pit fended off any cats that tried getting in their way. His haste combined with his natural quickness had Pit toward the front of the group. By the time they got close enough to the station's entrance where Raz pointed up, the angel was covered in scrapes and scratch makes where cat claws and improvised weapons reached him before he could reach them. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Aw man, all the way up there?"[/color] It didn't seem like the elevator would make it to them in time, and even if it did those kinds of doors were notoriously slow to close. Climbing it was. Or in his case, jumping. With a running start Pit leapt up and pushed off the side of an indoor shop, and with the help of his wings he got pretty high before he had to kick off the pipe itself and do it again, heading up. As he was ascending, Pit caught sight of a pair of slightly different looking kind of [url=https://i.ibb.co/fFvFTBf/Venice-Cat-Guard.png]cats[/url]. They shuffled around a level or two higher than the one the Seekers were on, and then peered over the edge. In their paws they produced something cartoonishly bomb-looking, so much so that Pit could only assume that was exactly what it was. And the cats held it out over the side, ready to drop it on the group below. The bomb didn't look very big, but still - wasn't that a little much?! [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Oh no you don't!"[/color] Pit kicked off the tube and clicked the two halves of the bow back together. He soared toward the group, spinning his sword in hand when they threw the little explosive at him as he predicted they would. It bounced off of the attack, striking the underside of the walkway instead where it blew in a small fiery wave. There didn't seem to be any structural damage, but the pathway shook from the miniature explosion, giving Pit enough of an opening to flap his wings and join the cat guards on the walkway where they put up little fight. With them taken care of and, unbeknownst to Pit the other ambushing sniper cats already handled by Midna, the rest of the Seekers at least wouldn't have to deal with any nasty surprises from above. They would still have to deal with the cats on the ground floor, but that was something angel could help with as well. Pit finished making his way to the Black Station, and taking up a high spot he looked back the way he'd come for any stragglers. With the bow pulled back and light arrow formed, he could reverse the situation just a little bit and take shots to cover the other Seekers that hadn't made it up yet. Pit was competitive, but they didn't need to [i]win[/i] they needed to [i]escape[/i], so any opening he could give them would be useful. The angel loosed his arrows, pinging off of any cats that got too close to the others. The largest and most dangerous looking opponents were his targets for the most part, whether they were burly catmen built like mountains giving chase or sneaky catmen firing at his friends, the brilliant blue arrows found their marks. Due to the way the arrows could change direction they provided some good cover fire.